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Everything posted by Zamfir

  1. Originally posted by mxpxfan Pizza? Maybe. Just had one a couple weeks ago and they gettin' expensive... But then again, two days later, the spousal unit is still not clear on the notion that hot dogs go in buns.
  2. Originally posted by mxpxfan because of school work. Woo hoo! *does a little dance* J/k, mxpxfan....
  3. I don't want to be old, let alone distinguished. The non-gray goatee got me as old and distinguished as I wanted to be. Suddenly, I'm hungry.
  4. Originally posted by Bonoman We must be getting old, Zam my man. We used to lead this pack. What happened to us and our glory days? Where have all the good times gone? *You* used to lead this pack, my man. In my case, I've been snowed either with that first year hell of teaching, or just trying to find employment and keep up (badly) with overseas news and languages. TK leading was not among my priorities...
  5. Nah, I keep the goatee short in general. (Like 2/8 of an inch of stubble). A week's worth starts to look a little tangly/unkempt. Plus the grey and white that are increasingly targeting my goatee, are less evident when trimmed short.
  6. Total Posts: 881 User Posts el_duderino676 220 mxpxfan 187 niomosy 139 Bonoman 124 Zamfir 91 Sixgun77 46 Melanie 19 B-Bottom 14 mrcrow 7 ranjaman 6 lug 6 greenshag 5 StevieMac 4 rikshaw 4 Monkabutt 2 Bluesman0511 2 Jazz Ad 1 catphish 1 monark110 1 MrsStevieMac 1 sevenroy 1
  7. Never saw J & SB Strike Back. Did see The Green Mile last night (edit: for the first time). What a kickass movie on so many levels. In other news, I failed to notice this morning that the shaver was down to level 1 instead of 2 when trimming the goatee.
  8. I've avoided snopes as much as possible the last few years because their site loads you up with a {censored}load of spyware. Get yerselves checked.
  9. Originally posted by Bonoman I just ran into Ben Affleck. Literally. I wasn't watching where I was going because I was staring at this chick and walked right into the guy. We laughed about it because he was staring at her too. That's funny as hell. The 'Matt's friend' bit is hilarious. Why would people hate Affleck? Just because he's all over the tabloids (not like he asked for most of those stories) and has bad taste in girlfriends and recent role choices? C'mon, y'all liked him in Good Will Hunting.
  10. lies in wait at the cemetery so he can pull his Dawn of the Dead impression for el_duderino & family
  11. Originally posted by mxpxfan I will follow thee Zamfir *goes to sleep* Get your own bed, and don't you 'thee' me!
  12. Originally posted by rikshaw nada...just lurking Welcome back to the TK, rikshaw!
  13. Badly need sleep after hiking today. Try to enjoy the cemetery decoration. I find military gravesites extremely sobering. Especially after watching a couple of military funerals firsthand.
  14. Biking's way easier on the knees, but it does drain you. If I have to maintain a perpetual squat tomorrow to drop another foot or more of vertical distance to land hard on my foot, my knee is gonna kill me. Got to the point that I had to take a few rest stops going *downhill*.
  15. In other news, I hiked 8 miles today up and down the largest mountain in Shenandoah Nat'l Park, to figure out how out of shape I am before possibly visiting my bro in Montana. Oof. Warrior tired. And apparently incompetent at the hiking thing he could do ten to fifteen years ago.
  16. Originally posted by mxpxfan *hexes Zamfir's job searching*
  17. *decides that 3:15 PM is high time to get the {censored} off the computer and eat lunch*
  18. *gets depressed at all job ads that begin, "Supervisory..."*
  19. Originally posted by mxpxfan I have a VCR. *hexes mxpxfan's VCR to eat all tapes*
  20. Originally posted by mxpxfan *looks at clock* Didn't you ever have a VCR?? Kids. I tell ya.
  21. BA moved back to Oz, changed his name to Rosebud, and now you want to kill him? Run, BA, run!!! The Empire core apparently has a few issues to work out.
  22. mrcrow's post is making me dizzy again...
  23. In other news, I had the worst five or six hours of some kind of nausea/gas cramps last night. At least, that's what I think it was. Kept getting up to go puke in the bathroom, but I didn't. Teetered on the threshold of puking, though, for like two hours of that time. Still feel a bit squirrely this morning. I'm wondering if it had to do with the bratwurst last night that I marinated in beer the preceding night and then grilled, along with fried onions and also sauerkraut. It would suck, cause those were among the best bratwurst I've ever had. Maybe it was the kraut.
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