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Mazi Bee

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Everything posted by Mazi Bee

  1. The following ASS KICKING HARD ROCKING SONIC WARRIORS have been added to the list on page 1. If I missed any requests, please post and declare your alliegence to SAVING ROCK N ROLL! guitarman63mm chevette sglespaulartist Steve-0sucks blues_rocker BigBone Flametal LouRed tubehead UV777 We are now 197 strong. ROCK ON - Mazi Bee
  2. Originally posted by guitarman63mm count me in!! Rawk. vegas. did you know hookers are legal in nevada?! sending my application ROCK ON! To everyone who has recently expressed interest in joining our quest to SAVE ROCK N ROLL, you are all granted immediate membership in the MBM. Your names are in the process of being added to the list and your backgrounds are being thoroughly checked by one of our members who happens to be a Secret Service agent. If found that you were ever part of an N'Sync tribute band or Captain N Tennille fanclub, your membership will be revoked and you will be merciless flamed. Also, the membership is contingent on the neccessity of you performing RANDOM ACTS OF ROCK on a continuing basis. This world NEEDS MORE ROCK and it is up to US to provide it. Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD! ROCK ON - Mazi Bee
  3. Originally posted by droge MAZI: in honor of your greatness, let me steer you to my acoustic duo's site on myspace: http: www.myspace.com/seekingzenith we have 3 songs off our latest demo, plus (more importantly), pictures of my diva--enjoy, let me know what'cha think!!! KICK ASS droge!! As always, YOU ROCK! Great music, and a smokin diva!
  4. Originally posted by cfgsteak I would like to prove my dedication to the creed of "ROCK HARD and KICK ASS". cfgsteak, I have no doubt that you will excel in our ranks and UNLEASH EAR SPLITTING FACE MELTING SONIC DESTRUCTION on command. We need more ROCK WARRIORS with your kind of dedication! Welcome to the Revolution cfgsteak! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!! ROCK ON
  5. Originally posted by acravero I'd like to join, just as long as there's no hazing. Well, no hazing that involves live animals, at least. The hazing only involves dead goats, so you're in luck! ROCK ON acravero, we'd be honored to have you join our ranks! Welcome to the Revolution! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!! ROCK ON
  6. Originally posted by eroom Whoa! I live to spread the word of rock and roll. I'm definitely down for random acts of rock as well. How do I become an apprentice? You can become a soldier in our quest for GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION simply by expressing your dediciation to our CODE OF ROCK, which you have done. Welcome to the Revolution eroom, I will add your name to the official roster Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!! ROCK ON
  7. Originally posted by redwizard6 Do you take ole geezers who are finally learning how to rock???(on the guitar that is....I've always rocked in my soul!!) If so, I volunteer!! Originally posted by Mr. Nothing Mr. Nothing at your service. Originally posted by DARKMETL/ Do you need to submit some pics to prove that you are officially rocking to gain admission to the club? I"ll post a couple just in case to cover all bases. Originally posted by Hudman Mr. Bee, I am ready to fight the fight Bro. I've been rocking hard since 1985! Originally posted by kdp86 I rock a Gibosn LP Standard through a Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100 Half Stack... rock hard enough for you?? Sign me up, I will further the cause of ROCK! Originally posted by CrackerD Is it possible for a guy to have this amp and NOT rock? Yeah, I didn't think so. My Hamster and I have been known to rock furiously. You have all been added to the Official Roster! Thank you for your DEDICATION to ROCK N ROLL and for VOLUNTEERING to SAVE ROCK N ROLL and achieve GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION!! I have no doubt each and every one of you will ROCK HARD and KICK ASS to the greatest of your ability. Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!! ROCK ON - Mazi Bee
  8. Originally posted by droge Sounds great, dude!!! As for the new recruits, go forth and RAWK ON!!!! Thanks for holding down the fort droge! ROCK ON
  9. Sorry for the late reply. I won't be around much this week, holidays and all. Right now I'm just in for a minute, so I'm granting you all MBM status, no time for detailed replies though, so much RANDOM ACTS of HOLIDAY ROCK to perform, so little time. I have the upmost faith that you will all go forth and SPREAD THE WORD of ROCK to all you meet, and help us on our quest for GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION!! Will check in later and add all your names to offical roster. ROCK ON ALL and everyone have a HAPPY FESTIVUS. - MB
  10. Originally posted by cloudnine Mr. Bee - I play a {censored}in' Kramer Pacer with 1 humbucker. Need I say more? HELL YEAH. That pretty much says it all. ROCK ON cloudnine, I know you ROCK HARDER in one day than most people do ALL YEAR! Welcome to the Revolution, here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!!
  11. Originally posted by Mika I posted in the thread in the electric guitar forum , but just in case you didnt read it yet: Can I join? I rock HARD and nonstop! Mika, because of your dediction and passion for HARD NON STOP ROCKING, I would be happy to enlist you into our cause. With your help, we will move closer and closer to our goal of GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION! ROCK ON! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  12. Originally posted by serious I don't know how to rawk or dance, but I still know how to clap my hands In other words, can I join? serious, I can tell that you have ROCK N ROLL in your heart, so I will admit you into our ranks immediately. You will be required to report for MBM BASIC TRAINING HARD ROCK BOOT CAMP immediately on our secret, remote island base in the south pacific. We will send a team of ROCK SERGEANTS to escort you and they will send me weekly reports on your progress. ROCK ON serious! I look forward to your boot camp success. Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!
