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Mazi Bee

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Everything posted by Mazi Bee

  1. Originally posted by nuke_diver Never got accepted in the geezers.... Can I still Rock? Too young for the Geezers, never too old FOR ROCK AND ROLL!!! Welcome nuke_diver! We accept your pledge to MAKE THE WORLD SAFE FOR ROCK AND ROLL. ROCK AND ROLL IS ON THE MARCH!!!
  2. Originally posted by deftones Sign me up! BURRRRPPP! For those about to rock... FIRE!!!!! ROCK ON deftones! you obviously have what it takes to SPREAD the WORD of ROCK WORLDWIDE!!! *hands deftones another beer* Welcome to the REVOLUTION!!!
  3. Originally posted by Jimi Ray Halen How do I sign up? Is there a piss test? Not that I'm worried or anything................ There is a piss test...you have to piss in an empty beer can from 10 feet away.... Welcome to the Revolution JRH!! You're knowledge in experience in ASS KICKING HARD ROCKING MAYHEM will be very valuable to us in our QUEST to WRECK ROCK N ROLL HAVOC UPON THE WORLD!!! ROCK ON Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  4. Originally posted by Zen Any room for a guitar n00b in the militia. ill play loudly till midnight and keep my neighbours awake if u tell me to. *sets soldano half stack to 10 and wears ear protectors*. SIR, Yes ,SIR (too formal?) ROCK ON Zen! I can tell that you are SERIOUS ABOUT ROCK AND ROLL!! We can use all the help we can get to acheive GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION! Welcome to the Revolution. Your first mission is to go forth and spread the WORD of ROCK to all you meet. Here are your stripes. Strap em on and NEVER take em off.
  5. Sambo_The_Secon wrote on 05-26-2005 01:08 PM: Hi Mazi Bee!!! Well, I feel I should ask about joining the militia! I mean, I rock even in my sleep man!! What have I got to do jo join???? Laterz! Your willingness to SAVE ROCK N ROLL and help us achieve our goal of GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION is crystal clear! I accept your pledge to join us and ROCK AS HARD AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN!! ROCK ON Sambo! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  6. Originally posted in the ChopShop thread by paulintheuk Mazi, Damn that's impressive work... I would now be a member of your militia and wear the colours with pride!!!! Only downside is you've made me GAS like crazy for a Powerpuff girls LP!!!!!!! ROCK ON paulintheuk! I accept your pledge to help us achieve GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION! I will add your name to the official roster! Here are your stripes, WEAR THEM PROUD AND LOUD!!
  7. Originally posted by Brian Krashpad It helps if you shout a lot, and if someone in the band wears no shirt, and if someone else wears WWII German Army regalia or other militaria: And lying on the floor amidst broken drumsticks for your closer is also a great idea: These work for me anyhow. BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force, MBM I know I can always count on Krashpad to BRING THE ROCK!! Excellent ass kicking as usual BK!!
  8. Originally posted by maravich i haven't taken a pic of it yet. if i post it, can i join the mazi bee militia? ROCK ON maravich! I accept your pledge to SAVE ROCK N ROLL! Here are your stripes! Wear them PROUD AND LOUD!
  9. Originally posted by pedalpat mazi can i be a member of your militia? ROCK ON pedalpat! I accept your pledge to SAVE ROCK AND ROLL and join our fight for GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINIATION!! Your unique skills will be a tremendous asset to our cause!! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  10. Originally posted by sekler Count me in, I only play my guitars behind my neck :cool: KICK ASS sekler! You obviously have what it takes to help us SAVE ROCK N ROLL and achieve GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION!! Set your SONIC EARTH SHATTERING MOUNTIAN CRUSHING PHASERS on KILL and CRANK IT!!!!!!!! ROCK ON, here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  11. Originally posted by FraDiavolo Mazi, I just wanted to let you know that while I'm a quiet guy and infrequent poster, I am currently undercover in the jazz world as I incorporate ear punishing distortion into smooth jazz and 9flat5 chords into RAWK! I once again pledge my loyalty to the cause, my unmitigated contempt for THE MAN and all he stands for, and my undying devotion to bringing the noize in whatever form it may take! I offer to you my service as Lieutenant in the Underground Jazz Brigade--SIR!! Excellent! Your work and dedication is OUTSTANDING and will bring us much closer to our objective! ROCK ON Lieutenant FraDiavolo!!!
