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Why no love for Michael Angelo Batio?

Big Muff

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Seriously, this is not a troll post, I'm just wondering why he gets so much hate on this site. Sure he has his quad guitar wanker moments, but that's to be expected of a guitarist with his technical skill. That having been said, are there any closet MAB fans out there? Come on, you can admit it, I won't tell.:D :D




P.S. Google the song "Rain Forest" if you want to hear some killer playing!

I would post the link, but I don't know how.:confused: :confused:

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I think he is a pretty cool guy. He loves to play guitar and has been very polite and cool when I have met him. He can go over the top, but that is what got him noticed above the endless sea of shredders out there. He can play anything and can put heart and feeling into parts when they are presented.

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I think he is a pretty cool guy. He loves to play guitar and has been very polite and cool when I have met him. He can go over the top, but that is what got him noticed above the endless sea of shredders out there. He can play anything and can put heart and feeling into parts when they are presented.




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He is what I consider one of the coolest guitarist on the planet!!


anyone who can play on two necks at the same time rules!!


Does he have to shred - I bet the answer is NO!! But why plays blues riffs when you can shred like he does?


I'd love to spend a year learning from that guy and see where it takes my skills

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I think its that two neck guitar monstrosity that he plays -- it just screams stupid to me and think a lot of other people. Yeah, its cool the first time you see it, but after a 100 videos of it, it gets kind of old. I do get that he is an excellent player and can hang with the best of them, but I really don't like full on shred much to begin with, no matter who it is. Plus, I don't like his haircut.

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i personally think he wastes his talent. His two songs that you only hear are soo weird, not good weird though. Welladjusted got it right. It just sounds like his only skill is going through sweeping scales really really fast and being able to play two necks at once. I find him annoying and pretentious, but if he's happy doing it and is a nice guy from what slvrsrpnt says then who really cares if his music sucks!

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I'm not a big fan of shred music, but I can listen to some of it for short periods of time. I have noticed that many people who have the shredder reputation can do much more.


I thought that clip showed a lot of taste and feeling. I have seen some of MAB over the top shred and simply found it campy and silly. But, it's good to know that he is not just into speed theatrics and is capable of thoughtful music. :thu:


P.S. Other people have a mean guitar face. MAB is guitar face! ;)

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His playing sounds like scale exercises to me. There's no melody and no hooks. Paul Gilbert matches him in skill, or at least comes close enough for my liking, and his wanking is far more listenable




to me he's just not musical. very very good though just. but i havent really listened to a lot of his stuff. but that was my impression of what i have listened to.

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