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Tascam X48 standalone HD recorder any good?

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I don't have one and don't know anyone who has one, but it's been in the product line for a long time and it gets updated now and then, so I suppose it should be decent, at least as a recorder. As a DAW without a control surface, though (I only mentioned that since you mentioned VST plug--ins), I dunno.


It's pretty much a Mackie x-bus console without the mixer controls and with a hard drive attached. It might be like the x-bus in that it doesn't "play" the fancy GUI that most VST plug-ins have, so you can't use any plug-in, only some. And I don't know how it handles those that require a hardware key. I know it has a USB port, but I dom't know if the lock software can be installed and run on it. If you're serious about it, take a run down to the TEAC office and get Jeff Laity or one of the tech guys there to give you a thorough run-through.

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I'm not serious about it right now, but I noticed that I've had several conversations about it, and it does interest me, especially after my nightmarish computer woes. I'd love to have something in which I don't need to deal with drivers, constant updates, etc. I flick it on and it works. It's designed to do one thing and it does it well. So I may consider this in the not-so-distant future. Thanks, Mike!!

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The RADAR look great, but are bloody expensive. Since I'm going to use my Apogee for I/O anyway, I was thinking that I would use a good, robust stand-alone DAW that was good for mixing, editing, etc. and be done with it. That's my thought with these things, anyway.

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But... the way I look at stand-alones, is that they have a specific task. To capture efficiently and accurately. And you do have a Pro Tools setup. So, if it were me, I wouldn't complicate the choice by trying to have it do editing and mixing too. I'd look for the one piece of hardware that will compliment you current workflow. Capturing is not really the forte of a native PT system. So yeah, I've looked too. But why worry about the GUI etc? Personally, I'd go for whatever Alesis 24, Mackie or whatever that works nicely with your AD. Then transfer to PT and overdub, comp, mix.

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Lee: If I were to go this route, I'd be looking to ideally replace Pro Tools, not augment it. I don't have enough scratch for both. One or the other ideally. I suppose if I could keep an older Pro Tools rig running, that might work, though, but then that's more crud in my studio, where space is already at a premium.


Radman: I don't think I need that, do I? I just need ADAT I/O to get my eight channels of Rosetta 800 in, that's all. And I usually record at 44.1kHz anyway. I just need something that works that requires a minimum of fiddling. I never track more than 16 tracks at a time anyway, and rarely more than eight.


I could go on and on about audio interface nightmares, reinstallation woes, irritating little things that keep cropping up, seemingly having to fix everything twice, etc. in the last eight weeks, but it'll just make me want to smash my fist through a computer monitor again.

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I could go on and on about audio interface nightmares, reinstallation woes, irritating little things that keep cropping up, seemingly having to fix everything twice, etc. in the last eight weeks, but it'll just make me want to smash my fist through a computer monitor again.


Lee, I really, really understand your frustration...given how much stuff I beta test, and what with advance copies of software, I've had my share of nightmares. But the experience you went through seems truly out of the ordinary, a perfect storm of everything possible going wrong. No matter what you get, you'll encounter reliability issues at some point...probably less with a stand-alone recorder, but it too will have something go wrong at some point.


That said, this is the reason why stand-alone recorders exist - because some people would prefer to have one than deal with computers. Certainly for location recording, it's easier to cart around one box than a laptop, adapter, interface, maybe an external hard drive, and the like. The X48 is relatively old but that really doesn't mean much if it did what it was supposed to do...in that case, why revise it?


I wouldn't give up on computers, despite their occasional issues; then again, once I find a combination of things that work, I stick with it as long as I can. I did go through some birthing pains when moving over to Windows 7 64-bit (although some of that was due to a motherboard losing its mind - stuff happens, and once I restored it to defaults, it was fine), but now everything is working happily and I gues I'm set for at least a few years :)

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Lee, I really, really understand your frustration...


Oh, I see, we're doing that "last name" thing now, Anderton? :D


...given how much stuff I beta test, and what with advance copies of software, I've had my share of nightmares. But the experience you went through seems truly out of the ordinary, a perfect storm of everything possible going wrong.


That's for sure....

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Ken, have you looked at the
It will allow use of your Apogee and records directly to USB media. It would be a decent interface for whatever program you are using and function as a stand alone recorder if your computer takes a dump.



I did, and will still consider it. I was looking for a cheaper solution in terms of an audio interface because I don't need really great converters on the audio interface. But the RME stuff is really well-regarded, including their drivers and customer support, and they have rock solid reliability from everything I've heard, so that's why I would be interested in it. But we'll see how this PreSonus goes. Since I got the second one, which actually works, it's been great so far, knock on wood! T'anks!!!

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