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What do you get? What would you like to get more of?

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Something Ken said in another thread got me thinking:


For some reason, I don't get hardcore or metal anymore. I'm getting experimental, pop, ethereal, rock, etc. mostly. I'd like to get more international and folk.


So I thought I would ask:


1. What genre(s) do you most often work in?


2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two?


3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of?


4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of?


5. If you're not completely happy with the stuff you're doing, what are you doing about it? (which kinda ties into the "finding talent" thread. :) )


I look forward to reading your responses. :):wave:

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I've been working in dance music for the past 20+ years. I'd like to branch out and do some rock in the Zep vein, but it's hard finding the right band for it, I'd probably have to put it together myself, and I don't really have the time to put aside to do that.


The musician pool is a helluva lot thinner also, because all your would-be guitarists-drummers and now getting decks and drum machines instead. They want to DJ and rap because it's easier.

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1. What genre(s) do you most often work in?


Experimental, pop, ethereal, rock.


2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two?


A combination of the two. I'm really happy recording just about any genre, although I feel like I need some sort of connection to the music. I fortunately listen to just about every genre, and perhaps many that are off most people's radar.

3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of?


International music, folk, dub


4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of?


The "bad musicians" genre. :D

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Rock here. Sometimes on the classic and blues side, sometimes on the metal side. I definitely do what some would consider power pop - Nirvana/Weezer-ish.


I love working with 3 piece bands.


I'd like to do a little more Singer/Songwriter/Acoustic Rock/Folk, too. One of my favorite projects was something like I just mentioned above - Chadwick.

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1. What genre(s) do you most often work in?


Rock, pop, punk, hardcore, acoustic/singer-songwriter stuff


2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two?


Most bands I work with I know from playing with my own rock band and well we haven't played with too many country/bluegrass/blues/international/jazz bands.


I really don't mind really, because I've really liked each band I've worked with. It's easier to work on a project when you like the songs.


3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of?


I really would like to do some ambient experimental stuff, I think that'd be pretty awesome. It'd let me really experiment with sounds and production.


4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of?


I really don't like to do hardcore at all. I'm just not great at it. I've yet to be happy with anything I've done as far as that's concerned.


5. If you're not completely happy with the stuff you're doing, what are you doing about it?


I'm soliciting more towards the stuff I do well at. It's not too hard really. I'll do the occasional hardcore/metal act, but most of my samples are rock/pop/acoustic stuff. It lends itself to bringing in similar acts.



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1. What genre(s) do you most often work in?


The "New" New Wave. Some hippy jam band stuff with eclectic instrumentation, and power pop.


2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two?


The whole New Wave thing is because I was there working in it at the time and have some credentials in that department. The jam band thing because they like the live room and I understand musicians.


3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of?


Jazz. I want to buy a nice piano but seriously doubt that will happen. Even a nice Yamaha upright really doesn't do jazz right. But I would love to bring some modern sensibility to some 50's and 60's era jazz recording techniques.


4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of?


Jam Band


5. If you're not completely happy with the stuff you're doing, what are you doing about it? (which kinda ties into the "finding talent" thread. )


Plan on working on my own stuff for fun and possible profit. I've got my old high school friends from our band back then back together and we're going to do an album of our 3 piece power pop new wave silliness. Think Joe Jackson, etc. Fun.

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I do mostly acoustic folk or pop and some children's stuff, and gospel. I'd like to do more world music and smart pop, and even acoustic and bluegrass. I don't want to do any more vanity projects. Good luck there you cry. I want more time to do MY stuff.


Also: I want more stuff in general. Dang it's slow up here!



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Something Ken said in another thread got me thinking:

For some reason, I don't get hardcore or metal anymore. I'm getting experimental, pop, ethereal, rock, etc. mostly. I'd like to get more international and folk.

So I thought I would ask:

1. What genre(s) do you most often work in?

2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two?

3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of?

4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of?

5. If you're not completely happy with the stuff you're doing, what are you doing about it? (which kinda ties into the "finding talent" thread.

I look forward to reading your responses.


For the last eight years or so, I have been doing a lot of bluegrass and acoustic singer/songwriter stuff.


That's pretty much because I got "involved" in the bluegrass community and found a need for good quality recordings that wasn't being filled..and I discovered I am pretty good at it.


I would like to do more acoustic recording. I am not all that interested in doing rock and roll anymore even though that is what I have been recording almost exclusively for the last thirty five years.


Maybe it's old age, but doing acoustic music is just more "pleasant" then doing rock and roll anymore. I still record my own classic rock and roll band, but don't go looking for rock and roll clients anymore.


I am now very active in the regional bluegrass scene, running sound for festivals, live recording and studio recording. I actively search out clients by being a member of the Oregon Bluegrass Association, advertising in their newsletter, working at festivals as a volunteer and attending many events and festivals. Most of my clients come from that type of networking.


I also have found some full time professional karaoke singers that need CD work done and that has become a nice easy area for clients.

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What happens to me is that I'll do a few rock things, and then get bored of it, and along will come something that is more acoustic-based, and it'll be this breath of fresh air. And back and forth. Fortunately, I haven't gotten too many of the same thing over and over. I'm actually experiencing a drop-off in recording bands lately, and I'm guessing this is largely because more and more people are recording their own stuff. What has increased is the amount of editing jobs and tape transfers. I've gotten quite a few tape transfers for the Akai MG1214 since September, for whatever reason.

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1. What genre(s) do you most often work in? Film Scoring Mostly, but I do delve into some rock textures every now and again.


2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two? Mostly by choice. I'm a nobody right now so my client list is pretty small. I can fill in a lot of different genres but I prefer the more dark and ambient venues where possible.


3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of? Oh, definitely more in the Orchestral area. Its incredibly hard to create authentic sounding orchestral pieces even with todays most expensive sound libraries... but that doesnt stop me from trying ;)


4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of? Metal, hiphop, rap.


5. If you're not completely happy with the stuff you're doing, what are you doing about it?

I try to explore other musical ideas. These ideas might come from a film score that I've heard, a song on the radio from a radical new artist, old songs from radical artists (Danielle Dax comes to mind... as I have found her works highly creative) and ideas that come to me out of nowhere that beg to be heard.


My two cents


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1. What genre(s) do you most often work in?




2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two?


Preference and client demand


3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of?


experimental electronic, hip hop :)


4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of?


hardcore metal. im tired of waiting an hour per lick because that {censored} is too crazy for most amateurs to get perfect in a studio.

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1. What genre(s) do you most often work in?




2. Is that by choice / preference, client demand, or a combination of the two?


I think by reputation, but I don't mind it. Metal, that is...


3. What genre(s) would you like to do, or do more of?


Maybe more Blues and Jazz


4. What genre(s) would you like to do LESS of?


I like recording them all- even hip-hop...


5. If you're not completely happy with the stuff you're doing, what are you doing about it?


That's a good question. I need to stop being a Midiot. That might help get a few more non-metal clients. But thankfully I'm pretty busy the way it is. Lately I'm getting a LOT more mixing and mastering work from guys who have recorded themselves.

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