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Do you name your guitar?


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Usually. But only when an approprite name pops out of my head. No offense to electric players, but accoustic guitars are more deserving of names. Love my tele & my strat, but my accoustic will always be my main squeeze. 1978 Washburn D26S. Bought him new. Named him George. And he's the only one allowed in the house. The others stay in the workshop/music room. BTW the "Strat" is named Bandit because he stole my heart when I first played him. For now the Tele is called the Blaster.

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I name mine sometimes, then I forget a few days later what I named them. Then later I forget if I named them at all.


But when I do remember, my white Strat is named Jimi, after Hendrix's Woodstock guitar.


My Jet King is named Barack, after you know who. It was a Christmas gift from my mom, and she wanted that, so I said "ok". :idk:


My xaviere xv-600 is named Harbinder. I dunno why, I just thought it would be funny :lol:



My other 3 guitars don't have names. I call my Bullet Strat, Layla sometimes though.

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I name them after ex-girlfriends. That's what I thought you were supposed to do. Anyways, I've had a few guitars come and go but I still have Lauren and Julia. I've got another guitar on the way, I'll have to date some chick and get dumped before she gets a name though ha

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