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Need a ruling on this one

The Anomaly

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Okay so, Father's Day is coming up. I'm not married to Mrs. Anomaly, but we've been living together for 11 years now. She has a kid from her previous marriage. Because of their custody agreement, she lives with us and has visitation with her Dad every other weekend. Long story short with that, I consider her my stepdaughter and treat her like she's my daughter, and her Mom gets me gifts for Father's Day.


Now, normally for Father's Day, the whole family (Mrs. Anomaly's sister and hubby, and the 'rents), just gets together at one of our houses and bbq's. It's more about getting together, and being together.


We talked about having it at our house this time. None of the women cook on the grill, only the men do that. So, whenever we bbq, that's how it goes. That means that I'll be the one cooking, and I've done it in the past, so has Dad-in-law.


Am I being petty, by saying that I just don't want to do that on Father's Day?


Like, the last time I did, everyone was pretty much socializing on my sofas, and I was the one running around, inside and outside of the house, preparing everything. I felt more like the butler, and I just don't see how that is "my" day, if I'm going to be doing that.


That's the running joke in my band now, the ask me, "hey, what are you doing for your birthday, cooking for the whole family"??


So, what do some of you other parents do? Do you go out, do you stay in? If you stay in, is it on you to host everyone, or does the wife take care of it?


Since Dad-in-law has done it a good few times, (he actually cooked on my grill one year), am I just being a baby, and should I just suck it up?


TL; DR version: I'm hosting and cooking for everyone on Father's Day, and don't really see how that's "my day" if I'm doing that, am I just being a baby?




My Dad died when I was 4 years old, and my little one goes to her bio-dad's crib all day, so, having the missus' family together is the positive, but I kind of feel like the outsider/butler that day. Dad-in-law is a great guy, but he's not MY Dad, and the one I'd take a bullet for isn't there either, so, its not exactly the best day for me, but I do and will do it for the missus.

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Tell the wimmenz its time to learn how to grille. :cop:


Seriously, I dunno if its petty or not, but I would never expect my dad to do the grilling on father's day unless he was one of those guys that LOVED to run the grille.


So, back to my first statement. :lol:

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I love cooking for my family, I don't care what day it is, father's day, birthday ... whatever. My wife and I are renewing our vows next year and I'm cooking (doing a BBQ, steelhead, ribeyes and lamb); can't wait. :idk:

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no I don't think its petty. in my family when its your day, bday, mothers, fathers day, you plan the day to your liking, restaurant, movies, park, etc. and everyone obliges (to an extent of course)


tell them you just wanna stay home and relax no BBQ or visitors and they should be ok with that. but thats my family

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Joli post-Nice. Je viens de tombe sur votre forum et je voulais vous dire que j'ai vraiment apprecie la navigation de votre forum. Apres tout, je vais vous abonnant a vos flux RSS et j'espere que vous ecrire a nouveau bientot!



Translation: Nice post Nice. I have just come across your forum and I wanted to say I really enjoyed browsing your forum. After all, I am subscribing to your RSS feed and I hope you write again soon!


Response: What in the actual {censored}.

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Joli post-Nice. Je viens de tombe sur votre forum et je voulais vous dire que j'ai vraiment apprecie la navigation de votre forum. Apres tout, je vais vous abonnant a vos flux RSS et j'espere que vous ecrire a nouveau bientot!



Well, Anomaly. I think you have your answer. Can't argue with that.


Edit: Damn you, Izzy.

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{censored}ing hell.

Seems a bit of a 1950's attitude to me.

I wouldn't have a problem with doing it.


I'd PREFER to do it myself because then at least I've got something to do and I know the food will be to my standards - ie BLACK

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Crazy idea: act like a father on father's day.


Okay, fine, but then what day during the year do you get to take it easy? Conversely, do you tell the missus to "man up" on Mother's Day, and watch her bust her ass in the kitchen to serve you? :lol:

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Joli post-Nice. Je viens de tombe sur votre forum et je voulais vous dire que j'ai vraiment apprecie la navigation de votre forum. Apres tout, je vais vous abonnant a vos flux RSS et j'espere que vous ecrire a nouveau bientot!






100% THIS!!!!!!

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My wife wouldn't give {censored}, she would just say "stop being a {censored} and man up".


This is pretty much what I'm getting from the missus.

There is a silver lining though, the more time I spend on my back deck, grilling, with a beer or two, the less time I have to be inside, listening to the mother-in-law!:eek:

I could be thinking about this the wrong way.

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Shrug. We're asked for opinions, I posted mine. Not seeing the problem. PS: I cook , and its something i love doing, but I don't "serve" or do dishes {censored}, that's for woman folk. Mileages vary. :o

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What about some sort of compromise? You all host people, but buy the BBQ or whatever. Then you get the family hangout with lots less of the work.


This is pretty much what I'm getting from the missus.

There is a silver lining though, the more time I spend on my back deck, grilling, with a beer or two, the less time I have to be inside, listening to the mother-in-law!

I could be thinking about this the wrong way.



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honestly i would set up some tunes outside with a cooler full of beer and recruit someone to be a runner for you to deliver messages and run food in and out. seems like you could spend the whole time outside drinking beer and everyone would praise you for cooking and hosting on your day = maximum profit

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