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Les Paul Lover

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Everything posted by Les Paul Lover

  1. Nice to know she was with you guys when she went. She must have felt better for it.
  2. Isn't moving you fingers on the fret board exercise enough??? Darn, no one told me.... *goes for jog*
  3. Troll Cat is calling you out. Aaawwww I want a troll cat!!!!!!
  4. Well, that Edit: Got interrupted typing by HC crashing!!! Resuming the sentence started above: was a long time since we had such a thread, at least 2 or 3 days.
  5. I don't like insane flames - but light flames or plain tops are lovely. Don't care much for quilting. Biconing, how do you like you black pearl? I certainly was impressed by the combo I tried!!!
  6. Come on fretsy, man up, get one and bleed on it. You know you want to. :poke:
  7. You good man. *pats csm on the shoulder whilst wiping a tear away*
  8. ^^^ As far as I see, you honoured your side of the deal. No stealing there.
  9. I regularly go home with byros from work...... And I feel alright with it..... Oohhh, have I no conscience???!!!
  10. All this talk makes me want to do a good inventory of my stuff and lock the list up someplace. However, if someone breaks into my house, he'll have to deal with the 85-pound Otis: I'm afraid your dogs looks like a big softie. Very cute!!!! Perhaps will lick the burlgar to death?????
  11. in all the years I`ve been buying Fender Japans here, I`ve never seen nor heard of them calling any models reissues...F/USA makes those. FJs may or may not be based on USA models but they not always replicas, plus shops can order them to any specs they want. Fender Japan also builds them in various price points...they can not all be lumped into one or two catagories...if you buy a low end model thats what you get...same goes for MIJs in general, there are so many builders around now...some very high end makers others not so much, really depends. When it comes to mine, my best MIJs are not Fenders...and that statement above about the 80s and 90s models having cheap electronics contradicts the guitars I own...it`s the new stuff that comes...for the most part, there are exceptions...with the plastic switch and tiny pots, all my `80s and `90s FJ have full size pots and steel switches. Right now the best deal on used MIJ strats I have access to are the Edwards...the best MIJ? no, but price wise the best bargains...the tone bursts I see have 2 piece center seamed bodies....most FJs do not...again there are exceptions...but the Edwards strat I have is outstanding for the $400.oo I paid, and there are other Japanese builders I`d buy...and have bought... before buying a F/USA I see hanging in local shops, my Van Zandts and Seymour Duncans stand up to any F/USA custom shop guitar around these parts. So if you see a FJ thats interests you try to get some pics of the neck pocket and post em so members can have a look at what it might be...lots of people seem to think everything MIJ is great, it isn`t...ya gotta be careful `cause some sellers think the same thing. I have a MIJ guitar that's excellent, a 1983 Aria Pro 2, but I do specifically want a fender strat. Could sound narrow minded, but I've been a humbucker player all my life, and whilst I'm gassing for a strat, I will buy it 2nd hand, and I'm keeping in mind that I want it to be able to resell for the same price should I fail to bond with it. So whilst Van Zandts guitars might be simliar to a strat, or even 2% better, I know that reselling more obsucr brands, even though possibly better, is more touch and go.
  12. what features are you specifically looking for? vintage trem? or modern machined? SSS or HSS locking tuners? LSR roller nut? finishes? relic'd? FB? neck profile? neck feel? ive got 3 strats and started by going out and trying a few, i didnt really like most neck on MIM strats, everything just felt a little placticy, and too light for me, played 1 MIA and thought, i love the feel of that. couldnt afford a brand new one, so snapped up a 50th aniv on ebay, put some CS texas specials in it, and its been my No 1 guitar ever since, was just coincidence that it was everything i was looking for without actually playing the guitar before i bought it. which shows thats its great to try a variety out first, but if you have to take that risk it might very well pay off . . . . never played an MIJ strat, but have played many other MIJ guitars (own a '91 MIJ PGM300) and its is just insanly amazing, but its in a higher price range so that might say something, i will def have to get my hands on some MIJ strats and see how they feel to give my actual opinion on them. but you do get some nice options with MIJ's that ive seen online. so play some, buy one, love it vintage trem? or modern machined? No idea!!! SSS or HSS SSS locking tuners? Not fussed LSR roller nut? What? finishes? relic'd? FB? It will be a 2nd hand, but will not be in any of those surf colour I hate so much (green pink or other, they
  13. Highway One's are a great value and really aren't more than MIJ Strats. The neck alone is worth it. Well... I've tried some decent highway ones, and one the neck of which was particularly unpleasant!!! Certainly, next to a standard, that standard was a very obvious step up in feel, and it's tone was a little nicer to my ears. Have some of you got deluxe? What do you think of that S1 switch thing?
  14. I've tried a few, but shops in my area only have so much of one or the others, can't always compare side by side.... Please help!!!! I've tried a few mexicans, (and "usa" made highway one), the usa standard & deluxe. No japanese to try out though. If I buy mine, It'll be second hand. I have established that my favorite so far seem to be the regular standard from a tone point of view (and feel too). How do the japanese compare to them? Which is your favorite? Why? Japanese? Standard? Deluxe? Whilst I've preferred the regular standard, I've only tried it for 20mn or so, totally different to acutally own the thing itself. Thanx for your help!!!!!
  15. Krashpad all right, or love is blind...... Eh, eh, sorry, I couldn't resist!!!!!!
  16. Anyhow, if you went through your midlife crisis by buying a pointy guitar, you got away with it pretty light. Better than my colleague's husband who dumped her for another woman. Pointy guitar was playing it safe really!!!!!!!
  17. Play what you like. There's no law stating that a balding middle aged fat bastard cannot play metal with a pointy guitar. Even though some american states have some down right dodgy laws, I'm pretty sure that one hasn't been passed anywhere.
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