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Agile guitars, honestly?


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I think they are good amateur and semi-pro axes. I have one of their 335 copies and it came flawless other than needing a complete set-up and a couple of frets leveled. The pickups are just ok. I put in some Seth Lovers and it is truly an astounding tone machine now. The electronics have not given me any problems yet (have had it about 2 years), but I am probably going to upgrade the tone pots and capacitors at some point just for good measure. For the money you spend, I think you get an exceptional value and probably more for your money than any other Korean brand due to the fact that there is no middle man involved in distribution that typically cuts into the costs of mark-ups.

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Originally posted by Minitruth

I can't speak for Agile, but i have Three SX's a GG1 std, a GG2

& A PJB bass. I like all three, after some setting up. If Agile is

a step up from the GG1 LP copy, they must be rather good. I

love that GG1 std!


I love my GG1 STD too! Also my GG6 CUS, KY1 CUS, SJB 75C... you get the picture! Believe that Agile is a step above, however! My AL-2000 P90 and AL-2800 have proven it to me!!

However, even though they both have ceramic pups, my AL-2800 doesn't have that "spank" I can get from my GG1 STD. Grrrr! I bought the 2800 to REPLACE the GG1, but now I gotta KEEP it!


Agile is better hardware and better fretwork but I love all of mine, Agile and SX alike. Can't you tell from my sig? :D

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Originally posted by cacheek

So many people play these but are they really worth a damn? I mean action, fit, finish and sound? I'm just curious. How much do they usually run?



Action - Usually good out of the box, and, the way they come from Rondo when you open it, it will be the first time the guitar has seen daylight since it left Korea. Like all mass production guitars, including those made in the US, it will need some setup work. However, this is usually minor.


Fit - Excellent. CNC machines and other computerized techniques make it where very few guitars leave the assembly line in truly bad shape.


Finish - Good to Great. Just how good varies from model to model. The higher up in price, the better it gets but even the lower end ones are good. The common problem with Agiles is the weight. Some are quite heavy while others are more reasonable. It varies a lot. For example my Agile LP Jr DC copy weighs 9 lbs, which is heavy for a Junior, but another forumites regular LP style Agile weighs a reasonable 8 lbs.


Sound - Highly variable, just like the weight, and the quality of the sound goes hand in hand with the weight in most cases. The heavier, denser, ones tend to sound dead, lacking resonance and character, while the lighter ones sound great and very LP like.

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Originally posted by bgmacaw

Finish - Good to Great. Just how good varies from model to model. The higher up in price, the better it gets but even the lower end ones are good.


At the beginning of the 50% off sale, I sat and checked out a bunch of these ST models. There was a lot of set up issues that were just minor adjustments but some of the finishes were really nice. Cool eye candy.

I played about 4 or 5 ST 1000's. I picked the only one that had a full recess trem cavity. I just do little trem wiggles. No dive bombs but I sometimes like to pull back the trem for a little steel chord upward motion. I can do that the way this Agile trem cavity is recessed. The fact that it was $150.00 didn't hurt.

I think the top finish is more photo finish than veneer but that didn't concern me. The guitar played better than it looked.

I kept on going back to this white blonde ST 802. It just felt right. More than any of the Agile strats in the store. I was trying to find major Q/C issues and "this can't be for real" at this price thing. I pulled the trigger on it too. Rondo gave it to me for $120.00.

I did play some of these ST models that were pigs....at least to my set up knowledge. I'm sure some buyers with substantial lutherie skills would have no problems making them playable. I just felt more comfortable with the ones I picked.

I kept an open mind with these guitars. They appear to look like the big American models but they're not up there with the best Fender & Gibson has to offer. They adjust and play well. The rest is up to my playing abilitiy

Prices/budget aside, I would have no issues gigging with these guitars.





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I gig with my Agile Valkyrie. Dead stock. I don't think I even had to adjust anything setup-wise, though don't hold me to that.








Got it on model closeout for $99. Is is a Gibson? No. But it plays good, sounds good and looks good. I found it at least equal to (and probably superior to, though part of the preference was the Agile's P-90's over the Epi's HB's) the Epi G400 SG I previously owned (and paid $175 for used), so much so that I sold the Epi as redundant after acquiring the Agile.


