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Everything posted by Zamfir

  1. Originally posted by mxpxfan I do sweat, and alot. But with a push mower I'd be out there for about 6 or more hours I'd guess. And I perfer to bike for my exercise. Damn, boy, how big is your yard??? I whack kittens for my exercise...
  2. Originally posted by mxpxfan hehehe It can be ok, elbow grease and all and it can come off some what easily. I have a much better solution. I use a microwave-safe lid!
  3. Originally posted by mxpxfan But we have a big yard and then the temp is 85 and all... Plus a riding lawnmower is just cool. But if we have a small yard I'd might do some thing like that. Wa wa wa. You're *supposed* to sweat when mowing the lawn in the summer. Otherwise you're doing something wrong. Our yard ain't that big, but I could easily do a bigger one with the push mower. I tell you, it's much easier on the ears, headaches, gas, dust and flying dangerous particles...I'm never looking back. ...unless I win the lottery and buy a 32 acre estate.
  4. Originally posted by mxpxfan And nuking eggs is fun. It was, indeed! Just the large sound of the "blat" was enough by itself for humor value. Clean-up, however...
  5. Originally posted by mxpxfan I hate then stuff gets in my eye. Mowing the lawn can be fun. I have something like this. Better exercise. No gasoline. No spark plug or oil changing. No repair of draw cords. No exertion on the draw cord that never will start the first time. No ear-destroying noise levels to wake up the entire neighborhood. And never any {censored} in my eyes! Granted, it doesn't get everything (long grass in particular is annoying), and it jams on sticks, but, eh...
  6. Originally posted by niomosy No no... once you get married, your balls turn blue and your wife takes them from you Speak for yourself, oh Master of IT Eunuchs...
  7. Originally posted by frunobulax no no no no no no *bangs head on table, over and over and over...* But fruno, it doesn't take the 45 minutes or whatever it does in the oven, nor does it require olive oil and salt. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised! I tell you, the microwave is a thing of boundless possibilities. Does a lot of vegetables just right, and you don't lose any vitamins in the much greater water you stick in pots.
  8. Originally posted by niomosy Why do you have a 24" blue ball? Co-eds. Way too many gorgeous co-eds to ogle, given that I live close to the university. Seriously, I was looking for something I could flex my back over. Being able to do crunch/ab-lifts with it is a bonus. Toys-R-Us solved my problem! I wish it was a little bigger, though.
  9. By the way, doesn't eating too much raw garlic also drive off the humans? Works for my wife.
  10. Originally posted by greenshag eat more garlic...seriously. I have discovered that one can "roast" garlic in the microwave! (Half power or lower, not much longer than 30-40 seconds, maybe less than that. YM will probably V).
  11. In other news, I was in a mall in Northern VA recently. Stopped by the Discovery Channel store and bought this little thigamajig that is both a dinky LED light but more importantly, an alleged mosquito repeller. Works off of some kinda solar cell-type tissue, rather than batteries. The principle is that it generates some kind of high pitched whine that drives off skeeters. However, it's a very audible high pitched noise that I can hear (i.e., not greater than 20K Hz as I was hoping...) Not sure, but the noise is probably likely to drive *me* bug{censored}. I tested it on some skeeters this afternoon and it wasn't clear if they were reacting to it or not. We'll see about tonight.
  12. The risky thing about inflatable balls is that they don't interface well with your cat. *wedges his between the wall and the boxes near the closet ceiling, where the cat can't reach*
  13. Originally posted by mxpxfan Some thing about the face is unsettling. +1. And the moonboots.
  14. {censored}! I need to go back to Toys-R-Us and see if they have something between 24" and 50". This 24" ball is too small. Originally posted by Bonoman LMAO!!! Winner of the Zamfir Post of the Day Award!!!
  15. Originally posted by Bonoman My best friend growing up was put on Ritalin for ADD, which I don't think he had because we were pretty much just as hyper, but his parents couldn't handle him as well as mine could. Now they want to put his son on Ritalin and he is fighting tooth and nail against it because he doesn't want his son to go through the humiliation of feeling different, and also doesn't think his kid is truly ADD but just hyper like we were when we were kids. I probably should have been on Ritalin as a kid. 'Course, I don't know if it had been invented yet. In other news, I am in the process of inflating my 24" blue ball. Seriously.
  16. Something that has bugged me for years: Of all carbonated drinks, why does tonic water go flat in no time? You're lucky if it even fizzes a little the next day.
  17. Originally posted by frunobulax get away from the computer and go outside and play! i'm done with my days exertions, so i'm going to make a nice G&T and go sit in the back garden and enjoy a cigar. i recommend you do the same. Hey, I am playing! I cleaned the house all this morning. Ate lunch, showered, called Mom three days late to wish her happy birthday, still can't reach the wife in Bucharest for the last five days. But the vodka tonic thing sounds like an excellent idea... Gotta go wipe down the patio table, grab a chair, and...
  18. Later on, in the wee hours of cell life... Godzammit, I can't get the image tags to take.
  19. Originally posted by niomosy Well, at least I'm not the only one having a bad day. I got chewed out for not preparing well enough for the upgrades to Lotus Notes being performed this weekend First, it's not my change. I'm just supporting it so why am I getting {censored} on this one? The main thing people are upset about is that the Notes admins were discovered, at the last minute, that they wanted to do a backup on one of their servers. Okay, great. I don't do backups, so they make the request. It's 2.5 terabytes of data and the backup guys flip. No surprises there. We end up in a meeting and my bosses boss is asking me why I didn't inform the storage team of this stuff sooner. Huh? I haven't done this on any of the previous Notes upgrades I've done. The Notes admins never thought of it, either. Granted, I can understand where they might want it but if you're going to tell me that I should be doing something, couldn't we work out the details on one of the earlier upgrades? So I'm now in trouble for not asking all these questions in the first place on a change that I'm only playing a supporting role in. If anything, I feel it was on the app people to figure all this stuff out. I'm just the guy that installs the software. Oh well. Just watch, I'll show this level of concern at some point in the future and they'll tell me that it's their responsibility to think of all that stuff since it's their change. I just can't win. I'm thinking a little updating of the resume might be in order over the weekend. I agree, update the resume. When management is looking for someone to blame, especially someone who isn't even on the core team with the core team's responsibility, it's usually because they failed to manage effectively. You are in Dilbert-land, it sounds like. Time to get out, to a company that thinks more of you.
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