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What makes you feel rich?

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Anyone who immediately ties "richness" to how much money they have in the bank, in their pocket, or what kind of car they drive, or shoes they wear, is missing the point, and probably destined for a not-very-happy life.


I can't emphasize enough the pleasure that comes from simplicity.

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Freedom and the health to enjoy it. Everything else is just details.

Terry D.



Word!! Yesterday I brought my 1978 2*100 wtt V-fet amp for repair to someone I know from a forum. I was there with my Jaguar, the guy opened the door and I entered his place, a rather small house. In a dark corner was a hospital bed where his wife was laying and yes, she lives but that's about all.


She is very very ill and will never be healthy again. They don't have any children and he has a dayjob taking care of her. He lost his job because of that and he's trying to survive by repairing audio gear in the small attic of the house.


Driving back to my own place it made me thinking and it nearly made me cry, me driving that 1969 mint jaguar to my place with that 250m

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I consider my life very rich:


I'm married to the most perfect person imaginable.


I have a blooming career that has taken me around the world and continues to offer new oppurtunities.


I have many wonderful friends (including HC!) that I truly cherish.


I have my music.


I don't have to worry about paying the bills or stocking up my fridge.


I have access to clean water and health insurance.


Yep, I'd say I have a very rich life...

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Anyone who immediately ties "richness" to how much money they have in the bank, in their pocket, or what kind of car they drive, or shoes they wear, is missing the point, and probably destined for a not-

I can't emphasize enough the pleasure that comes from simplicity.


I agree with you, but I answered the question solely based on what makes me feel financially rich.


Life richness comes from so many simple things..


Anyone ever have surgery? That first glimse of a bird in a tree outside your hospital room window afterwards.. That's richness you can scarcely imagine!


Being 10 yrs old, your parents taking you sledding with your best friends. Jack-pot!


Parents who hold there kids in there arms for the 1st time. Immense richness!


Your very 1st time onstage, when the crowd errupts in applause. Incredible wealth!


The most beautiful girl you've ever seen, oneday softly whispering in your ear.. "I'm in love with you". Untold fortune!


Richness indeed my friend! ;)

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I agree with you, but I answered the question
based on what makes me feel

Life richness comes from so many simple things..

Anyone ever have surgery? That first glimse of a bird in a tree outside your hospital room window afterwards.. That's richness you can scarcely imagine!

Being 10 yrs old, your parents taking you sledding with your best friends. Jack-pot!

Parents who hold there kids in there arms for the 1st time. Immense richness!

Your very 1st time onstage, when the crowd errupts in applause. Incredible wealth!

The most beautiful girl you've ever seen, oneday softly whispering in your ear.. "I'm in love with you". Untold fortune!

Richness indeed my friend!



Exactly. I liked the fun idea of skipping the Hallmark-isms. From the initial post:


....and I'm not necessarily being hypocritical here, or softheaded like some Hallmark card... if a Jag in your garage does it for you, or a home in Malibu, then list it.


Did I feel rich holding my daughter a mintute after her birth? I was freakin' Bill Gates.

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I am rich. I live in the most affluent country in the world (for the moment anyway). I'm not oppressed and have good health care. I have a happy and smart kid. I get to do luxuries like playing my guitar and talking to people on the Internet. I have no complaints... none.


I'm gonna second you on that, Jeff!! :thu:

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The statistics on worldwide income levels....and remembering when I was really broke as a graduate student. That's when I came up with my phrase "It's expensive to be poor". Some of you will understand that immediately.

nat whilk ii



There is truth here in what you say, as well. I think Oscar Wilde once said, "The worst thing about being poor is how much time gets wasted."

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"It's expensive to be poor".


Troof. Like yesterday when I had to shell out $250 on car repairs. :mad:


Nothing feels better than spending 1/6 of what you make in a month on your stupid car.


This year can't be done soon enough.

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I'd have to echo these two.


I can't emphasize enough the pleasure that comes from simplicity.


Of course, simplicity is a relative term, but I appreciate where you're coming from.


I can't really pinpoint what makes me feel rich, but I can definitely pick out the things that would make me feel poor.

A lot of outstanding dept.

An unreliable car.

Having no money in my wallet.

and so on...


Perhaps it's just the feeling of freedom from not having enough to maintain the basics that makes me feel rich. What a terrible feeling it would be to not have enough money to buy groceries or pay your rent. To be at a place where you would consider getting a title loan to keep your head above water for another couple of weeks.


