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Thing I noticed about AC/DC


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They never once curse in their songs, but every song is just a really thinly-veiled double entendre.


I mean, they have no problem singing about, "givin' the dog a bone" and all, but they have to dance around the cursing and say, "Money talks, BS walks." LOL.


Just one of the reasons I love 'em. When I was like 10 I started singing the first verse of "You Shook Me" at the dinner table and my big brother smacked me on the back of the head. I thought it was about a car :freak:

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. . . and all the other {censored} that they teach to kids in school. . . . .gonna be a Rock n' Roll singer

And I believe it's Problem Child starts of with "{censored} this

Two curses that I know of off the top of my head.



I was going to post that as well. They throw a few cuss words around here and there. But remember they are from an era when bands really didn't curse much like they do today. Kind of funny to say this, but it's kind of classy in the way they do it. I personally like the way they dance around some pretty dirty topics with double entendre. It's pure rock and roll genius.


I remember when I was a kid and Steve Miller Band's Jet Airliner would come on and we always wait to see if the album version or radio version would play. Funky kicks going down in the city vs funky {censored} going down in the city. Funny thing, when that is played on one of our 2 local classic rock stations (I hear it at least once a week to this day), one station plays the clean version, the other the "dirty" version!

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AC/DC was my first real rock and roll. I still love the magnificent simplicity of hard driving rock and roll.

I saw them in Jax, FL in the 70's on what must've been their first US tour, they did an extra encore, and when the lights came up they gave them a cake for the gold album for their first US LP.

Needless to say that cake didn't last long. :thu:

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Some balls are hell for charity
And some for fancy dress
But when their held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best

My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It's my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night


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AC/DC songs all sound VERY similar.



I'd amen to that.


They're very fun songs and I really do love AC/DC but I don't find them very creative really. Every song is more or less has that "rock and roll anthem"-like-ness to it.

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The greatest thing about AC/DC is that they can take four chords and make every song sound different. Try to name another band that can do that.

On the contrary, they can play any combination of chords and the result is always the exactly same. That's why they're grrreat.


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Some balls are hell for charity

And some for fancy dress

But when their held for pleasure

They're the balls that I like best

My balls are always bouncing

To the left and to the right

It's my belief that my big balls

Should be held every night



I saw a cover band last night that did this song! They did it well and it was kinda cool to have the whole bar chanting:

"But we've got the biggest, Balls of them all!"

AC/DC kicks major ass!

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all i can say, having seen these guys a couple times, unfortunately after BON, is these guys know how to rock!!!



chord progressions and patterns are not that difficult, it's all in the right hand (strumming, picking hand)...



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