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Did a recording of Red House with my new RP500 check it out


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I got my RP500 so I decided to try and record. Had to use a Mic cuz my comp doesn't like the RP500's direct recording


60s RW Strat with Van Zandt V+/Blues bridge pickups -->RP500 65 Dlx Reverb amp model and 4x10 bassman cab model --> classic fuzz model --> mia crate v15 miced with an MAudio USB mic

Used the clyde wah model in the middle



Hope hendrix isn't throwing up in his grave from my terrible playing and singing.. maybe the fuzz will cover up the slop playing :facepalm:


Also honestly the tone sounds better in person I just don't know how to mic anything well

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That's pretty close on the tone......good job on the guitar playing:thu: The singing? Well, as you said, you need some practice.


Did you go direct into the Crate's front input? Just curious about eq, gain, etc. from the amp vs. the rp500.

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That's pretty close on the tone......good job on the guitar playing:thu: The singing? Well, as you said, you need some practice.

Did you go direct into the Crate's front input? Just curious about eq, gain, etc. from the amp vs. the rp500.


Haha yeah I don't sing at all so this is my first attempt at doing lyrics with any song. Hope your ears didn't bleed too much :lol:


Yeah theres no fx loop on the crate so its guitar-->rp500-->front input of amp. EQ on amp was all 12oclock and gain knob down pretty low. The distortion and dirt you hear is almost all rp500. Yeah I had the fuzz at about 65/100 and tone maxed.


BTW this was played primarily with the middle pickup because the fuzz sounded way too muddy with the neck pickup.


probs should've tried the marshall models, this thing is pretty cool and versatile. sold all my pedals and i'm quite happy

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Really good attempt...well done.


Singing is tricky, but keep going...you're off to a good start.


I was impressed you had the balls to post a cover of a Hendrix number, so I've posted an old cover of "Purple haze" in it's own thread, complete with my struggling vocals! :D


Good job!

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Thank you kind fellows for the compliments on my sloppy playing and off key vocals haha

I'll post some more tones and songs once I explore the rp500 some more


any more advice on where to mic, what software to use for editing and mixing (m-audio software is terrible) etc.

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Haha yeah I don't sing at all so this is my first attempt at doing lyrics with any song.

Yeah theres no fx loop on the crate so its guitar-->rp500-->front input of amp. EQ on amp was all 12oclock and gain knob down pretty low. The distortion and dirt you hear is almost all rp500.



Thanks for that info. And to be clear I wasn't knocking your singing. Voice is like any other instrument, knowledge and practice makes for improvement. If you had heard some of early vocal attempts you would feel fine about where you are at.

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I really liked some of your signature licks, you have a good singing voice.....but you flubbed the feel of intro, which is common....



That was actually my feeling as well. I think you sing well enough.



Here's my improv on Red House.



Tone-wise that was incredible, complete with echo on the voice. How about a rundown on the gear used?

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Your singing voice is great. You mention you don't sing much. You should sing more!! :thu:


Guitar sounds very good. Not my cup of tea, but it's a good vintage style fuzz tone with a hint of octavia in there. Plenty of good mids and body. Not thin or harsh. I really like the reverb you have on it. I hear the spring simulation in there in spots. Cool!


Those RP500s look like very cool units. I wish I had things like this when I was first learning.

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I'm just curious why you would want to devote all that time to sounding like someone else. I mean, you are taking away from your own authenticity and originality by trying to emulate a musician who was authentic and original, which is why Hendrix's music had such a profound force and effect.


The guitar tone is decent and there is a roomy sound to the percussion.

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I'm just curious why you would want to devote all that time to sounding like someone else. I mean, you are taking away from your own authenticity and originality by trying to emulate a musician who was authentic and original, which is why Hendrix's music had such a profound force and effect.



I think that you can learn a lot about music by doing it...and learn a lot about tweaking gear too. It is a great exercise IMO as long as it isn't the singular focus.

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That was actually my feeling as well. I think you sing well enough.

Tone-wise that was incredible, complete with echo on the voice. How about a rundown on the gear used?




the singer, and rest of the band is a backing track..so I can't tell you what they used....


I used an OLP Axis and Pocket pod for the lead guitar part.

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