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anyone play lap steel guitars?


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Lap steels are a ton of fun! Like any instrument, it can take a lifetime to master, but the basics come quick and the fun is instant.


The Rogue Jersey Lightning is a good starter steel with a proper scale length. Amazon has the red one for $149 and you can get Music 123 to price match and get free shipping.


The Rondo Agile is pretty decent too, this ash one with a P90 would be fun.


What you don't want is one of the $99 Ebay specials that go by many names, Rogue, Galviston, Artisan, etc. Its not so much that they can't sound good as it is they have a very short non standard scale and would not be the best to learn on.


When you firmly get the steel bug and are ready to move up, give me a shout and I can hook you up with something special.




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I have two and I've honestly never learned to play therm as their own instrument... I just add them to recordings for layers or effects....


Lap steel is a very versatile instrument and can fill a lot of musical needs and spaces. I built one for a guy that uses it solely for ambient and sound effects in the movie scores he produces.

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Are they difficult to play?

I'm thinking about getting a cheap one to see if I like it. Any suggestions?



I think they're fairly easy to get started on. My suggestions: 1) Learn to play it by fingerpicking. Deadening the unused strings makes your playing a lot cleaner. 2) Pay attention to your intonation (playing the notes in-key). Practicing to a backing track will help here, it should be very obvious when you're playing out of tune.

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It's hard to see but there is lap steel in there! ;)


Some vintage U2 for ya, featuring The Edge on lap steel:




That's all I can think of, off-hand. I have a lap steel that I've tuned to an E6 tuning; I just haven't found a use for it yet.

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There's a guy called Paul Middleton and the Angst Band in my home town who does an absolutely inspirational version of 'Spoonful', with the main riff played on both a distorted lap steel and by the guitarist simultaneously. Slow slides between phrases, superb sound.... can't find a youtube vid of it though unfortunately. You can do great things with them.

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