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gibson quality

Ralph onion

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I bought a new Gibson LPJR a few weeks ago and it was perfect. One piece solid mahogany body, set up well and no problems. Tone is out of this world. A neck to die for. Then thinking this was the norm I ordered a Melody Maker. Got it today and it is a piece of {censored}. Strings 50 feet off the neck and impossible to tune, so I assume the neck is off kilter.I called AMS and am returning it and do not want a replacement. I will settle for the LP JR, a great guitar. This is the second time I have recieved a piece of {censored} from Gibson. My first was a faded SG when they first came out. The fretboard had a 1/8 inch space between the neck and the fretboard. Drove me nuts. Fretboard was too narrow for the neck, {censored}ty. So it is a crapshoot. This Melody Maker should make Gibson sick, to send out this kind of crap. I am going to buy a CV Tele Squire in place of it, only hope it will far exceed this crap. I am pissed off at Gibson again. This MM is like {censored} from some snake infested country in Asia. Made in America, what a joke! Now I have to go to the local hardware store and send the damned thing back. What a hassle. And for you tinkerers I dont want to {censored} with it. Should have been set up right at Gibson.

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A; you're trying to open that big old Gibson can of crap on us again, and B;


And for you tinkerers I dont want to {censored} with it. Should have been set up right at Gibson.


No. No large, mass-producing guitar companies are going to make the setup that's perfect for you. They can't tailor each individual setup to... well, who? They don't know who's going to bloody buy and play the things!


Guitarists are all so different. Some like action as high as a kite, some like it low and slinky. Some like 9 gauge strings, some like 12. We're all different. So, it's impossible to have it set up "right" straight from the factory.


Either take it to a pro and tell him what you want, or maybe you can get off your lazy fat arse, and, with a few turns of an Allen wrench and a screwdriver, have a kickass guitar that plays nice. Setting up a guitar just isn't rocket science.


{censored}, I'm sixteen years old, and I have set up every guitar I've ever owned all my myself.


In conclusion, I think you're extremely lazy, and a bit of a twat, and I consider this to be a troll post. Thankyou, and goodnight :wave:

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A; you're trying to open that big old Gibson can of crap on us again, and B;

No. No large, mass-producing guitar companies are going to make the setup that's perfect for
They can't tailor each individual setup to... well, who? They don't know who's going to bloody buy and play the things!

Guitarists are all so different. Some like action as high as a kite, some like it low and slinky. Some like 9 gauge strings, some like 12. We're all different. So, it's impossible to have it set up "right" straight from the factory.

Either take it to a pro and tell him what you want, or maybe you can get off your lazy fat arse, and, with a few turns of an Allen wrench and a screwdriver, have a kickass guitar that plays nice. Setting up a guitar just
rocket science.

{censored}, I'm sixteen years old, and I have set up every guitar I've ever owned all my myself.

In conclusion, I think you're extremely lazy, and a bit of a twat, and I consider this to be a troll post. Thankyou, and goodnight


you sir, are an exceptional sixteen year old. Not because you can set up your own guitars, though that is commendable, but because you just managed to intelligently and effectively lay out the idiocy of the OP with unarguable logic. :lol: I will give the OP some credit though if that thing about the fretboard being too narrow for the neck on his SG is true, that is truly {censored}ed up. I have never seen any of these major problems I've seen online in person though, which leaves me to believe they are more the exception than the rule. But having an issue with them because the guitars don't come set up right out of the box? That's just short of plain illogical.

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This is like the 20,000,000,000th time that i'v seen a 'Gibson Quality' thread since i'v been posting on here. Its getting {censored}ing old now. Melody Makers where first created to be a cheap Gibson that students could lug around with them, its not going to be the same quality as a

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Gibson, as with all companies, cannot make every single guitar that comes off the line in either the production side, or the custom shop side, a perfectly great guitar.
Wood reacts differently from one piece to the next. Hence, as with all of my Gibsons and other guitars, except for my Handle which is all carbon fiber, I have had to hand select the ones that I wanted over a large number of specimans to get the ones that sounded right to my ears. Then I had to do an instore setup to make sure the neck adjusted properly. If I bought the guitar through an internet dealer whom I trusted, they did the neck adjustment before the guitar was sent, and I still had a window of rejection so that I could check the guitar out when I got it.

There are no companies that are so consistant that they can deliver perfect wood guitars 100% of the time.

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I played a few SGs a couple of weeks ago. I found the necks to be okay... the fretboard wasn't too narrow, as I heard. But the entire neck was too thin depth-wise. It was like a smaller version of a nylon-string classical's neck - very wide, and very thin. Didn't suit me at all. The fretboard just felt too wide for the depth they put on the back


Yeah different people like different stuff. Something about an SG just feels perfect for me. Especially with a 60s neck like a '61 RI or my GT has on it.:thu:

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Wow, lots of hate, here. Dude bought a Gibson and expected nice things for multiple reasons, which I can't disagree with. For the $300-400 a MM costs, you can easily get a hell of a guitar. He didn't get a hell of a guitar, and wasn't happy because of it. What's the problem?

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Yeah different people like different stuff. Something about an SG just feels perfect for me. Especially with a 60s neck like a '61 RI or my GT has on it.

Yep. Different people, different hands.

I guess it could be suited to those who hold the guitar with the thumb on the back. I do that with barre chords. But for pretty much everything else, it felt weird, because I like to wrap around most of the time.

They were gorgeous guitars, though. My favourite was the SG Classic, with the two P90s. I was so pissed that I had to leave it there. So lovely :love:


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Since I just got a new Melody Maker I could not disagree any more with you if I tried. The action is great out of the box and there are no problems at all with the tuning. Granted the finish is not polished out to a high gloss but, so what. It is a great guitar.Your ranting and raving make me wonder if you escaped from a VA hospital or you need your house checked for radon gas. Maybe both.

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This is one reason why I never buy a guitar that is shipped. I typically go to a store where the guitars are set up well and buy there.

You should also learn how to do minor adjustments on the neck. This sounds like a good opportunity.

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Yes, Gibson makes some of the worlds finest guitars, they can also make some of the worlds CRAPPIEST guitars too!


It IS a gamble ordering them online. But as was said a thousand times on this board, GO TO A MUSIC STORE YOURSELF to try a Gibson guitar out! DO NOT order one online thinking everything is going to be perfect. Because with this company it may just not be.


If the OP had of went to a store to buy one, he could have saved himself a lot of hassle.


A Gibson guitar is one guitar you really need to try out yourself. You may have to go through a dozen, or you may find the pearl you are looking for right away, but either way, the music store can make it right for you IF all it turns out to be, is the guitar in need of a set up.

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Wow, lots of hate, here. Dude bought a Gibson and expected nice things for multiple reasons, which I can't disagree with. For the $300-400 a MM costs, you can easily get a hell of a guitar. He didn't get a hell of a guitar, and wasn't happy because of it. What's the problem?



you didnt notice that some of the "issues" he mentioned arent actually physically possible i guess....


but as others have mentioned, im not going to post in this thread.

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