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jesus f-

how did you guys get tinnitus? im 24 and freaked out by it



Years of clubbing, bands and loud practice with a Sundown combo amp that had a very nasty midrange spike.


I know of people who have gotten it from a single afternoon shooting large-caliber pistols without ear protection.

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Awesome news. I have mild tinnitus, still have pretty good hearing, but it's annoying. There's so much white noise nowadays I can usually tune it out.


Edit: I'm 27, I got mine from being a drummer without earplugs for years, then seeing a few loud concerts after I already did some damage without plugs. Got most of it I'm guessing between about 12-21 years old.

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Years of clubbing, bands and loud practice with a Sundown combo amp that had a very nasty midrange spike.

I know of people who have gotten it from a single afternoon shooting large-caliber pistols without ear protection.



one afternoon in 1966 shooting .303 Lee Enfields on an open air range while a Cadet soldier at school.

Hearing protection is not for soldier boys.

Now I have a midrange dip and a physical wincing reaction/distortion from loud noise in my left ear, plus variable ringing.

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Good stuff. Most of the time I don't notice it (just gotten used to it over time), but the quiet times I used to enjoy are long gone...can't stand the {censored}ing sound of silence now. Usually it's accompanied with hearing loss which makes it even worse. Luckily for me (and apparently others here), my hearing is great (according to my audiologist). Hey but on the bright side, you're never alone with tinnitus....you always have that same one or two tone song in your head...kinda like a dirge.

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I got it years ago on a very shallow scuba dive. I had been snorkeling for years much deeper, but this very shallow scuba dive had me coming out of the water like a drunk. Dizzy and couldn't hear out my left ear. I thought I just had water in there, but my hearing has been mostly lost in the left and I am left with constant ringing. No one has been able to explain how it happened without me feeling anything, but it is what it is. I am mostly used to it. It does get much louder when I smoke....um.... some herbal cigarettes. I wonder if this cure would work on mine.

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There are dozens of ways to get it. Certain medications, head/neck injuries, high blood-pressure, ear damage, and supposedly even caffeine and stress. The most common way is to listen to music way too loud for too long. I got it from band rehearsals. My ears would ring for a few hours after rehearsals. Then a few days. Then a week. Then one day it never stopped. By the time I started wearing earplugs it was too late. In my case it's not like I didn't get plenty of warning.



It's pretty much the same with all of us, we get and ignore the warnings and think we'll be different then everyone else. And we're not.

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I'm another one that has always had it... I also always thought everyone had it. I'm also prone to vasovagal attacks. Basically my brain thinks I need much more blood, and opens all my arteries up wide, resulting in a sudden loss of blood pressure. I lose vision, go hot and cold, and then all noise around me just kinda goes dull and the ringing in my ears gets really loud. :idk:

Probably comes from that.

I've never tried to tune instruments with it, that's an interesting idea.

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i have mine for over 1 year now, so good news. after 3 months of having it i got used to it and it didn't annoy me anymore. although last summer it returned, because of to much streff the doc said. it took another 3 months to get used to it. since i have it i use earplugs when playing live, but they DO annoy me, 'cause sometimes i can hardly hear what i play and the mixer says the monitors are as loud as hell ;-) when recording/mixing i try to have everything at not-to-loud levels. and i avoid listening through headphones for long and loud periods.

i have it in the 4kHz region, it's in both ears, sounds like a "sssssss". at least it's not a "beep" like for some, which must be terrible. but hey, live goes on and you can still enjoy music!

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jesus f-

how did you guys get tinnitus? im 24 and freaked out by it



I'm pretty sure my permanent tinitus was because the band I was in used to practice in a one car garage and I was located to close to the vocal PA. I think it was actually the singers volume that permanently affected me. I'm sure the overall volume in the garage didn't help either. I would get it after concerts and such but it would usually disappear after a day or so. I'm 44 at this point. Do yourself a favor and wear earplugs if you can.

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Had my T now for about 3 years. It's a sssssshssssssshsssssssh Loud rehearsals, gigs , headphones all contributed - always wear elacin ER 20s now...gigs and when playing. Stops it getting worse. I too attended a few sessions with an audiologist who tried to train my brain to not hear it. Can't say it does or doesn't work. I can go for hours and hours without being aware of it and then in a quiet place it's there again. Hope the breakthrough really is a breakthrough. My T is just about bearable . I'm sure there are some worse, so lets hope for everybody's sake.

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