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overhauling my gear


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I dont know whats come over me, but I feel compelled to just tear down and rebuild. Some things have earned their places so will stay in the rig (Mesa F-30 head, fender supersonic 4*12 cab, AC custom, G&L Legacy, and Ibanez RG1570).... I'm getting rid of the rest, and putting it towards some more expensive gear that will hopefully suit me better (I hope :freak:).


Its probably gonna be a while until I can sell all my other stuff off (twin reverb, bass amp, bass, drums, my other RG570, and other unmentionable cheap guitars :o)....


At the end, I plan to put the money towards some boutique clean to slightly dirty rig, maybe a Dr Z Maz 18 or Carmen Ghia head into a Dr Z 2*10 cab, a PRS McSoapy or Mira, and a fruity over the top warmoth superstrat build....



Anybody else done this? did you regret it after?


I've sold off a lot of gear in the past, but never in large volumes at once.

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I've had some lapses of GAS consciousness through the years where I've parted with a few gems.
The list of regret:

1955 Gretsch Country Club(Cadillac Green:cry:)
1964 Gibson SG Special
1969 Ampeg Dan Armstrong Plexi guitar
Mid 60's Mosrite thinline bass
Ampeg VT40 (original run)....this was a SWEET amp. I must have been high as a kite when I let this go.

There were more but these are the ones that went that I think about.

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Nope, never done it all at once. I don't have even enough average gear to be worried about selling even better gear to get boutiue gear (does that make sense?). But I do sell off stuff once in a while to make things less complicated, less is more philosophy. But I haven't been buying gear all that long, so it will take me a while to get to the level you're at. I could see though, eventually getting a really good LP, a really good strat, and a 335 or something like that, and not much else.

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nice im doing that to my strat, sorta, im replacing everything on it, i really liked the feeling of the neck, but i hated it, its a squier, but then i found some flaming on the back of the neck, so i am going to keep it, and just overhaul everything on it

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Keep it then.

The gear I dumped was nothing I would have missed. I kept teh cool stuff!

I dont like the tube, and chasis vibrations that occur in high power combos..... I try to ignore it, but it gets to me (its not that loud now that I changed my preamp tubes, but I can be borderline OCD when it comes to this stuff lol).... I prefer head/cab combinations, seems to eliminate that......
its a tough choice, but Dr Z cleans are as good or better (really its just preferance at this point), so I dont know if I will truly miss it once its gone.... it will be tough letting go of that beautiful reverb though :(

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I dont like the tube, and chasis vibrations that occur in high power combos..... I try to ignore it, but it gets to me (its not that loud now that I changed my preamp tubes, but I can be borderline OCD when it comes to this stuff lol).... I prefer head/cab combinations, seems to eliminate that......

its a tough choice, but Dr Z cleans are as good or better (really its just preferance at this point), so I dont know if I will truly miss it once its gone.... it will be tough letting go of that beautiful reverb though




Ya the ol' Fender reverb is something else at that. You could always go with Fenders 63' outboard reverb box replica if needed. Might be just the thing!

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I did. I got a Carmen Ghia, and I love it. That's pretty much all I play now. I even traded my Carr HammerHead since I never used it anymore.

I don't regret the "shift" that took place. Sure I have a lot less guitars - from 30 down to 12 - but what I have left is guitars that are perfect *for me*.

I dont know whats come over me, but I feel compelled to just tear down and rebuild. Some things have earned their places so will stay in the rig (Mesa F-30 head, fender supersonic 4*12 cab, AC custom, G&L Legacy, and Ibanez RG1570).... I'm getting rid of the rest, and putting it towards some more expensive gear that will hopefully suit me better (I hope

Its probably gonna be a while until I can sell all my other stuff off (twin reverb, bass amp, bass, drums, my other RG570, and other unmentionable cheap guitars

At the end, I plan to put the money towards some boutique clean to slightly dirty rig, maybe a Dr Z Maz 18 or Carmen Ghia head into a Dr Z 2*10 cab, a PRS McSoapy or Mira, and a fruity over the top warmoth superstrat build....

Anybody else done this? did you regret it after?

I've sold off a lot of gear in the past, but never in large volumes at once.

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I did. I got a Carmen Ghia, and I love it. That's pretty much all I play now. I even traded my Carr HammerHead since I never used it anymore.

I don't regret the "shift" that took place. Sure I have a lot less guitars - from 30 down to 12 - but what I have left is guitars that are perfect *for me*.



Good to see ya back in the neighborhood!

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I dont know whats come over me, but I feel compelled to just tear down and rebuild. Some things have earned their places so will stay in the rig (Mesa F-30 head, fender supersonic 4*12 cab, AC custom, G&L Legacy, and Ibanez RG1570).... I'm getting rid of the rest, and putting it towards some more expensive gear that will hopefully suit me better (I hope

Its probably gonna be a while until I can sell all my other stuff off (twin reverb, bass amp, bass, drums, my other RG570, and other unmentionable cheap guitars

At the end, I plan to put the money towards some boutique clean to slightly dirty rig, maybe a Dr Z Maz 18 or Carmen Ghia head into a Dr Z 2*10 cab, a PRS McSoapy or Mira, and a fruity over the top warmoth superstrat build....

Anybody else done this? did you regret it after?

I've sold off a lot of gear in the past, but never in large volumes at once.

Yup. I did exactly this earlier this year. Dumped a bunch of lower end amps, and started towards my "good" gear.

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I'm kind of in the middle of the same process. I have some really nice guitars I'll never part with, and I have a few I've picked up along the way that I don't consider "heirloom" instruments. I'll probably gradually phase some of those out in favor of long-term gear.


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