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Why is the house of BEHRINGER nearly universally disliked here?

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No, I don't remember that, but I do remember seeing something like it at a recent NAMM show. It wasn't a foot pedal, it was an extension of the controls that you could attach to a mic stand so you could make adjustments to a pedal without squatting down to the floor. I thought it was pretty clever.


Next thing you know, someone will make a pedal rack for a mic stand so all you need to do is push the button to engage the effect. Oh, man! I've gotta call my patent attorney.

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I didn't look up the patent but I suspect that it was sufficiently broad to cover the concept of adding even order harmonics to improve the clarity and intelligibility of music. But guitar players knew that for years, though probably never expessed it in those terms.



IIRC the thing that made it unique was the way it used distortion and filtering to generate the harmonics. If the patent had been broad enough to include adding even order harmonics in any possible way, I'm sure Behringer could have found enough prior art to invalidate the patent, or at least force Aphex to narrow their claims.

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The old MX series of Behringer Mixers sound awesome!!! And they are built like tanks, great build quality, along with most of the UB series mixers as well.

But now I had serious stereo phasing problems with a new Behringer mixer I bought model: Eurorack Pro RX1202FX line rack mixer.
Let me tell you the pan controls are pure awe-fullness!!! When I panned it hard left or hard right the volume and sound quality would drop to a dismal level and it had weird stereo phasing god awful sound problems.

What is wrong with Behringer new mixers quality control? I think now to stay competitively priced, they lower the component quality extremely, and all the meters and everything is out of calibration, the internal amps and every knob is loose and feels and sounds like total crap!!! Forget about getting accurate levels and stereo quality with their new mixers!!!

But however, on the other hand, I own the Behringer MX9000, also a MX802A mixers and the MX1604A mixer, and the build and sound quality is great!!! Right up there with Mackie quality and probably above Mackie. I had problems with several Mackie mixers that was just unacceptable!!!

Now I will never buy another new Behringer piece of garbage gear except their older mixer gear !!!

Behringer you lost me as a continued customer, thank you so much for disappointing me and everyone around the Globe!!! Greedy Stupid Jerks...........

:soapbox: Behringer's New Product Line is Crapola'
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I personally never understood all the hate towards Behringer, I have had nothing but good experiences with their gear, but i'll admit that I have only had a few of their rack units (i.e. reberb and multi FX and EQs) but I also have their BCR2000, which I think is one of if not THE best stand alone non keyboard MIDI controller out there, I've used it daily for several years now and it's still going strong, and I personally feel it offers WAY more than units costing 3-4 times as much, and for me it is an almost essential addition to Reason 4.0 and Komplete 5...check it out if you're not familiar with it



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A public service announcement: Equipment that dies quickly is bad for the environment. Such equipment wastes natural resources, fills landfills and puts toxics into the environment both during manufacturing and while it is in the landfill.



That's why I'm going to make my next house completely out of recycled Behringer equipment. I haven't figured out which piece of gear will compose the toilet. Poetic justice!

Seriously, I've had more good experiences with Behringer gear than bad.


A small mixer from 2003, okay piece of gear, used as a monitor mixer for synths. No trouble.


A MINIMON800 since 2007. No troubles. Inexpensive monitor station.


A MIC2000 preamp since 2008. Troubles. Most of the buttons on one channel have gone scratchy. Sounded okay when it worked properly though.


T1952 "Tube" Compressor. No troubles. Works okay for a buss mixer for PA work. Not terribly impressive for individual tracks. The "warmth" knob adds a bit of grit and character.


A Xenyx 6 channel mixer. No troubles. Works fine as a synth mixer.


Decent gear for a decent price. I certainly wouldn't purchase their gear for most uses if it weren't for budgetary reasons. I can admit, there's much better for not a lot more...and there's a lot better for a lot more too. No deceptions, I know it's bottom-barrel gear.

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""too bad they don't sound anything like 'em) to "tube" preamps that use LED's in back of (presumably voltage starved and unglowing) vacuum tubes to give them that "warm tube glow."


Sorry to post this late blue, But they do actually have heated filiments and the tubes are part of the active circuit. Weather the LEDs are there to enhance whet is seen or not is besides the point, the tubed do work. It does come down to weather you like the sound of a starved tuber circuit or not. Most are pretty crummy sounding in comparision to high voltage tube preamps.

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Seriously, I've had more good experiences with Behringer gear than bad.

And there's the most glowing endorsement of their products by a user I've ever seen! Over the 50% mark for good experiences!!!! When will Behringer incorporate this quote into their ad copy? :D

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And there's the most glowing endorsement of their products by a user I've ever seen! Over the 50% mark for good experiences!!!! When will Behringer incorporate this quote into their ad copy?

Add another to the 'over 50%' mark.

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Somehow they were singled out amongst other budget companies that pretty much do the same thing and it became an internet phenomenom.



The reason they were singled out was, and is, because people working on commission at music stores can't make much money on Behringer gear partly because it's inexpensive, and partly because the markup on it is so low. Thus, the "Let's tell them Behringer sucks" campaign started.


I've got aournd a half dozen Behringer items, some as much as 5 or 6 years old, all of which sound great and have never given me a problem. This includes 3 of their mixers (all of which I still have). The only problem I've ever encountered was with the GMX210 guitar amp I bought for bedroom practice levels. (I'm living in a duplex these days, so the old blackface Concert w/ 4x10s is out of the question). The input recepticle broke on it--an easy fix. It's a very nice sounding little practice amp btw.


Also, finding a way to do things better, faster, or cheaper than the other guys is what business is all about. There are only so many original ideas to go around.

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And there's the most glowing endorsement of their products by a user I've ever seen! Over the 50% mark for good experiences!!!! When will Behringer incorporate this quote into their ad copy?

And hopefully, their marketing department is better than their production department AND NOT use this endorsement!

I know, I know, you get what you pay for....

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And hopefully, their marketing department is better than their production department AND NOT use this endorsement!

I know, I know, you get what you pay for....


Maybe you're right. I was just thinking that over the 50% mark for good experiences must have been something of a milestone for them!!!!

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