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You Want To Make It?

Ralph onion

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I have listened to all of the posts in here and alot of it is good. But none of you will make it. This is not a Pro Forum. Alot of you guys act like you are hot {censored} for playing somewhere with somebody but all of your effort and cd's and bull{censored} posters and etc dont mean {censored}. I want to cry thinking of the talent in here who if had major studio backing could make it. But it is not going to happen. There is NOBODY in here who knows anymore about the record busines than I. If you are satisfied where you and your band are now I compliment you. You are being realistic. Challenge me! Most of the music posts in here are lame. I see nothing new and exciting. Yes you are real good guitar players and all of that {censored} but you dont stand out. And alot of it has to do with being in the right place at the right time! No offense brothers. So lets keep the egos down at the earth level and know we are rock and roll or blues or jazz lovers and leave it at that. Bitch at me. I can handle it.



I (and probably most others here) come on here to talk geeky obsessive crap about guitars. About wood and metal and magnets and plastic. It's not a songwriting forum. When I'm playing in my various musical projects we don't talk about gear at all really. What's the point of your rant?

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