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Why the CC DeVille hate?


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And what kind of music do you think should be in its place?



i will say right now the best thing that ever happened to that awful horrid, spandex hair spray metal was the grunge movement..

Peal Jam

Sound Garden

Janes Addiction

Red Hot




drove the stake in the heart of that glam stuff.. and good riddance... yes some of the grunge was a bit dour in scope.. but at least it was written from a real place and not some.. formula.. i look at it at about the same as when disco died in the late 70's.. and i dont miss that either.. i will take a flannle shirt and some meaningfull well written lyrics to makeup and fall asleep bass and drums and chesse guitar..


glad to see it gone..


but thats just me..

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Reb Beach in an interview summed up CC perfectly:

I Love C.C.! Maybe for guitar players, which make up a tiny percentage of the audience, he is messy and sloppy. But, to everyone else, his combination of a drunken Angus and Jerry Lewis works perfectly for the show and people love to watch him. Did you know that guy jogs five miles right before he goes onstage every night! I'm lying in bed right now and would have someone take the bed to the show and drag me out of it at 6:45pm (Dokken goes on at 6:50pm) if I had the money. When I first joined Dokken, I wasn't budging from in front of my mike because I was still learning the songs. The band said to me, "Reb, it doesn't matter if you make mistakes cause NO ONE WILL KNOW! Run around, swing your hair and punch Don in the head! Then you will make an impression and it's all about making an exiting show". They were right. The general public probably thinks C.C. is a great guitarist because he is a WILDMAN. "YAAAAAA!" - scream the beer guzzling jocks who want 'Nothin' But A Good Time'. C.C. is wonderful and deserves a lot of credit for really being a GREAT showman.

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What is it that you can't stand? The fact it was about having a good time? People like you bag on hair metal because of the look. Now, it is cool to bag on it. I loved it, I looked it, and had more fun back then. Did we take it serious? Not really, but it was about fun. But it is cool to say that you were not into the look and that hair metal sucked. But, name 1 other form of music where the guitar was featured as much and there were so many great players. Lynch, DeMartini, Jamie Scott (Vain), and a million other cats were just great players. But, because of their hair-do, it was cool to say they sucked.

People who rip on the hair metal do so because they could not look like that. I have noticed that many, many times.

Let me add that your "thrash metal" was just as if not more image driven than Poison was. The Anti-image was to contrieved as well. But, I guess you play better if you look like you work at a gas station than if you have on a flash outfit. God knows, what you wear and how you look controls your fingers.

People rip on it because of the {censored} content.:idea: Cool solos surrounded by {censored}. You are right alot of bands had the hair ( myself included ) but not all of them had horrible songs. Some of us from that era are glad this garbage went away.

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i will say right now the best thing that ever happened to that awful horrid, spandex hair spray metal was the grunge movement..

Peal Jam

Sound Garden

Janes Addiction

Red Hot



drove the stake in the heart of that glam stuff.. and good riddance... yes some of the grunge was a bit dour in scope.. but at least it was written from a real place and not some.. formula.. i look at it at about the same as when disco died in the late 70's.. and i dont miss that either.. i will take a flannle shirt and some meaningfull well written lyrics to makeup and fall asleep bass and drums and chesse guitar..

glad to see it gone..

but thats just me..



Grunge sure had a good 2 year run didn't it? And if you don't think it was formula you are cracked. The flannel, combat boots, shorts, etc.....VERY contrieved. As much "image" as the hair bands. Especially after Pearl Jam hit. How many clones were out there ?

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One factor for the CC/Poison hate that nobody has mentioned yet (although EllenGtrGrl touched on it):

Poison's records sounded like absolute ASS. Typical late 80s crappy sound, with fizzy guitars, phony sounding drums, and weak low end. When I pulled up 'Talk Dirty To Me' a couple of years ago to learn it for the band, I was stunned at how craptastic it sounded. If you had told me it was a demo, I would have believed it.

I liked C.C.'s solo on it...a good, no-frills, Chuck Berry-esque solo.

I prefer to focus my hate on Bret Michaels. Now THERE'S a douchebag for you.

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Grunge sure had a good 2 year run didn't it? And if you don't think it was formula you are cracked. The flannel, combat boots, shorts, etc.....VERY contrieved. As much "image" as the hair bands. Especially after Pearl Jam hit. How many clones were out there ?



fair enough.. but even at its most formulaic level is not near as bad as the watered down 80s big hair sound.. and most of those clones could write a freaking song and not just have 4 to the bar and solo and out.. we like what we like but a diet of "I have a fast car" "Im Going to get Laid" "lets get drunk"

is what was wrong with the 80's.. bands like Quiet Roit, Poision, Ratt, Kix, Winger, Stryper, ,... just glad its gone... and Grunge opened to door for some pretty great stuff.. like the Foo Fighters see Grunge matured.. 80s Hair metal stagnated.. a good film to see is "the Decline and fall of western civilization"




so glad..



