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Bonding with guitar....How long?


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A month for me really too. I have some budget guitars that i bought when i first started playing that i just can't sell though i hardly play them anymore, but whenever i buy a new(used) guitar nowadays and i don't enjoy the sound or feel it gotta go...

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I'm surprised you have kept it that long. I would have sold it much sooner, i.e. as soon as I realized I would never bond with it. This might have taken a year at the most, depending on how close the model is to those one is used to playing.

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I just sold My Vista Series Jagmaster after only owning it about 6 months, I got it from My local music store (new/old stock) it was in immaculate condition but I never played it, it just didn't feel right, even after a pro set up. I always played My MIC Jagmaster and the Vista just sat there. I know it sounds crazy to sell the MIJ and keep the MIC but it played and sounded better.

If the guitar isn't working out for You... let it go.


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Originally posted by

I know it sounds crazy to sell the MIJ and keep the MIC but it played and sounded better.

That doesn't sound crazy at all.


What would be crazy would be to decide whether to keep or sell a guitar on the basis of its country of manufacture.




Originally posted by

If the guitar isn't working out for You... let it go.


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Originally posted by TheAtomicJeff

If you haven't bonded in 3 years then the bonding isn't coming. Kick it out (sell) like a hellion stepchild and use the money to get something better. That is wasted money sitting idle that could be put to better use.


I agree -- it might take 6 months, but three years? Naw, sell it..

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Ya, what they all said.


We've said many times here in the forum that it's not price or reputation that makes a guitar good -- it's simply whether you like it. Well, that idea works in reverse, also. If you DON'T like it, it doesn't matter how good a brand it is or how much it costs.


So sell it or trade it. Get something else. If necessary, rinse and repeat.

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I for one don't connect on an emotional or personal level with guitars.


To me they're tools. Very important and prized tools, but tools nonetheless.


I buy or build guitars with specific design characteristics and with good quality and I get used to them.


How long does that take? One string change and one gig generally does it.


I don't pose them on a couch together and call them a "family". I don't lovingly polish them and display them in a gallery like setting.


Just me.

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Originally posted by CMcKenzie

So how long do you give it? You know something you like, but dont love. I got my ESP strat almost 3 years ago and have never really connected with it. It's kind of sad, being that it plays great and sounds good.


i feel sorry for your guitar. :(

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