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Mazi Bee

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Everything posted by Mazi Bee

  1. Originally posted by Ratdawg Why am I not counted in yet? I doooooooo try to rawk hard. Trying for 8 years now. If you don't want, i'll be a mercenary then. You're in now, sorry about that. You now have the full force of the militia behind you! Take your ROCK and use it to help us ACHIEVE GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION and general harmony. ROCK ON Ratdawg! Welcome to the Revolution!!
  2. Originally posted by Bernie Franks Give it a black background and it'll be good to go. The wood floor, no offense, kinda takes away from the rawkocity. Yeah I was thinking about that. I have another background in mind....
  3. Originally posted by maccashash 900th post, what better place to do it than here? I still want a "Lawsuit-Proof Gibson copy" T-shirt. That will be one of the first shirts offered!
  4. Originally posted by goat0063 With your permission I would like to print this on a t-shirt for Friday's gig. I promise to rock loud (we've got 6KW of PA) and hard and kick some serious ass. :D Go for it! Post a photo of you wearing at your gig! Go forth and ROCK!!!!!!!!
  5. I just got a new Dean V Select, and I'm thinking of making it the Official Pointy Guitar of the Mazi Bee Militia.... Might make a good poster...?
  6. Originally posted by goat0063 The goat wants in........................ ............for this coming Friday he is going to rock 500 students to within an inch of their pathetic little lives. Bwahahahahahahaha. Actually, I can't believe the fact that the Hotel (5 Star No Less) is going to let us play. They won't forget us in a hurry! ROCK ON goat! We are honored that you are willing to join our cause to SAVE ROCK AND ROLL!! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  7. Originally posted by funk machine03 count me in! ROCK ON funk machine03! We are honored to have you join us on our QUEST to make the WORLD SAFE FOR ROCK N ROLL! Your name will be added to the roster on page 1. Welcome to the Revolution! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD! Your first mission is to commit a RANDOM ACT OF ROCK.
  8. Originally posted by JonathanD I want in!!!! ROCK ON JonathanD! I accept your pledge to help us SAVE ROCK N ROLL and SPREAD THE WORD OF ROCK to the furthest corners of the earth during our QUEST for GLOBAL ROCK AND ROLL DOMINATION!! You first mission is to go forth and ROCK like you have NEVER ROCKED BEFORE! Welcome to the Revolution! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  9. Originally posted by Bernie Franks I enjoy a good pester. :D
  10. Originally posted by Bernie Franks When's that site gonna be up, Mazi? I want some Maziswag! Things have started to slow down at work, just spent all last week at offsite meetings and dinners, but that's over now, so I'll be able to start working on it this week. Keep bugging me though, I need it!
  11. Originally posted by ColorsoundKid Do I have to state my affiliation in my sig? If not, signt me up! No, it's encouraged but not required. We have many members in stealth mode. You are however required to bring beer to the monthly potluck beer orgies. ROCK ON ColorsoundKid, I accept your pledge to help us SAVE ROCK N' ROLL!
  12. Originally posted by Bernie Franks A Mazi is absolutely necessary for the budding forum. great forum, everyone should sign up.
  13. kwsher wrote on 06-28-2005 11:20 AM: I'm new (and old) but LOUD! Any chance of joining the MBM roster to save RnR and K some A? kwsher ROCK ON kwsher, I will be honored to add your name to our roster and induct you into the ass kicking earth shattering militia of ours! Welcome to the Revolution! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  14. Originally posted by jjpistols Thanks for the great image! We've started our third attempt at our first full length. I might hit you up for more art No name or ideas yet, but it's gonna ROCK! dude, I'd be totally into that. Just let me know. We will SAVE ROCK N ROLL one flyer at a time, one album cover at a time, and 2 groupies at a time!
  15. Originally posted by jjpistols Is it time for a Militia Forum somewhere? I have the ability to host a forum on saverock-n-roll.com If it gets too popular though, I'd have to sell ads to pay for bandwidth......
  16. Originally posted by yngvai SIGN ME UP!!! ROCK ON yngvai! Welcome to the Revolution! You a new member, or a lurker who just registered? Either way, welcome to HC and the MBM!! Go forth and spread the WORD of ROCK!
  17. Originally posted by Koz I'll post pics of my family of Jackson/Charvels later...this would probably be a good time to submit an application to the Mazi Bee militia, huh? Welcome to the Militia! We will add your RAWK to ours and we will be unstoppable!! ROCK ON Koz!
  18. Originally posted by a la bamba [highsqueakypitchvoice]Erm... Can I join? I'd be one of the younger members though (15) [/highsqueakypitchvoice] :mad:BUT I'M READY TO RAWK:mad: We have many members that are young but willing and determined to SAVE ROCK AND ROLL AT ALL COSTS! I commend you for your passion to KICK ASS and ROCK HARD. ROCK ON a la bamba. Oh yeah, and stay in school. Rock n roll is a tough business, you need as many smarts as you can get. Commence STAGE 11 ROCKING IMMEDIATELY!!!
  19. Originally posted by Bernie Franks How about stickers designed specially for guitar cases? I think that'd be bitchin'. Yes, there will be many!
  20. Originally posted by Jimi Ray Halen Man! 20 feet! That's a lot of beer! Glad I got in when it was still 10'. Seriously, I want a sticker for my car when they're ready. Excellent!
  21. Originally posted by Brian Krashpad In typical lawyer fashion, I got in on a technicality. BK I must admit, excellent work counselor!
  22. Originally posted by Brian Krashpad This is our secret intelligence test. If you figure out all you have to do is stand atop a ladder or pee out a second-story window, you're in! Oops, was I supposed to give away the solution? Uh, gotta run, the PREF is going out on maneuvers. Yeah, that's it, maneuvers! BK Kommandant, Punk Rock Expeditionary Force, MBM Now I have to amend the rules to make it pissing horizontally from 20 feet....
  23. Originally posted by Ronzo II Will playing Possum Kingdom at a suburban pool party qualify me? If so... sign me up! I'd like to be the Dark Star pilot for the Mazi Bee militia! Stealth, reconnaisance, and Hellfire missles for those that deserve them -- yeah! HELL, yeah! "Youth and speed is no match for old age and treachery." Excellent Ronzo II!! Your expert skills and passion about ALL THINGS ROCKS will serve us greatly in out FIGHT FOR SONIC FREEDOM AND ATOMIC AURAL AGGRESSION!!! ROCK ON
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