Big houses and luxury cars are really just for show. They don't improve anyone's quality of life as far as I can tell. I used to think they did, but I've met enough miserable really rich people to cure me of that.


The one thing I do envy really wealthy people for are the vacations they can take. That part would be nice.


Of the little xtras that make me feel.... (I don't know if rich is the right word or not):


A nice cologne.

My own locker at the Y.

A clean car/house (not that my house is clean, but ooooh if it was) with a nice yard.

Nice new clothes (which I'm really about due for)

A night of really good sex -regardless of the cost:D.

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Its funny, there was a time when sitting in my studio making music and being comfortable (physically, mentally and creatively) made me feel... "rich". Then I got married, had kids and that studio time became less and less and not because I don`t like anymore. I still love it.


There are moments when I`m hanging out with my wife and kids, talking, laughing, hugging, kissing and I can`t help but feel and think, this is heaven.


Don`t get me wrong, I love making music, especially performing and recording with my band but seeing those beautiful kids and hearing their laugh... nothing comes close.

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We were driving up the west side of Lake Tahoe last week. As we came over the hill of the 2 lane road, we rose. The road narrowed even more with sheer drops off either side. No guard rails. Both sides. On our left was a smaller lake. On our right was Emerald Bay of Lake Tahoe. The bay with the famous little island in the middle. The view ranks up there with the worlds most famous and beautiful. An "Ahhhhh" view.


As we crested we all said "Ahhhhhhhh". My wife beside me. My 11 year old daughter in the back seat leaning forward between us. "Ahhhhhhhh"


I felt rich.

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Travel to rural China, Thailand, Indonesia, S. America.

That makes me feel materially rich.


IN Thailiand and Bali the distinction and lack of correlation between material riches and human/spirituial riches is made incredibly clear.

They have next to nothing materially.

Howver, they are the happiest, friendliest, most gentle and peaceful folks you could ever imagine.


So, Visiting these places actually makes me feel poor as it relates to community and peace of mind.

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I wonder what rich (I'm talking rich by our standards) people would say makes them feel rich?



It has nothing to do with money. You can`t buy health or happiness. Yes, money makes life easier and more comfortable but you could be financially well off and still feel empty inside.... the poor rich man.


Best of both worlds... have your health and happiness and the $$$ to pursue what you want.

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It has nothing to do with money. You can`t buy health or happiness.



Yeah, everyone says that but not many really seem to believe it.


This thread was meant to be a little shameless I think. If living in a huge house in an exclusive neighborhood really does it for you than don't say that it's about health and family.


I do wonder sometimes about how much of "living simply" is about simply accepting your station in life and realizing that you're not going to be living the lifestyle of the wealthy.

Would the wealthy, who enjoy all of the toys and all of the advantages say that health and simple pleasures are really what makes them feel rich, or would it be about material possessions and spending time at the country club with other wealthy people?


Consider Paris Hilton (An extreme example, to be sure). Hyper-wealthy and cleary it's where she find happiness. The only thing she didn't have was all of the attention she desired, so she used her status as a way of getting that attention. So now she has both fame and fortune, two things we're told do not bring real happiness. But would she say that feeling rich is derived from the simple things? She seems pretty happy.

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hey Super- Yeah I know what the thread is about and my answer is still the same... had the $$$ and I wasn`t all that happy. Had little $$$ and was happy.


Take someones health away and see how rich they feel. Money is nice like I said in my other post but that green paper does not comfort, console, etc...

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This thread was meant to be a little shameless I think. If living in a huge house in an exclusive neighborhood really does it for you than don't say that it's about health and family..



Having enough money certainly provides options and removes many of life's stresses. It's hard to be happy when you're bone tired every day from working two jobs, have a junker car that breaks down more often than not, have to put off essential health and dental care because you simply can't afford it, and have to see your kids walk through a bad neighborhood to a worse school in threadbare clothes because that's the best you can afford.


It's just that what's enough varies by the person.


What's enough for me would allow me to quit the job I hate and work a job I'd look forward to going to in the morning. I'd like to have enough investments to make sure my wife is OK after my demise. I'd like enough to be able to continue contributing to St. Jude's Hospital without the nagging worry that maybe I'll one day need that money for my own health care. I'd like enough money so I can afford my one luxury in life, spending two to four weeks backpacking in the northern rockies.


I have almost enough. God give me the wisdom to know when I really do have enough, so that I don't work myself into the grave unnecessarily as my father did.


Terry D.

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