  12. Originally posted by babybatter I want to be the offical enemy of the MBM! I will promote sensible diets, proper courting of prospective mates through curbing debaucherous urges, and discouraging eye contact with anyone. My performances will promote proper footwork, playing below conversation volumes, and integrating hand clapping into our rhythym section. :mad: Aha! You are everything we are fighting against in our fight to SAVE ROCK N ROLL!! You will indeed be an excellent adversary!!! :mad: Even still, I encourage you to see the light and choose the PATH OF ROCK instead. Therefore, I encourage you to ROCK ON and will welcome you into the militia at any time once you decide that SAVING ROCK AND ROLL is more worthwhile than making it boring.
  13. Originally posted by FlogRock Will you ship to europe? The first picture on your site is already great! Thanks! YES! I will be running the shop using CafePress.com, who will ship internationally!
  14. Originally posted by Danocoustic Are you nuts? I have a hard enough time keeping up the roster of the HCGB! Still... Congrats to my confederates in the Mazi Bee Militia, keep it rockin', ya punks Thanks Dano! ROCK ON!
  15. Originally posted by blind radish Blind Radish reporting for Duty Sir! *cough* *Wheeze* CRANK IT UP! ROCK ON blind radish! I accept your pledge to help us SAVE ROCK AND ROLL and acheive GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION!!! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  16. Originally posted by JoeBoy I would like to pledge my loyality to the Militia and ask proudly to join the ranks . ROCK ON JoeBoy!!! With your help, our victory is guaranteed in our fight for GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION!! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  17. Originally posted by Distantkool Are they invisible shirts with invisible logos? Yes, hopefully they will be popular with the ladies!!
  18. Originally posted by 69lespaul Mazi, I would be honored to add some graphis work, either for the site or for merchandise. Let me know what i can do. Excellent! You rule!
  19. Originally posted by Bernie Franks If this is real, then I'm gonna be throwing some money at it for sure. Awesome!! Thanks Bernie! Yes, it is real. People have forever been telling me that if I put my crazy junk on a t-shirt, they would like to have it. So that was the first step. Nice address yes? I'll have all sorts of things on there for MBM members and others. I'll probably even consider doing custom designs as well. Like if you need like one or two t-shirts for The Invisible Band......
  20. Originally posted by 69lespaul Mazi Militia is still looming large on HCUF. Rawk on all members. mazi will be offering guitar phototography 101 in the Sring Semester. Sign up Now! :D :D
  21. Originally posted by Danocoustic You kids say the funniest things
  22. Originally posted by onewhiteduck This should be made into a sticker, I'd rock one on my car's rear window and guitar cases. There will be stickers, t-shirts, hats and the like for MBM Soldiers and thong panties for MBM groupies soon, among other junk! I've registered a web site and am working on it now. saverock-n-roll.com I'll give you guys a heads up when it's ready, probably in a couple of weeks... :D
  23. Originally posted by jjpistols Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!!
  24. Originally posted by Danocoustic 120? 239! Again, we rock twice as hard, so it's all equal!
  25. Originally posted by Faugernauts I'd like to be a mazi bee militist..I do rock pretty hard... I have a lightbulb on my ceiling and it used to be surrounded with this big retro-esque white glass sphere thing until I jumped up doing a rock and roll move and broke it with my guitar...I came down and glass shattered all over me... It was awesome... Faugernauts, it's obvious that you know how to ROCK HARD, UNFORGIVINGLY HARD!! That RULES! Welcome aboard! Continue ROCKING as HARD AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN until you think you can't POSSIBLY ROCK ANY HARDER!!! AT that point, push far beyond what ANYBODY thought what was POSSIBLE!!! ROCK ON!
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