MHO.. but you asked...

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I have seen Decline of the Western Civilization a thousand times. While I was never a huge Poison fan (actually their early demos are better than their albums) nor do I like Winger, Nelson, Warrant, etc and all these commercial crap bands, check out : VAIN, Heavens Edge, Lynch Mob, Skid Row, etc....Those bands flat out rocked were actually heavy.

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I do. I HATE Rap & Hip Hop. Plain and simple.



All of it? Really? You've really given it a fair shot and sampled (get it?) a broad range of it? Forgive me but I doubt you have. That's not to say that if you did listen to a broad range of it that you still wouldn't like it. But HATE?


I don't particularyly like weedly-deedly stuff in general. But I've certainly heard some examples that I liked. I don't generally like that 80's hair band stuff either but there's one or two things that I think are pretty good. There's good and bad (or if you prefer stuff to like and not like) in every form of music.


But to HATE music? That's pretty sad.

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Nope, I worked in Record Stores for years and heard TONS of it. To me there is no "music" involved, no riffs, no real melodies, certainly no harmony to speak of. As for lyrics, I grew up wrong to be able to relate to them. I am not from the Hood, not a gangsta, not a pimp, no bitches or what not etc....Can't stand it. How the hell it has lasted so long it is beyond me. What bothers me is all these little suburbanite, white kids listening to Biggy Smalls or Tu-pac or what ever thinking they are something they are not. And people used to say Heavy Metal had lyrics that should be censored. I remember when my nephew was about 12 years old and he got a Snoop Dog CD for Christmas from his "religious" mother. Songs like "to all my Ni**as & Bitches", perfect for a 12 year old.

I also like my beer 12 ounces at a time. Not 40....

Yep....I HATE it.

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Nope, I worked in Record Stores for years and heard TONS of it. To me there is no "music" involved, no riffs, no real melodies, certainly no harmony to speak of. As for lyrics, I grew up wrong to be able to relate to them. I am not from the Hood, not a gangsta, not a pimp, no bitches or what not etc....Can't stand it. How the hell it has lasted so long it is beyond me. What bothers me is all these little suburbanite, white kids listening to Biggy Smalls or Tu-pac or what ever thinking they are something they are not. And people used to say Heavy Metal had lyrics that should be censored. I remember when my nephew was about 12 years old and he got a Snoop Dog CD for Christmas from his "religious" mother. Songs like "to all my Ni**as & Bitches", perfect for a 12 year old.

I also like my beer 12 ounces at a time. Not 40....

Yep....I HATE it.



Well, same {censored}, different era I suppose.


You realize that back in the day Rock and Roll was considered toneless dreck that was undermining the morality of kids (ie. scaring their parents). That white kids were listening to "black" music and picking up all that "ghetto lingo" etc.


So now you land in the role of the Eisenhower era older folks who themselves caused a stir back in their youth with swing and lindyhopping.


Same {censored}, different era.

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Well, same {censored}, different era I suppose.

You realize that back in the day Rock and Roll was considered toneless dreck that was undermining the morality of kids (ie. scaring their parents). That white kids were listening to "black" music and picking up all that "ghetto lingo" etc.

So now you land in the role of the Eisenhower era older folks who themselves caused a stir back in their youth with swing and lindyhopping.

Same {censored}, different era.



Right, but white kids back then still knew they were white. They listened to music that evolved from black music, but they never walked around dressing, and talking like they just got done picking cotton.

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What is it that you can't stand? The fact it was about having a good time? People like you bag on hair metal because of the look. Now, it is cool to bag on it. I loved it, I looked it, and had more fun back then. Did we take it serious? Not really, but it was about fun. But it is cool to say that you were not into the look and that hair metal sucked. But, name 1 other form of music where the guitar was featured as much and there were so many great players. Lynch, DeMartini, Jamie Scott (Vain), and a million other cats were just great players. But, because of their hair-do, it was cool to say they sucked.

People who rip on the hair metal do so because they could not look like that. I have noticed that many, many times.

Let me add that your "thrash metal" was just as if not more image driven than Poison was. The Anti-image was to contrieved as well. But, I guess you play better if you look like you work at a gas station than if you have on a flash outfit. God knows, what you wear and how you look controls your fingers.



Hi Kerry,


Has your 5120 arrived yet?


