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Any Love For Mick Mars


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Huge Crue fan here.... but yeah, Mick could have a little better skills in the shred dept. I mean, he's better than me, he's in Crue, but I felt like the band needed a 'crazy' guy on guitar to complement their style. Mick was very quiet it seems. Not killing people in Pantera's, O.D.ing, or hooking up with the hottest blondes of the 80's and 90's. He's just... Crues' guitar player.

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I liked Motley Crue a lot up through about Dr Feelgood and I'd have to say that Too Fast For Love and Shout At The Devil were probably in my top 20 most listened to albums when I was 12-16 or so with Shout At The Devil probably being about number 4 or 5.


He is a very capable lead player, but I think of him as a great rhythm player. I'd put him in the Rudolph Schenker/James Hetfield category of 'outstanding rhythm, very decent lead'. Matter of fact, off the top of my head, I might even suggest those three as the best metal rhythm guitarists of the 80s though I'm sure I'm forgetting some great ones.

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He plays what's right for the songs and for the band. In my book, that's what a "good player" has to do.


I was thinking about his playing last week when "Piece of your Action" was on the radio. He plays within' the song and the moment and he clearly has his own vibe and sound. Within five seconds I know its him playing and that make me give him a thumbs up for being original. :thu:

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I never really got into Motley Crue much. But, they have some cool songs. And, many of their tunes make excellent stripper music. If you live in America, and you haven't witnessed a tattooed hottie grinding to a Crew song, well, you really should get out more! ;)


I did get to see the Crew play live in the 80's. Tommy had that rotating drum kit and it was his birthday, so he was drinkin' whiskey like a fish.


Mick was not flashy, and he has very little solo game. When it was his turn to for a solo spotlight moment on the stage, it was mostly whammy dive bombs and sound effects. Yet, he played very tight. He was right in the pocket the whole time....never missed a note.


Very few people know this, but Mick's been dead for over a decade. And, he still plays just as solid as ever. Best corpse guitarist of all time! :thu:

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Short little scare/theory/lick tidbit:

Interview-rig/gear info:



I love this part of the interview:


Guitar.com: Describe your style and tone.


Mick Mars: I think I have a tone that's bigger and heavier than anybody's on the planet! I defy anybody's tone to be as thick as mine!

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OK. This part is pretty good, too. This interview is a crack up, thanks for posting it!


Guitar.com: Tell us about your guitar collection. Which of your guitars is your favorite and why?


Mick Mars: I don't have very many guitars left, maybe about 50.

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Major props to Mick for all he has been through. Thats good enough for me.



That's what I told him when I met them. He's an amazing guitarist and no matter everything he's been through, he still does what he loves to do. I respect that no matter what that person does.


The fact that it's play guitar in motley crue just sweetens the deal. My Les Paul is signed by him and vince. He's one cool dude.



plus, his riffs are awesome, blues inspired, you can hear it. he always seemed to be the thickest, coolest riffs. didnt have to be the fastest.

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I was and still am a Crue fan. Mick is one of my favorite guitarists. His playing is always spot on and tastey. Add to that the fact that he is constantly in pain from his medical condition, but he still plays his ass off on tour, makes him a musician and a person to look up to. Major props to Mister Mars.:thu:

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Just to make sure no one thinks Mick is really THAT far out there, in Tommy Lee's book, he said that Mick Mars pretty much hates people and hates doing interviews. Tommy said that Mick gives outlandish answers in hopes that the interviewer will just go away.




Guitar.com: Tell us about your guitar collection. Which of your guitars is your favorite and why?

Mick Mars: I don't have very many guitars left, maybe about 50.

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