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My Zager Experience


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In a word, disappointment.


I was probably the typical Zager customer: Very ignorant as to what to look for in a good guitar and what is out there and for how much money. I am 47. I played guitar from about age 12 til I was about 18. Since then my electric Hagstrom Swede has sat under my bed. Maybe I'd take it out once or twice a year. A few months ago, my kids expressed an interest in learning to play. I went ahead and bought a Cort Earth Acoustic guitar for $175 thinking it was for them. But what happened was I just loved the sound. And I found myself playing it for hours a day, really having a great time. I figured if I was going to be playing that much, I might as well invest in a better guitar.


Late one night, I was cruising Ebay for Martins since that was a brand I was familiar with. And I happened upon some ads for the Zagerized Martins. Then I figured rather than dealing with EBay, I might as well go to their website directly. Well, the website makes a very good case for their guitars. Also they were to include free lessons. Then you read the testimonials, listen to him play and it's all very convincing. Then I did a Google search and found all of these glowing reviews of their guitars. So late one night I went ahead and ordered one. I figured with the money back guarantee, what did I have to lose?


Well, once I ordered one, I decided to research it a bit more and finally came across this guitar forum. And I want to thank all of those who contribute their honest opinions and expertise. That is when I started to question my decision. I started to read about all of the wonderful guitars out there in that price range. My guitar did not arrive for two weeks, not 3 or 4 days like they mentioned. Some sort of mix up at UPS according to Denny JR. So that was frustrating. It arrived in this box that had obviously been used at least twice before thus indicating all of the returns they must get. And as I already said, I was very disappointed. The sound was no better than my Cort. The setup was no better than the one they did on the Cort at the local guitar store for free. It was no EZier to play. But I played it all weekend just to be sure. Sent it back in the mail yesterday. Now I just have to hope they don't charge me anything saying there's damages even though I don't see any.


So after my more extensive reseach plus a trip to the local guitar store, I decided on a Larrivee L-03 from Notable Guitars. From everything I can tell, I think I am going to be much happier. Plus it costs the same money as the ZAD80 plus it includes a hard case unlike Zager who charged an extra $100.


Sorry if this starts another round of Zager debate. Some people who own one do seem happy. Good for them. But I am a bit suspicious about all of the glowing rave reviews for what to me seems like nothing special. As some have hinted at in other posts, the wording is eerily similar to the testimonials on the website.


Thanks again for all the info on this wonderful forum. I've learned a ton about every aspect of playing acoustic guitar. I can't wait to try out my new Larrivee and try out some of the free instructional sites that have also been mentioned on these forums.

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Late one night, I was cruising Ebay for Martins since that was a brand I was familiar with. And I happened upon some ads for the Zagerized Martins. Then I figured rather than dealing with EBay, I might as well go to their website directly. Well, the website makes a very good case for their guitars. Also they were to include free lessons. Then you read the testimonials, listen to him play and it's all very convincing. Then I did a Google search and found all of these glowing reviews of their guitars. So late one night I went ahead and ordered one. I figured with the money back guarantee, what did I have to lose?

Well, once I ordered one, I decided to research it a bit more and finally came across this guitar forum. And I want to thank all of those who contribute their honest opinions and expertise. That is when I started to question my decision. I started to read about all of the wonderful guitars out there in that price range. My guitar did not arrive for two weeks, not 3 or 4 days like they mentioned.



What is it about this forum that makes it hide until after the Zugar is ordered? What you describe is exactly what happened to me -- glowing reviews, then after ordering came across this site.


However, from all accounts -- including my own experience -- Denny does in fact give a prompt hassle-free refund including the shipping costs.

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OP was not what I expected either. I though, "Here we go again." What a surprise! Congrats on the Larrivee. By all accounts, you have yourself a fine guitar, indeed.


And welcome to HCAG.



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Glad it all worked out for out. No one in their right mind is going to criticize you for getting a Larrivee. You obviously did your research well, late or not. And as stated previously, Denny does seem to honor his no-hassle money back guarantee.

Welcome to the forum!

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Where did you get a Larrivee L-03 for the price of a Zager?





They don't put the price on their website. But if you send them an email, they'll give you all of their prices. They're having some sort of sale right now until they run out of their 2007 guitars.


The price was $200 cheaper than my local guitar store here in Florida. Plus no sales tax or shipping costs. Plus the case is included.

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They don't put the price on their website. But if you send them an email, they'll give you all of their prices. They're having some sort of sale right now until they run out of their 2007 guitars.

The price was $200 cheaper than my local guitar store here in Florida. Plus no sales tax or shipping costs. Plus the case is included.


The owner of Notable Guitars is Jason. He's a great guy to do business with. :thu:

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