Yes thrash metal became image oriented, but it wasn't that image oriented in the early and mid 80s. Hair metal was about image from Day 1. Also, while I've always been the lead guitarist in my bands, ah luvs playing me some good rhythmn guitar, and I haven't found much hair metal rhythmn guitar to be very interesting to play. The leads are OK, of they do something other than the typical "done to death" scalar runs. MY beef with the tone has already been mentioned above.


As for the good time lyrics, I have no problem with the concept in general. BUT, I do have problem with lyrics that basically say: "I wanna screw you tonight" (I'm a woman, not a sex toy), and I have REAL problem with lyrics that basically say "I'm gonna get drunk or get high and have a good time." I have alcoholics in my family, and as a result, don't have much you for songs that toal about the "great times experienced" while drunk or high.

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Right, but white kids back then still knew they were white. They listened to music that evolved from black music, but they never walked around dressing, and talking like they just got done picking cotton.



this has nothing to do with the music. Biggie Smalls was a genius, if you dont like him because of what some kids dress like thats pretty silly IMO. I hate grunge kids but some grunge music is aweome. I hate goth kids but The Cure and Bauhuas kick ass.

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Hi Kerry,

Has your 5120 arrived yet?

Yes thrash metal became image oriented, but it wasn't that image oriented in the early and mid 80s. Hair metal was about image from Day 1. Also, while I've always been the lead guitarist in my bands, ah luvs playing me some good rhythmn guitar, and I haven't found much hair metal rhythmn guitar to be very interesting to play. The leads are OK, of they do something other than the typical "done to death" scalar runs. MY beef with the tone has already been mentioned above.

As for the good time lyrics, I have no problem with the concept in general. BUT, I do have problem with lyrics that basically say: "I wanna screw you tonight" (I'm a woman, not a sex toy), and I have REAL problem with lyrics that basically say "I'm gonna get drunk or get high and have a good time." I have alcoholics in my family, and as a result, don't have much you for songs that toal about the "great times experienced" while drunk or high.



Play the song "Tooth N Nail" from Dokken and then tell me that the rhythm guitar is un-interesting.


As for image. The whole "scary" satan, looking like your growling in photos, was for "image" from day one as well. Flat out as much of an image as the glam bands.


Tone. Lynch had a great tone. DeMartini had a great tone. Akira Takasaki had a great tone. Schenker had a great tone. The list goes on. Hair metal was not all Poison, Warrant and Nelson. Youtube Heavens Edge or Vain and you will hear some guitar.


And for lyrics. Listen to Hip Hop & Rap for nice, wholesome lyrics and then tell me Hair Metal had bad lyrics.


5120. Not here yet !

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this has nothing to do with the music. Biggie Smalls was a genius, if you dont like him because of what some kids dress like thats pretty silly IMO. I hate grunge kids but some grunge music is aweome. I hate goth kids but The Cure and Bauhuas kick ass.



Biggie was a genius ??? Because he could rhyme obscene Lyrics?



Girl you look fine, like a windface Rolex, you just shine

I like that waistline

Let me hit that from behind, which wall you wanna climb

My styles genuine, girl I love you long time

I got you pinned up, with yo {censored}in limbs up

All because you like the way my Benz was rimmed up

Bitch keep yo shin up, please watch me do thee

Nasty, like it when you make it move fast mommy

I like it when you tro' it pon me

No love makin, strictly back breakin

Ceas' know, all his hoes, go to my door

Then they go to his flo', to {censored} some more

So no, caviar, sharp bar, uh uh

Strictly sex that's pretty and left over spaghetti

I know you used to slow CD's and Don P's

But tonight its eight tracks and six-packs while I hit that



Yeah........genius alright. Please......

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Right, but white kids back then still knew they were white. They listened to music that evolved from black music, but they never walked around dressing, and talking like they just got done picking cotton.



No, they dressed in zoot suits and said stuff like: "Howzit, Gate?" during the era for that stuff. And there were plenty of white kids during the blues revival of the 60's who actually did look like they just got done picking cotton.


And the common lingo in rock 'n' roll and anybody who played it early on was considered very "black" sounding to white people of that time. Crazy as it may seem today, when white people first heard Elvis on the radio they thought he was black.


Much as you want to be revisionist about this stuff, it's a repeated cultural phenomenon in this society- the black culture innovates in music and the white kids follow. It just doesn't suit your tastes (hmmm...gee, sorta how Poison doesn't suit some people's tastes) but that doesn't invalidate it as having been at the vangard of cultural expression that it was for it's time. True, now it's pretty much just another genre of music, though some would argue that it still expresses the condition of black, urban youth. But, as you mentioned, it has remained pretty popular over time. Remember, you pointed out that Poison was popular for a reason and others thought they sucked. Shoe's on the other foot now.

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