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how do you guys deal with your dry spells?


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I am having one now... can't come up with any new musical ideas that are worthwhile. I am normally a very prolific writer and come up with great riffs and ideas easily. But for the last month or so, I haven't had any good ideas.

I know the usual remedies... listen to a different style, buy some sheet music for a different instrument and learn it on guitar etc... but I don't feel like doing any of that {censored} right now. Well, a friend of mine let me borrow a huge Ray Charles piano songbook the other day and I have been adapting some of his piano licks for guitar, that's cool.

but still, as far as new ideas for the band, I got nothing. We are recording the 12 songs we have at the moment and talking about working on new material soon, which invariably starts with me writing new riffs and song structures, but I can't come up with anything worth keeping at the moment.



Sometimes I tell my girlfriend to piss me off on purpose, other times I go and do other things, like run or watch a movie or whatever. If nothing else works, I write something that is completely and entirely unlike anything I've ever done before. If none of that works, I'll write something on say the piano, or at the very least, go for a different feel. If I've been writing a lot of heavy music in the same tuning, I'll go for something creepy and in a different tuning.

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play acoustic


record a bunch of garbage and try and pick out the parts that actually work


play some shows



and, most importantly, gearwhore. Now I know you're new to the whole "disregard bitches/acquire gear" thing, but you should really try it :lol: Sometimes a new piece of gear (or revisiting stuff you don't use as often) can be very inspiring musically.

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The easiest thing that helps me open up creatively is playing when I should be going to sleep. My mind feels more free. Unorthodox playing and the use of different sounds comes more naturally. On top of this I may change the lighting to black light or candles just to draw my attention away from staring down the fretboard.


Another thing would be to transpose song ideas that flash from waking dreams to my guitar. These need to be written to hard paper copy because they are quickly forgotten.


Maybe try to play to an emotion. I believe this is how Maggot Brain was written. Pick an emotion, message, or setting and describe it with your playing. You can try to play through a progression of emotions.


You can try taking something that doesn't work and then use it. This forces you to work in a new method.


Idk try a new tuning..

My approach currently has been to start over and take jazz lessons.

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I fall into the I write less and worse material when I'm happy area too.

For me the best method is to simply hardly play guitar at all for a little while, then after that I jam with my drummer for awhile and usually good {censored} just happens.

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I hear you, I now a lot of guys that are like that, but I'm not of them. And I don't think anything have changed in that regard, I am really happy right now, but that's how I am most of the time, to be honest. Other than major tragedies, I don't let things affect my mood too much, because I do have
a lot
of blessings to count, just at the most basic level (my son is happy and healthy, my parents are healthy, my home is a month away from being paid off, good job, good relationship, great friends, good health and the list goes on and on), so I don't really have any major changes when it comes to that, yet I am normally able to write {censored} just fine, but right now, I have no good riff ideas.

I think new gear would help though


I find it better to just collaborate with other players, bassist, drummer, vocalist, especially when dry points occur. Working individually can be too self critical. You can have a brilliant idea to others and yet personally, you might think it sucks and give up on any direction that may follow that initial idea.

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