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Just watched page on the Olympic closing ceremonies, it was...


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Given the shenanigans pulled by the chinese throughout the entire games, starting with the digitally added fireworks, the girl lip synching to another girl's voice, etc.... ya think??? :poke:



As much as Page would consider it a high honor to play the Olympics (especially when promoting the London 2012 thrills) I don't think he would have put up with such shenanigans.


Plus, if it was faked (like all that opening ceremonies nonsense), there wouldn't have been as many sound problems.

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Why would they pair him with an American singer to invite the world to London 2012?


Plus, I thought the singer was pretty good.


She was no Plant, but she was clearly talented.


Also, her dress & shoes were fabulous. When Jimmy Page was holding his guitar out like it was a great big woody... I'm pretty sure he could have held it eight inches closer to his belt if he wasn't standing next to her.

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The real highlight of this Olympics for me, though, was getting to watch it in HD.


+1 on this.. I got my HDTV a couple years ago, but I had Commiecast and they don't offer HD in my area.. They kept saying "it's coming, it's coming", but I got tired of that BS and said "I'm going, I'm going" and got Dish.. This was my first extended live sporting event coverage with it, and I must say that I'm really, really looking forward to football season..


I missed JP unfortunately.. :facepalm:

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I missed JP unfortunately..


Don't sweat it -- it's on YouChoob and somewhere in either this thread or the other Page/Olympics one there's a link to the BBC website which has the whole thing.


Main reactions: jeez, couldn't he have washed his hair ... and the man can still not only pout for England to Olympic standards, but still remember his solo note-for-note.

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Sorry, I thought it was pretty lame. What the hell does "Whole Lotta Love" have to do with anything related to the Olympics. Page just pimped himself out for the cash...not that there's anything wrong with that.


Just seemed really lame.:bor:

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I love Zep and Jimmy Page, but the choice of Page and the song itself was incredibly odd for that venue. I can't fathom how somebody comes up with the idea of using him for that situation, just incredibly bizarre.


"I'm gonna give you every inch of my love" indeed, amazing the Chinese allowed such "decadant" lyrics! Scandalous!

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"I'm gonna give you every inch of my love" indeed, amazing the Chinese allowed such "decadant" lyrics! Scandalous!



I don't think Leona actually sang that particular line ...


And it's 'decaDENT.'

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Boy, can't even slip a misspelling in around here without getting called out!


I kind of felt that was wrong but didn't think anybody would notice!


And to think I used to win all the spelling bees back in the day. Very sad!

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I love Zep and Jimmy Page, but the choice of Page and the song itself was incredibly odd for that venue. I can't fathom how somebody comes up with the idea of using him for that situation, just incredibly bizarre.



For those of you who miss the point. The last part of the Olympic closing ceremony is an invitation from the next host nation/city, and in this case London, and it's there to give a flavour of things to come......OK?:poke:

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Fairly bland and unspectacular. My 15 year old son commented "Look, he still thinks he's 20." While watching him make faces and pose.



I'm sure that he knows his age! Why do people have to act grown up when they grow up. I'm forty..should I hang up my floyd equipped guitars and start playing smooth jazz? Well, I might play some jazz, but I'm going to do it with a lime green super strat.

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Marina Hyde in The Guardian: 'One look at Page and you could be in no doubt that this was the moment he had been waiting on for his entire career. Not the moment he performs at an Olympic closing ceremony -- but the moment they cut straight to his solo.'

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For those of you who miss the point. The last part of the Olympic closing ceremony is an invitation from the next host nation/city, and in this case London, and it's there to give a flavour of things to come......OK?:poke:



I didn't miss the point. I thought the choice of song and Page was not representative of the Olympics and what they are about. To me it looked like a money grab by Page (not that I wouldn't do it if I were in his place). We tend to judge our rockers for "selling out"...Mellencamp and Segar for Chevy, Cheryl Crow for (insert name of any product from mufflers to whatever), Pete Townshend/Who for the various CSI shows... this was really not any different.

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Marina Hyde in The Guardian: 'One look at Page and you could be in no doubt that this was the moment he had been waiting on for his entire career. Not the moment he performs at an Olympic closing ceremony -- but the moment they cut straight to his solo.'



Proly wrong (didn't he wrote himself the chaotic part before the solo?) but definitly hilarious :lol: .

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I didn't miss the point. I thought the choice of song and Page was not representative of the Olympics and what they are about. To me it looked like a money grab by Page (not that I wouldn't do it if I were in his place). We tend to judge our rockers for "selling out"...Mellencamp and Segar for Chevy, Cheryl Crow for (insert name of any product from mufflers to whatever), Pete Townshend/Who for the various CSI shows... this was really not any different.



Sir Paul seemed like he would have been the logical choice. I wonder if he was offered the gig. He seems to have a more universal appeal than Page.

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The man did fine. I'm sure that song was picked because it's one of the classics of western rock and we all know how much Asia is in love with western rock music.

Leona Lewis - nice looks and a good voice. Too bad so many of you didn't like her.


Yeah, rock is really big in China :lol: NOT.

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