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Mazi Bee

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Everything posted by Mazi Bee

  1. Originally posted by droge the list keeps growing longer-n-longer--COOL!!!! WE NEED MORE!!! THE OPEN ENROLLMENT/RECRUITING DRIVE CONTINUES-----step up and testify!!! BTW: as part of the MBM Bassist Division, I did my part in band practice yesterday, bringin' the low-end thunder--damage was thoroughly distributed everywhere, i'm happy to report!!! 120 HARD ROCKING ASS KICKING SOLDIERS. Our SONIC DESTRUCTIVE POWER indeed is UNMATCHED!!! ROCK ON droge!!
  2. Originally posted by haiz69 Sweet~~! I'm still protecting Rock n' Roll all the way up here in Vermont! I'm only 17 so "I dont drink", but Canada is only 5 mintues away, and the drinking age there is 18 or 5 dollars. So guys, can I be in? haiz69! ROCK ON!! All you are required to drink in the militia is large quantities of the SMOKING MOLTEN SONIC LAVA ELIXIR of ROCK AND ROLL!!! Your dedication to protecting ROCK AND ROLL is admirable, we will be proud to enlist you in the miltia. ROCK ON! Here are your stripes, you can either wear them on your uniform or get them tattooed on. Either is acceptable!!
  3. Originally posted by DougH thanks:cool: you guys rock so much. litaraly I've been listening to some of the links in sigs. Now I can tell the people at group therapy I'm in a miltia:p Right on man! We all got each others backs here.
  4. Originally posted by silverkw I am a vampire. Can i join? plus i drew this: KICK ASS!! We welcome all races, creeds and species of supernatural creatures into the militia. As long as your are a vampire THAT KICKS ASS and ROCKS HARD that's all we need. ROCK ON silverkw, here are your stripes, strap them on and never take them off!
  5. Originally posted by DougH I once made a fuzz effect (it wasn't stompable so i can't call it a pedal) using a schematic of the net, and an old tv for parts and I managed to carefully solder it onto a peice of card board (that was tricky)and point to poit soldered the peices with wire, and it worked! although it sounded a little buzzy. Maybe this will show my dedication to rocking. Even without cash I can't be stopped from rocking. If I lost my guitar in a house fire I would make one out out of a 2x4 with nails and superglue for a fret job and a fridge magnet with wire wrapped around it for a pick up. I could rip the amplifier section out of the burned TV with the chared speaker continue to ROCK. It also proves my insanity, card board is a dangerous substitute for perfboard and TVs contain stored high voltage in some of the componants than can kill:p DougH, you obviously know what ROCK AND ROLL is all about. NEVER have I seen such dedication to SAVING ROCK AND ROLL the way you described the lengths you would go to just to KEEP ROCKING AS HARD AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN!! ROCK ON, Welcome to the REVOLUTION! With your help we will no doubt succeed on our mission of GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION!! Here are your well earned stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  6. Originally posted by jjpistols pushin' down the pedal feel the engine heat feel the heavy metal on Suicide Street ROCK!
  7. Originally posted by swampfox99 I as well would like to join. KICK ASS! Welcome swampfox99! I accept your pledge to ROCK as HARD as you POSSIBLY CAN and SAVE ROCK AND ROLL for future generations!
  8. Originally posted by vmx23 Whoops, I knew something was wrong, couldn't quite place it just now. Mazi Bee sir, I am greatly touched by your noble efforts to save rock n' roll. I hereby pledge my loyalty to your great cause. ROCK ON vmx23! We accept your pledge to help us SAVE ROCK AND ROLL and acheive GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION!! GO forth, spread the WORD OF ROCK through SEARING SONIC EAR SPLITTING SOLOS and FOUNDATION SHATTERING RHYTHMS!! Welcome to the REVOLUTION, wear your stripes PROUD and LOUD!!
  9. Originally posted by ZenFly from the sun kissed beach of Honolulu to the shores of Tripoli, the burbs of Florida, and DC all over the USA and way up north too, landing on the Sunset Strip wailing double high C# ...strafing the clubs of OC and the studios of the Valley, for over 40 years now, I've had one aim...Bring on the ROCK! ...sir*. *I still do too, every single time. do you accept geezers without tubes? Our only requirement is that you have ROCK AND ROLL in your HEART. You obviously do, you could teach of all us a thing or two I'm sure of it. Welcome aboard! GO FORTH AND ROCK ZenFly!!!!
  10. Originally posted by georges Reckon I could join? ROCK ON! ROCK ON georges! We need all the help we can get to SAVE ROCK AND ROLL and we gladly accept your PLEDGE TO KICK ASS in the NAME OF ROCK!!!!
