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Mazi Bee

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Everything posted by Mazi Bee

  1. Originally posted by django5 Dude. Like can I totally join your most excellent militia;) ROCK ON django5!! I have full confidence in you that you will use all the POWERS OF ROCK at your disposal to futher our goal of GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION!!! Here are your stripes, NEVER take them off!!!
  2. Originally posted by AyeCapn It's so hard to type with my fingers stuck in PERMANENT DEVIL HORNS!!!!!111!!! m/ m/ Sign me up please! ROCK ON AyeCapn!!! I like your additude!!! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  3. Originally posted by Danocoustic have you been watching the Geezer Brigade's recruiting drive thread at all? So you have exactly twice as many members. It all evens out cuz it takes you guys twice as long to get around and we ROCK twice at hard!!
  4. Originally posted by Gumball Got the riffcannon locked and loaded so sign me in! ROCK ON Gumball! We need all the HARD ROCKING SOLDIERS we can get!!!!!!!!!
  5. Originally posted by New Paltz Music I want in!!! PS. Go Jets!! ROCK ON New Paltz! Welcome to the Revolution!! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUDLY AND LOUDLY!!!
  6. Originally posted by bernardo gui REPORTING AS ORDERED....................SIR !!!!!!
  7. Sign up here to SAVE ROCK AND ROLL. You know you want to.
  8. Originally posted by Danocoustic Got them young'uns fooled! *toothless chuckle*
  9. Originally posted by Danocoustic The Harmony Central Geezer Brigade would like to extend season's greetings and best wishes for the new year to our comrades-in-arms, the Mazi Bee Militia.. Oh. And stay offa my porch, punks WE accept your kind greetings and also wish to extend our season's greetings and best wishes for the new year and many years to come to our esteemed and wise peers in the Geezer Brigade. *moves from porch to Dano's sidewalk and continues debauchery*
  10. Bump for last minute, end of the year recruits. Sign up now before the 2005 requirements kick in!! ROCK ON
  11. Originally posted by XeroStar33 Where can I enlist in the Mazi Bee Militia? I've always seen members but never really thought about enlisting. Sign me up! Welcome XeroStar33! I will add your name to the official roster thread. ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Originally posted by droge MAZI: looks like we'll have to update the list again!!! Awesome, bro'!! The RECRUITMENT DRIVE IS ON!!! RAWK OUT!!!! I forsee this as the the Official Never-Ending MBM Thread.....
  13. Originally posted by Jimmy James I'm learning "Run to the Hills" so it will enable me to share in a group experience with good cheer! Excellent work JJ!!! ROCK ON!
  14. Originally posted by msalamander I probably should have joined a long while ago...I try to rock so hard all the time. Example: I've got a huge headache right now, but I'm still blasting Live at Leeds. Rock. ROCK ON msalamander! You will fit in perfectly!! Welcome to the Revolution!!!!
  15. Originally posted by Jossy Please consider this my aplication for the MBM. My experience dables in blues rock, esoteric arts, mind control games...oh yes, if i get to be selected, i appoint myself to form the MBM International Sniper Brigade... The MBM Sniper Brigade has as one of its objectives, to put down one by one, if we have to, all those who oppose rock and roll. A few of its recreational options would be rocking very hard, drink very hard and have good old fun with very hot chicks around the world... Saludos. ROCK ON Jossy. I admire your additude. One of the core tenants of the Mazi Bee Militia however is tolerence for people who choose a different path than us. However, we cannot tolerate enemies whose sole pupose is to destroy our enjoyment of ROCK AND ROLL and turn us into muzak lovin zombies!!!! Fire at will. Welcome to the Revolution!! You name has been added to our roster. Wear your stripes PROUD and LOUD!!!!
  16. Originally posted by LPonayz Will this pic get me in? Hmm, all I get is a blank page?
  17. Originally posted by Sherinian gonnabe Why, thank you, kind sir. May have overused the CAPS a little, though. Still, ROCK is all about EXCESS, is it not, Mr. Mazitastic? EXCESS is highly recommended.
  18. Originally posted by Sherinian gonnabe I hereby PLEDGE to ROCK AS HARD AS I CAN and DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES of ROCK! Any HEATHENS barring the TRUE PATH of ROCK will henceforth be anally VIOLATED by AFGHAN tribesmen on MY command, carried out in the HOLY NAME of the MILITIA! I will now put on my ROCKIN' Angus Young SCHOOLBOY outfit and crank OUT the ROCK until my aging neighbours SHRIVEL UP and die THRASHING in their ROCKERS, or get RE-ENERGIZED by the BRUTE FORCE of my/our SHEER ROCKITUDE. I like your additude!!! KICK ASS!! Carry on.
  19. Originally posted by hbk 4ever DX Same here. Sergeant First Class hbk 4ever DX, you are a very valuable member, as you play an important role by whipping all the new recruits into shape at our exclusive boot camp. You name has been rightfully placed in the distinquished veterans list. ROCK ON hbk 4ever DX!!!!!!
  20. Originally posted by Sherinian gonnabe What's the application process like? I'd be willing to do anything except cornholing and the like. You willingness to do anything but cornholing and the like shows your willingness to SAVE ROCK AND ROLL, and an admirable sense of self control. Pledge to ROCK AS HARD AS YOU CAN and DEFEAT ALL ENEMIES of ROCK and you will be a fine addition to our forces! Welcome Sherinian gonnabe! Wear your stripes PROUDLY!!!!!!
  21. Bump for GLOBAL ROCK AND ROCK DOMINATION!!! We got 16 new members yesterday and so far 2 more new ones today. A great turn out and a huge response from veteran members as well! I hereby bestow the MBM ASS KICKING AWARD to the entire Milita. You all kick serious ass!!! So who else wants a hand in SAVING ROCK AND ROLL????
  22. Originally posted by droge MAZI: Longhair's application is awaiting your approval, that's all--I'd say he's pretty much in--just need your official welcome!!! **PS: don't forget the keys/access card to the Strip club and the unlimited drinks credit card!!!
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