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HCEG Jam#2


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I had time to tackle this one tonight.
First off, the guitar on this is an Epiphone Les Paul Custom. Duncan Pearly Gates bridge and Epi Elitist neck. The zenTera was set to a Marshall 100W plexi program that I use in my band quite a bit. The effects are chorus, delay, reverb, and wah all from the zenTera.

I had 2 different takes on the beginning part and decided to use them both and pan them hard left and hard right. It doubles the line for the most part but the 2 tracks have some different lead lines that sounded cool together so I left them in.
This is in no body's style in particular so I guess it must be just pete-style. The solo is just a wank but this one was fun.

HCEG Jam#2 by pete

Now I can finally listen to all your takes!

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This is a talented bunch here! Where do I start?

Frets- As usual you smoke brother! Tasty playing and impeccable tone!

Larry- Don't be so hard on yourself! Close your eyes and let 'er rip! You sound great!

BGM- Very original! Frets nailed it- "hauntingly sweet"!

Riffy- :eek: just sizzlin' man. You kill.

Hollowbox- I loved that! Great feel for the song

RudeMood- That sounded great. I do hear the latency thing. I don't know Ableton so I can't help you there. I have the same thing in Audacity but it's simple to drag the track to sync it up to the backing track.

Kevman- One take? That rocked!

It sure would be cool if we could all jam together live on one big stage. Kind of a "We Are the World HCEG thing". This bunch could tear it up!

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Originally posted by pete n.

It sure would be cool if we could all jam together live on one big stage. Kind of a "We Are the World HCEG thing". This bunch could tear it up!

Only if I can wear leather pants and shred pointlessly over everyone like Yngwie did on the G3 Denver show:o :D

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Originally posted by pete n.

It sure would be cool if we could all jam together live on one big stage. Kind of a "We Are the World HCEG thing". This bunch could tear it up!



How about a loooong track where we each get a couple bars? Points for making it work with what came before as well as adding to the song?




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First off big points for tone and creativity!! That's one of the things I like about recording. You never know where an interesting idea will come from. The doubling was nicely complementary.

Playing was terrific all through. High energy punctuated by sweet sustaining notes!

You also kept it interesting and fresh through the changes. (I found it easy to lose my way there) Pretty darn brilliant riffage when you weren't doubling!!


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Originally posted by Frets99


First off big points for tone and creativity!! That's one of the things I like about recording. You never know where an interesting idea will come from. The doubling was nicely complementary.

Playing was terrific all through. High energy punctuated by sweet sustaining notes!

You also kept it interesting and fresh through the changes. (I found it easy to lose my way there) Pretty darn brilliant riffage when you weren't doubling!!




Wow, thanks Frets!




Where do I send the check?

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Hi guys, I've been checking this thread and the first one out pretty frequently, [no posts though, no equipment!]

I just wanna tell you you're all awesome guitarists, and like someone said its good to know we can do more than just talk about guitars here on HC.

Definitely keep this idea going, hopefully one day I'll be able to give something myself.

Oh and Riffy, your clip has AWESOME tone.:thu:


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Originally posted by patrick_fox

Hi guys, I've been checking this thread and the first one out pretty frequently, [no posts though, no equipment!]

I just wanna tell you you're all awesome guitarists, and like someone said its good to know we can do more than just talk about guitars here on HC.

Definitely keep this idea going, hopefully one day I'll be able to give something myself.

Oh and Riffy, your clip has AWESOME tone.


Hey there Mr. Fox......tone ports are going for 150$ on the 'bay......you could be jamming with us in no time. :D

Thanks for listening :thu:

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Hey S3. That track only sounds simple. It takes you places and leaves you there to fend for yourself. :D (Especially the end... just when you think you're safe... splash!)

Good job though! Lots of feeling!!:thu:

Like you mentioned, you probably wanted more control of the wah. Still sounded damn good. What kind of auto -wah was it?

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Originally posted by s3_buell

This track was really confusing to me. I never did figure out what was going on one part. Anyway here's my take that didn't really go anywhere and I found that autowahs can't read my mind at all

Get out the morley next time.

Please post your suggestions about what I might work on to improve the most.


Hell, I only did two minutes of that track and it still took me a couple listens to figure out what was going on......so don't feel bad about the track confusing you becaused it was not a real easy one. I thought you had some real nice Ideas going......but I would agree with the title of your take....get the Morley out next time. I think you could have added even more expression and feel if you had control of the wah.

I will give you credit though, through both of these first two jams I would say that 99.9 percent of the tones have been distortion with delay.....so going with the wah idea was a nice departure from the "norm"

Nice take my man :thu:

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Originally posted by s3_buell

This track was really confusing to me. I never did figure out what was going on one part.

There is a mini-bridge that can throw you. It's like it goes major but not quite. Maybe one of the jazz mavens can give us some insight into it.

For my part, I came pretty close to just cutting that section out of the track but I ended up just covering it up with studio trickery. :D

Originally posted by s3_buell

Anyway here's my take that didn't really go anywhere and I found that autowahs can't read my mind at all

Get out the morley next time.

Please post your suggestions about what I might work on to improve the most.

Well, auto-wah's are best reserved for the rhythm guitar track on a cheesy 70's porn movie soundtrack. :D

I think that using auto-wah through the whole song distracted from what you were playing since it screwed up the dynamics you were trying to use. Your playing was good, it was just getting lost in the effect.

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Originally posted by bgmacaw

I think that using auto-wah through the whole song distracted from what you were playing since it screwed up the dynamics you were trying to use. Your playing was good, it was just getting lost in the effect.



I gotta go with that too.

An effect like that is best used sparingly. Think of it like adding a spice to your food. Too much and it can overtake the flavor of the main dish.


Playing was good though.

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Originally posted by patrick_fox

Hi guys, I've been checking this thread and the first one out pretty frequently, [no posts though, no equipment!]

I just wanna tell you you're all awesome guitarists, and like someone said its good to know we can do more than just talk about guitars here on HC.

Definitely keep this idea going, hopefully one day I'll be able to give something myself.

Oh and Riffy, your clip has AWESOME tone.


Thanks so much man. I really appreciate that so much.
There are so many guys here that can truly play!

PeteN. Thanks man, I just listened to your track and wow! I really dig it. I can't believe the level of talent here.

Larry, you can play my friend! Just let it go. Go with what you hear. The thing I did was improv and did it in less than 5 minutes while I was home eating lunch. Just gotta let it go and go with where the music takes you Bro!

Hollowbox, your take was killer man! I have to catch up on the rest of them now!


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