  11. Originally posted by Bernie Franks So...you guys like rocking, huh? I too enjoy this. I was writing a solo for my band at the 2nd guitarist's studio the other day. While I was wailing away, the ground shook and yawned open - and out flew a hundred fire-breathing demons. Not to be startled into messing up my mind-blowing plickin, I kicked it up a notch. The speed with which the notes came out of the amplifier began to melt the heads of the demons now swirling around me. The other guitarist is now in the corner weeping, but I'm not about to back down! Then a giant beast rises from the gaping whole, gitter in hand. He plays a few razzle-dazzle riffs. He's looking for a challenge. So I fire back. I start off slow, a groovy little melody that even he sort of swayed to. Then I got a little more aggressive, building up steam slowly and accelerating. As I peak, my guitar's squealing blends into the monsterous bellow of this great beast, who engulfs in flames and retreats back to the fiery chasm from whence he came, followed by the melty-headed demon gnats. Then I set down the guitar, only to find out that the other guitarist never hit record. It really boiled my piss, but I had fun nevertheless. ... Does this allow my entry into the Mazi Bee Militia? WOW! KICK ASS Bernie! Now THAT is the kind of BRUTAL ROCK AND ROLL DEDICATION we are looking for! Your INSANE LEVELS of ALL OUT UNCAGED SONIC METAL DESTRUCTION will be useful indeed!! ROCK ON. Welcome to the REVOLUTION!!
  12. Originally posted by Scott314 ROCK on troops! And seeing that it's the weekend, I thought some DRINKS were in order. Knowing how much ASS our militia members KICK, this truck probably won't last the NIGHT, but REINFORCEMENTS are on the way! :D
  13. Originally posted by droge I think the MBM needs some sort of endorsement deal w/ ESP, Jackson, or any of the other shred-machine manufacturers--can you imagine a custom-shop ESP w/ 'Mazi Bee Militia' emblazed on it?? That'd be COOL-N-CRUSHING at the same time!!! RAWK ON, bros'!!! ROCK ON droge!
  14. Originally posted by 00J i support mazi and his insane photoshop work ROCK ON 00J!
  15. By the way, Official MBM uniforms and other assorted outlandish items will soon be available at http://saverock-n-roll.com/ Stay tuned........
  16. Originally posted by ekans This is me count me in please............PS do I get a little membership card for my wallet ? ROCK ON ekans! Victory is ours!! Here are your stripes! Wear them PROUD and LOUD in the name of ROCK!!!
  17. Originally posted by deevee Take a look at Bill's tee-shirt! By any name, I am one of yours, Mazi Bee! Yowsah! ROCK ON deevee! (I didn't realize you changed your name!) With your help it is impossible to fail in our quest to make the world SAFE for ROCK AND ROLL!!!
  18. Welcome to jjpistols, our newest ASS KICKING SOLDIER OF ROCK!! ROCK ON, Welcome to the REVOLUTION!!
  19. Originally posted by Jossy Suggestions for MBM Gear: a).- MBM Beer. b).-MBM Booze. c).- MBM Condoms. d).- MBM Custom Made Amps, Guitars and related stuff. e).- MBM Cigarrettes. f).- MBM Custom made bikes. g).- MBM Sunglasses wear line. h).- MBM Bandanas. i).- MBM T shirts- k).- MBM Pint, jars, glass and all kind of containers for booze and beer... All this items must be made for all the brigades, divisions and units of the MBM... Saludos. The MBM Humvee is being built in the custom shop as we speak......
  20. Originally posted by loudneighbor I hereby devote my life to perpetuating Rock n Roll in all it's stage pounding glory! LONG LIVE ROCK! Welcome to the REVOLUTION loudneighbor!! Your attitude is the exact foundation that the Mazi Bee Militia is founded on! ROCK ON
  21. Originally posted by LPbluesboy As soon as you start making 'em... TELL ME! 'cuz I want one! woohoo! KICK ASS!! I'll make an announcement then when I get the gear store open then!
  22. Originally posted by LPbluesboy hoowah! I'm ready to save rock 'n' roll! hey, mazi bee have you made t-shirts for the Mazi Bee Militia yet? It's at the very top of my priority list of things to procrastinate about!! Maybe I'll look into doing that in the next coupla weeks.....
  23. LPbluesboy wrote on 04-10-2005 10:31 PM: Its time to save rock 'n' roll! Where do I sign up? Your willingness to join our quest for SAVING ROCK AND ROLL is admirable! We can use all the HARD ROCKING SOLDIERS we can get!! Your mission will be to go out and SPREAD the WORD OF ROCK and learn NEW ways of ROCKING! ROCK ON LPbluesboy! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD and LOUD!!
  24. Originally posted by Brian Krashpad As a member of both I suppose I kick everyone's ass. Love, BK HCGF Geezer Brigade Trooper #9 Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force, MBM It's true!
  25. Originally posted by Danocoustic 239. But it's not like we're competing or anything. (smugly) We're currently at 108. You might have twice as many members, but we ROCK 10 times HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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