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Everything posted by Zamfir

  1. Originally posted by Bonoman If they can't provide the desired care, then why am I paying such exhorbitant premiums? If you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk. That's what I say. Also, if your telling people that they can't get their full coverage due to lack of funds, then your CEO best not have just bought himself a new yaght or something. I don't pay my insurance premiums just so that Mr. Smith at home office can afford two hookers a week instead of just one. Sorry, I really hate insurance and think it's the biggest scam on Earth. Let me phrase "desired care" this way: you are guaranteed some decent level of care by having insurance. Not perfect, costs-be-damned care, such that I can have the best machines and tests and people, at will, at Duke University or Chicago or wherever. There's no financial way to satisfy all *desires*. Not if you want to cover more than 0.1% of the population. If most people cannot afford the entire costs of their health care, it comes down to a decision on how many you want to cover and how far you want to cover per person, knowing that you are going to hit hard limits on both counts in the course of transforming payments into benefits. That's all I'm arguing. Neither state-based or employer-based systems can get around that basic problem. You're paying exorbitant premiums for a number of reasons (out-of-control drug costs, mismanagement by hospitals and insurance firms, god knows what else), but as painful as that sum is to you (and me), it only buys so much. Again, you're not guaranteed the latest MRI gizmo or whatever... The people who kill me are the ones who go the ER for a {censored}ing cold. Saw a whole family doing that the last time I set foot in one.
  2. Despite the fact that insurance companies are price-gouging, Republican-tilted, heartless and frequently lying/deceptive bureaucrats, I am forced to agree with them that resources are by definition finite and thus they cannot provide 100% of desired care to everyone. This does not mean they are excused from being thieving bastards beyond the call of duty and economics, from time to time.
  3. Off to eat lunch. Then I really have to get stuff done. As it is, I just found out that my last automated insurance payment had drained the respective account balance in to just over 100 dollars. {censored}ers still tag me at the second highest rate possible, and I had to argue hard for the "privilege" last year. If this keeps up, I'll be without insurance soon.
  4. Originally posted by Bonoman Apparently, the answer is yes. I take it your firm does not use company spyware...? *moves to Toronto*
  5. In other news, should Bonoman leave himself logged in to HCBF while he eats lunch and gets laid for two hours?
  6. Originally posted by Bonoman Only one Bomoman per city. It's the law! OK. But all the two week flings are coming by to pull yer eyes out. Plus it sounds like more than one city is gonna get trashed if they're cloning you.
  7. Originally posted by Bonoman Erm, the *Brits* burned the White House. Didn't the Canadian colonists stay mostly around the border? At least, I'd never heard that Canadian militia units made it as far as Washington...
  8. Originally posted by Bonoman And the ladies all around the world swoon in anticipation... ...while Clive Cussler, or better yet, George Romero, organize brigades of Dumped Bonothings (Bonotoys?) to descend on Toronto and wreak havoc...
  9. Originally posted by mxpxfan Speak of the devil. There is some weird looking guy that never does any work singing some U2 song, and I heard he is obsessed with them too. O and he drinks all the coffee too. They've cloned Bonoman?
  10. I got stuck on highway 28 on the way to Dulles airport one fine rush hour morning. (Keep in mind this was on two hours of sleep the night before and driving through fog in the early morning for the previous two hours). 28 is a six lane highway. I have an urgent need to piss like a mofo. Look right. Fence, fence, and more fence. Finally, I can't take it. Ditch the car to the right. Find the few trees *outside* the fence and let fly. I bet I made a few water cooler conversations that morning, thanks to my bright yellow shirt.
  11. Btw, Bonoman, your drunk gf pooping on the toilet lid is pretty damn hilarious. Hehehehe...
  12. I have an embarrassing memory of being small and pooping on my Davy Crockett-style coonskin hat. I have no recollection why I couldn't have just gone to the bathroom like normal. Mom was a bit disappointed...
  13. Originally posted by niomosy They're more scared of her than they are of me I'm too nice and a sucker for a cute female. Ah, so that explains why they're chewin' up the gate... *Zamfir runs fast* Actually, I need to call the wife before it gets too late. She's seven hours ahead.
  14. Originally posted by mxpxfan +1 See, Captain Niomo? mxpxfan reports the recent loss of his as well... Batten down the hatches...er, zippers, I say!
  15. Originally posted by niomosy Well, we'd only whack one or two of the triumverate of terror (as they've been nicknamed) Oddly enough, it's the girls causing all the problems. The male's too scared of my wife to do too much. Women are always trouble. Sounds like the male's suffered the loss of an inflatable blue ball. Careful! You might be next! Once we get the gate fixed, it should be the end to most of the problems. I'm also going to rerun the coax much higher than the Time Warner guy ran it. In the meantime, there's Tylenol PM...
  16. Originally posted by mrcrow our present lady on the throne... havent seen him in an ascot hat yet Well, there are some things he saves for private viewings in the bedroom mirror.
  17. Originally posted by mrcrow dohhhhh ...................... Actually, I have this theory that Fruno gets his hand-me-downs from Elizabeth II...
  18. Originally posted by mrcrow too many pages to many pics... what you think of that bass Hard to judge through my nausea at the wallpaper, flooring, and rug...
  19. Take the ontopic crap outside! Damn, Fruno really needs to wash his hats...
  20. Originally posted by mxpxfan Some one wrote on your self portrait I have much more chest hair...
  21. Originally posted by niomosy The dogs are on a rampage. They've yanked out a few pieces of this vine/leaf design on the bottom bit of our iron gates (done so they could see into the front yard... we shoulda just had it solid all the way down) and destroyed a bit of one of the blinds from the outside by pawing through the screen. And, of course, since they've got this gap in the gate, we've gotta keep it barricaded. That's not working too well right now. I may just head to Home Depot and fine something to put up to keep them out (they'll claw through any weak wood pretty quickly). I know the fireworks are driving them ape {censored} but the wife's about to kill at least two of the three. Of course, once we get the gate solidified If you're gonna whack the mutts, why fix the gate? Our cat chewed through the edges of 2-3 of the (edit: metal) slats on our Venetian blinds. Little bastard can't be satisfied with having them raised for him to see out the bottom? He bats at the plastic-y vertical Venetians on the dining room sliding glass door, too, for minutes on end. Sheesh. Like he can't just push one to the side and deal with it resting against him.
  22. Originally posted by niomosy So does your wife Nice.
  23. Originally posted by niomosy Why you little...!!!! Just keeddeeng... I admit, I've been a flat-backin' gigolo all these years...
  24. I'm going to go eat lunch, and, maybe, drive around the county looking for wimpass Virginia-approved fireworks.
  25. Originally posted by mxpxfan But then you don't hear the egg particles hitting the side of the nuker. But the plastic lid does a nice loud jump. Then you wipe the glass rotating tray. ...I assume you saw the results of my egg experiments over at ebassist?
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