Fwiw, ymmv.



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There was a time when Agile guitars topped anything Gibson, Fender, Suhr, DeTemple, or any of the other boutique builders were doing at 1/10th the price.


If you don't believe it there are litterally thousands of posts on this board and reviews on HC where people that own Agile & Gibson guitars back this up. Don't take my word for it - go do the research.


Many of these people sold Gibsons or have their Fender Custom Shop guitar gathering dust in a closet since buying an Agile.


Unfortunatly, Kurt Rondo (the man who owns Rondo Music and Agile Guitars) made a move to New Hampshire and many reported a drop in the quality of his instruments.


The Pre-NH Agiles can still be found at a fair price, although finding an unmodified "Lawsuit Model" with the correct horn, etc... can be quite challenging. If you can find one - buy it.


You will notice that the Post-NH Agiles have none of the buzz around here that the Pre-NH models had.


Many will agree that they are better value than the Epiphone and Squier guitars out there - but they no longer compete against Gibson, Fender Custom Shop, Anderson, Suhr, etc...


Buying an Agile (even a Post-NH model) is a good move.

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Originally posted by 360

There was a time when Agile guitars topped anything Gibson, Fender, Suhr, DeTemple, or any of the other boutique builders were doing at 1/10th the price.

If you don't believe it there are litterally thousands of posts on this board and reviews on HC where people that own Agile & Gibson guitars back this up. Don't take my word for it - go do the research.

Many of these people sold Gibsons or have their Fender Custom Shop guitar gathering dust in a closet since buying an Agile.

Unfortunatly, Kurt Rondo (the man who owns Rondo Music and Agile Guitars) made a move to New Hampshire and many reported a drop in the quality of his instruments.

The Pre-NH Agiles can still be found at a fair price, although finding an unmodified "Lawsuit Model" with the correct horn, etc... can be quite challenging. If you can find one - buy it.

You will notice that the Post-NH Agiles have none of the buzz around here that the Pre-NH models had.

Many will agree that they are better value than the Epiphone and Squier guitars out there - but they no longer compete against Gibson, Fender Custom Shop, Anderson, Suhr, etc...

Buying an Agile (even a Post-NH model) is a good move.



Amusing (barely) to those of us who can RBTL, but confusing to anyone who is unfamiliar with Agile, Rondo, etc.



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For those who are new, this is just a satire.


There is no difference between pre-NH and post-NJ Agile/SX guitars.


The guitars are made in Korea (Agile) and China (SX).


And Rondo Music is the name of the retailer located now in NH.


There is no such person as "Kurt Rondo".


However, there is a person named Kurt.


Kurt from Rondo Music gives great service.

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But seriously folks...


Agiles are typical of what's coming out of Korea these days and if you're familiar with that then you know it's quite good. These are servicable guitars with nice poly finishes that play well and are well built.


I've a moderate collection of guitars, mostly imports and mostly Korean at that. Agiles are comparable to all my Korean built guitars. As with most of the Korean guitars the electronics were a little sub par but easily remedied.


Again, back to my collection, I do have a couple of guitars I would consider premium offerings and in short they are better than my Korean guitars in virtually everyway conceivable, to put it bluntly.


The thing that sets Agile apart from the other Korean offereings is that they just plain cost less. It's as simple as that.

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Originally posted by cacheek

So many people play these but are they really worth a damn? I mean action, fit, finish and sound? I'm just curious. How much do they usually run?



I bought myself and Agile AL2000 for Christmas last year for about $150. It weighs a ton but it looks great and plays pretty easy, stays in tune very well, and as far as I know it sounds good. Since I am such a rookie I cant compare it to anything else but I do know that I still play it, am getting better, and now want to buy several guitars.:mad:


I wanted to see if I could teach myself to play and this guitar was the choice because of price and reputation here. It has definitely done its job. I would order another but I dont need the paper trail right now so if anyone in NJ sees an Agile Tele copy at half price, we might have to talk. :thu:


Otherwise, I am going guitar shopping this afternoon for an acoustic and to see if I can "find" a steal of a deal on a tele style guitar.

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