  13. Originally posted by solomon1979 How can I sign up, b/c I just wanna rawk and not be affiliated with half-ased rawkin. Man, I like your attitude! Here in the MBM its POLICY to ROCK AT FULL MIND BLOWING EAR SHATTERING FULL ASSED LEVELS at all times. Go forth and PERFORM MULTIPLE, RANDOM, SENSELESS ACTS OF ROCK. Welcome to the Revolution, here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!
  14. Originally posted by Fiverz I knew Zakk Wylde when he was a kid and taught him all his licks (except Stillborn ... the mofo came up with that on his own!!!). Can I join your elite militia?! KICK ASS. You're in. Pull up an axe and pound out the most THUNDERING SONIC RIFFS OF DESTRUCTION in your arsenal. ROCK ON Fiverz! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  15. Originally posted by brassic Hang on, I missed something, is there another female in the Militia? I know we are few and far between on the HC battlefield. I think we may need a Lady Division... Yes, I believe you and Rada are the only 2 females in our army of over 170. Truly the most elite division of this militia!
  16. Originally posted by Rada Are ladies welcome?? because I like rock, beer and strippers too!!! Or course they are! It is well known that the ladies know what ROCK N ROLL is all about and can ROCK just as hard if NOT HARDER than the average guy can. Your passion for what I like to think of as the foundation of our cause, ROCK, BEER, and STRIPPERS proves to me that you will be a most valuable member of our ROCK SOCIETY!! ROCK ON Rada! Go forth and perform RANDOM ACTS OF ROCK, and KICK AS MUCH ASS as you POSSIBLY CAN at all times, like I know you can. Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!
  17. Originally posted by Koyote I've been known to be able to use multiple types of firearms, drive and operate Tanks and Misc. Armored Veichels, plus i got some guitar skillz... i've been wanting to joing a militia for a while now, less annoying "don't shoot the innocent" laws... I already advise the HCRDAC and been known to occasionaly stick it to "the man"... plus i know you need MidEast representation Well? d. Your presence in the middle east will greatly help advance our cause for GLOBAL ROCK N ROLL DOMINATION. Go forth and SPREAD the WORD of ROCK, and UNLEASH MULTIPLE BARRAGES of SONIC ROCK N ROLL DESTRUCTION at ALL TIMES. ROCK ON Koyote, welcome to the Revolution!
  18. Originally posted by 85bears Do I qualify? I want in too. 85bears, as long as you have ROCK N ROLL in your heart, that is good enough for me. I will take you willingness to join our noble cause as proof that you KNOW what ROCK N ROLL is all about. ROCK ON 85bears, here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD
  19. Originally posted by nevermind Mr. Amazin Bee is my pedal done yet? You know one that spits hellfire and brimstone?? I'd ask to join the militia too, but 2 questions in one post would be unethical of me.....wouldn't it? Almost ready, several of the last test pedals have spontaneusly combusted under the extreme amount of BLISTERING SONIC BRUTALNESS that makes the pedal so GAINWRENCHINGLY BREWTALFUL. Until such time that I have the pedal perfected, we'd be most honored to have such a seasoned veteran of ROCK N ROLL such as yourself join our ranks. You have proven yourself to be of great character time and time again and it's guys like you that we need the support of the most. ROCK ON nevermind, welcome to the Revolution!
  20. Originally posted by Hemispheres Mazi Bee, count me in. Hemispheres, I know we can count on you to bring KICKING ASS and ROCKING HARD to a whole new level. We proudly accept you into our ranks! Go forth and ROCK! Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  21. Originally posted by Angus_Poser Wanna let me in on this? KICK ASS Angus_Poser, your dedication to ROCK N ROLL makes you the perfect candidate for the MBM. Go forth and ROCK as HARD as you POSSIBLY CAN and perform as many RANDOM ACTS OF ROCK as possible! ROCK ON
  22. Originally posted by wedgehed II Mazi- I'm 49 years old & can barely kick my own ass. Also, even though I want to rock-n-roll all night, I only want to party every other weekend. On the plus side, I strongly believe that no guitar is so good that it can't be improved by adding a whammy bar. Do you have a place for me? Your love for whammy bar pyrotechnics ensures you a spot in the MBM, and the fact that you own (do you still have it?) one of the coolest floyd strats of all time cements our need for you in this ROCK AND ROLL STRUGGLE for WORLD DOMINATION and FREEDOM FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO ROCK without STOPPING!!! KICK ASS wedgehed, welcome to the Revolution! Your name will be placed among the ROCK N ROLL ELITE on the Official Roster. Here are your stripes, wear them PROUD AND LOUD!!
  23. Originally posted by Jossy BTW, Mazi....are we gonna have a christmas party like last year?...Boy, it sure was fun...lots of booze, rock and girls...! Saludos. HELL YEAH!! Just remember, it's your turn this year to bring bail money!!
  24. Originally posted by wango55 I would be honored if I can have membership. I have been playing guitar loud and proud for 11 years, and have been in bands on and off for the past 6 or 7. I don't care if my musical contributions get heard, or if I get paid for it...though it would be nice, I just love playing rock loud! LONG LIVE ROCK AND ROLL! Now that is the exact attitude that I like to see! ROCKING as HARD as you POSSIBLY CAN, for the PURE LOVE of it! ROCK ON wango55, welcome to the Revolution!!
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