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Should I sell the house and pull the trigger on this?


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If you sell the house to buy this guitar, you must at least have enough money left over to rent a place. Living under overpasses is hard on vintage finishes. Plus you'll have all those heart stopping moments of running after you're fellow vagabonds as they roll on down the road with your '55 riding high amongst their possessions in their K-mart shopping cart. Hell, I had a friend who spent a night at a Mission, and he said they tie their shoes to the bed at night so they won't wake up in the morning without them.

So unless you have a few $K left over after selling the home, I might suggest you pass. But you make a striking a statement for the panache of the homeless. :thu:

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but why is the shipping $500?

is the UPS truck included?

I hadn't noticed that. :eek:

Well, then the deals OFF!

But actually, I wonder if a good part of that is for insurance. It has to be pricey to insure a $300K guitar to be shipped through the mail. But OTOH, he states that insurance claims are the responsibility of the buyer. :idk:

Maybe a nice RI instead


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I know that's probably just a price for getting it "out there" on ebay and the real selling price will be much lower,,,,but seriously? Paul Kossof? Whoopty doo! Does he actually have THOSE kinds of fans?


Considering real 59's don't even break 200k anymore, I think this one would be lucky to get much more than 100k.

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