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How many guitars do you have and do you play live?


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I have 13 guitars, but only four in proper working order right now.


I play live for a living, not a good living....not by anyones standard, but that's what I do.

I play in a seventies type rock/blues cover band, a country rock band and on my own solo acoustic, I average about 5 gigs a week in summer and 3 in winter.

All my guitars that are in one piece and playable get used, the others are mostly in bits because I've robbed stuff off them to keep my breadwinning guitars running!

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I now have five guitars, four electric and one acoustic. I gig about four times a month, and so far its pretty much always as an acoustic duo. I've finally got something resembling a full band together, so the electrics will start getting their stage time soon. I will probably only gig with the Reverends.

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3-4 gigs a month although no planned until February next year now due to band members going on holiday and other things.


Guitarwise I have one bass, two electric six-string guitars (Epi Dot and a Rickenbacker copy), one 12-string and one acoustic. Generally at gigs I'll take everything but the bass. I have three electric projects going on and I'm after a new acoustic as well :)

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wasn't there literally this exact thread yesterday? but i have 3 and use one of 2 live.



yesterdays was what is your age and how many guitars do you have. I just wanted to see how many people with tons of guitars play out.

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