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Oh No, poor guy, selling his LP to buy a ring...


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BrianWahl,that's semi what the Ex & I did but we had seperate checking with a joined savings.Let's just say I was left with what ever was in my personal checking account.We had been saving for a house cash and she made out pretty well.

Besides the house and the 2 new bikes we pay cash for everything.I hate debt.

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I didn't say I was an expert. But after living with the woman for 6 years, I think I know her pretty well.

And I don't have kids yet.

It's just a guitar, you can always buy another.



Lot of bitter folk in here, huh? Just let them live a cynical life, while trying to decide what's best for everyone else.

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Lot of bitter folk in here, huh? Just let them live a cynical life, while trying to decide what's best for everyone else.

not so bitter and cynical...

let's just call it life lessons learned... :thu:

how can you improve unless you learn from your mistakes ;)

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Why doncha e-mail the Rick Nielsen (the guitarist from Cheap Trick) and ask him about it. By all accounts he's a nice guy and really into gear and would probably at least tell you about the guitar so you know how to spec it out for the build.

He's actually a pretty tough guy to get in contact with. Though it would be pretty cool if he answered my emails. I've sent 2 or 3 so far. But I think he believes I'm just some nut job trying to find out if he has the guitar at all. Anyways, I'm not looking to clone the guitar or anything, just cop some of the mojo and tone. The chambers in the body are gonna be really structurally sound, letting the guitar keep it's bass response for the most part, while adding that 335 jangle. It'll be really sweet if I can get it to come out the way I want it too. FWIW I'm using a new neck attachment method on this guitar. It's kind of a neck almost through guitar, where the neck tenon extends all the way to the bridge. On another guitar that I'm making for a certain girl, at the end of the tenon extending into one of the chambers will be a special piece of spruce, that I'll add an acoustic piezo to so as to add some nice natural ambience to the guitar. She leads worship alot, so I thought it'd be really cool, and a lot cheaper, than buying one of those fishman bridges. Plus as the wood ages, it'll sound alot better. Did I mention that one's going to be a Gold Top? Probably not, but it is.:)

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not so bitter and cynical...

let's just call it life lessons learned...

how can you improve unless you learn from your mistakes


The two best decisions I ever made were getting divorced.
I'm happier now with myself and my personal life than I've ever been.

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I sold all the gear I had two Aprils ago to fund my wife's engagement ring. Gave up a Carvin, a Gibson, and 2 Fenders. Best move I ever made. What do I play now? I've got a Squier 51 and a Hohner acoustic with a broken neck that I screwed back on with sheetrock screws. Never been happier. :thu: Doesn't hurt that my wife's European and 16 years younger than I am. I just sold my Dean EVO to fund her first anniversary gift. I've owned over 120 guitars and if I've learned anything over the years it's that there's always cool new gear around the corner.



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it's just sets a dangerous precedence for the future...

and what woman will be happy with a used ring

the chick from the metal detector comercial.

anyone seen that thing?

its an old fatish guy "my wifes proud of the weight I lost (pats stomache) and really proud of THIS! (holds up someones lost wedding ring)"

geez, talk about crappy people. WHy would she be proud of that?
Oh, yes honey we can pawn it for crack!

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He's actually a pretty tough guy to get in contact with. Though it would be pretty cool if he answered my emails. I've sent 2 or 3 so far. But I think he believes I'm just some nut job trying to find out if he has the guitar at all. Anyways, I'm not looking to clone the guitar or anything, just cop some of the mojo and tone. The chambers in the body are gonna be really structurally sound, letting the guitar keep it's bass response for the most part, while adding that 335 jangle. It'll be really sweet if I can get it to come out the way I want it too. FWIW I'm using a new neck attachment method on this guitar. It's kind of a neck almost through guitar, where the neck tenon extends all the way to the bridge. On another guitar that I'm making for a certain girl, at the end of the tenon extending into one of the chambers will be a special piece of spruce, that I'll add an acoustic piezo to so as to add some nice natural ambience to the guitar. She leads worship alot, so I thought it'd be really cool, and a lot cheaper, than buying one of those fishman bridges. Plus as the wood ages, it'll sound alot better. Did I mention that one's going to be a Gold Top? Probably not, but it is.

Come again?:confused:

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