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What makes you feel rich?

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God give me the wisdom to know when I really do have
, so that I don't work myself into the grave unnecessarily as my father did.

Terry D.



Now that is wisdom. I know so many people who think it takes 5 figures a month to retire and thus continue to work like dogs in jobs they hate..... or figure they going to live to be 100 and want to travel all over the world until they die. At my age, I a) notice a lot of people...friends, family, acquaintances get sick or die, b)think I can live much more simply than I currently do and c) doubt if I will live forever....especially without a decrease in my desire for "things." Next year I can technically retire.... at that time I sit down with a calculator and Quicken and do the math. Retire, work a little longer, work part time etc. Figuring out what is enough.... will be the big key.

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We were driving up the west side of Lake Tahoe last week. As we came over the hill of the 2 lane road, we rose. The road narrowed even more with sheer drops off either side. No guard rails.
sides. On our left was a
lake. On our right was Emerald Bay of Lake Tahoe. The bay with the famous little island in the middle. The view ranks up there with the worlds most famous and beautiful. An "Ahhhhh" view.

As we crested we all said "Ahhhhhhhh". My wife beside me. My 11 year old daughter in the back seat leaning forward between us. "Ahhhhhhhh"

I felt rich.


here?? :D

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I have
almost enough

Terry D.




Where did I read that amazing psychological statistic that a huge portion of Americans---- whether their address is Beverly at Wilshire, or the corner of Ghetto and Gang Blvd.--- say the same thing: They would consider themselves happy, satisfied and comfortable if they only had 125% of what their income is now. ie., if they could only increase what they already had by 25%, they'd be happy.


This statistic held true for countless people up and down the class strata...


Interesting, huh? Now what do you suppose THAT says about human psychology? Kind of a corollary of the old Murphy's Law: Work expands to fill the time slot allotted to it.

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I do wonder sometimes about how much of "
living simply
" is about simply accepting your station in life and realizing that you're not going to be living the lifestyle of the wealthy.

Would the wealthy, who enjoy all of the toys and all of the advantages say that health and simple pleasures are really what makes them feel rich, or would it be about material possessions and spending time at the country club with other wealthy people?


It depends on the wealthy person. I know quite a few who don't care much about the "typical" things wealthy people care about, and I don't think I would either if I became rich. Not to say I wouldn't enjoy being rich, but I wouldn't spend my money on sports cars and yachts and mansions or hang out at country clubs. That just holds no interest for me. :idk:


I'd buy a lot of land and put it in trust; buy up some strip-malls and knock them down and put up something cool; donate a lot of money to nonprofits; build a self sustaining energy independent home... stuff like that. Definitely I'd have a studio with a lot of expensive gear :D, and I'd set up my band with some amenities we don't have now like a tour bus and road crew and PR agent. :D And I have a few other business ideas I'd like to start. And I'd travel more. So it's not like I wouldn't spend money and enjoy it, I just wouldn't spend it on "typical" stuff for the most part. It's just never had any appeal to me.


Consider Paris Hilton (
An extreme example, to be sure
). Hyper-wealthy and cleary it's where she find happiness. The only thing she didn't have was all of the attention she desired, so she used her status as a way of getting that attention. So now she has both fame and fortune, two things we're told do not bring real happiness. But would she say that feeling rich is derived from the simple things? She seems pretty happy.


She does? I dunno, she doesn't seem particularly happy to me. And of course part of the reason she is the way she is is because she grew up with it and doesn't know any other way of life. I'm sure some people really are happy with all that stuff, but I think there are more people who do all that because it's expected of them or they don't know what else to do when they become rich, except try to get richer. It's all they know.


I guess if there's something that makes ME feel rich, it's good food. If I'm eating like crap it makes me feel poor. Having a "gourmet" style salad or some smoked salmon or any kind of healthy fresh food definitely makes me feel rich.

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Let's see.....the important things...a roof over my head....3 squares a day...clothes on my back.... the same for the rest of my family......PLUS ....a sound mind...the ability to learn new things......hobbies that I enjoy.




Plus your outrageous spankin' new car????????????? ;)

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INot to say I wouldn't enjoy being rich, but I wouldn't spend my money on sports cars and yachts and mansions or hang out at country clubs. That just holds no interest for me.

build a self sustaining energy independent home... stuff like that. Definitely I'd have a studio with a lot of expensive gear
, and I'd set up my band with some amenities we don't have now like a tour bus and road crew and PR agent.


Okay, replace country club with state of the art studio, and mansion with prototype ecco-home. It's still about material. I agree with you. If I had a hi-end salary I wouldn't live in a rich neighborhood or join a country club. People obsessed with their wealth give me an urge to start strangling. I couldn't live around them. I'd stick with the middle-class because they're actually the most grounded in reality of any social group I've dealt with. I'd have a hell of a lot more money, and a few more trinkets, but my lifestyle wouldn't change very much.....except for the travel.


She does? I dunno, she doesn't seem particularly happy to me.


No, Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan don't seem happy. Paris chose to go after all of this attention. She wanted to walk down the street strutting like it was a fashion runway, and for everyone to follow her around to take her picture. She seems delighted. And that's what makes me wonder about the really wealthy. Is it the money and the goodies the privileged lifestyle that bring them their joy?


Most middle-class people seem to argue that those things do not bring happiness. But is that true, or is it that people learn to accept where they are in life? The rich live a lifestyle based upon luxury. Everyone else talks about family and health, and watch TV shows about rich people enjoying things the rest of us will never have.


I'm just curious. If it isn't about materialism, why do so many people buy into it?

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Getting great new music makes me feel rich. The other day I went in to a record store with a friend and found an unprecedented treasure trove of classic goa in the used trance section. Even with the discount the dude gave me, I still spent a pretty penny (not including the new turntable), but it was totally worth it.

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From a material standpoint, a studio well-equipped enough that anyone can walk in and play. You don't have to haul your drums, amps, keyboards... it's all here and ready to go. And I feel even richer that I've done that without laying out a fortune.


Aside from that - I feel rich when I wake up, wherever I am. I've woken up some days in my life with virtually no possessions.... and it was as beautiful as waking up this morning in my house. Happiness ain't getting what you want, it's wanting what you've got. Each of us has, in this moment, the ability to CHOOSE our attitude and approach. If Viktor Frankl could grasp such things when he was near the edge of survival in Nazi concentration camps, I certainly can manage that feat here and now.

What makes you feel rich?

Money, possessions, cars, studio toyz, women, clothes, good dental coverage, what?

....and I'm not necessarily being hypocritical here, or softheaded like some Hallmark card... if a Jag in your garage does it for you, or a home in Malibu, then list it.

Me? I feel rich when I have a refrigerator full of Coca-Colas, all the fresh Mach-III razor blades I could ever want, at least two cans of my favorite shaving gel, a few bottles of some expensive colognes, and a full tank of gas.

Broadband internet does it for me, too. My A/C set to 64deg at night.

Really, those things, and I feel like a king.

Or, to put it another way: Which things--- when they are
--- start making you feel slightly poverty-stricken?


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Aside from things like health, friends etc., it is the achievement of a sufficient income and savings that has freed me from materialistic worry that makes me feel comfortable. I am now in a situation that I can survive a burglary, illness, a car breakdown, a home repair, or even getting laid off, without a major change to my lifestyle. (knock on wood) That makes me feel rich, because for much of my life I was only a few mishaps away from homelessness.

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Somebody made this clever statement that in the first part of life we tend trade our health to get wealth and in the second part of life we do the reverse.


As parts of my body have given way, I've realized how rich we are just to be healthy.

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