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Lace Sensors vs Fralin's


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So I am very seriously considering dropping new pickups in my AVRI 62 Strat that I've got on the forums. It's not moving and I really love her so yeah, new pickups. I am wondering if anyone has some thoughts on Lace Sensors vs Fralins for Yeah Yeah Yeah Nick Zinner tones. As well as Black Keys, White Stripes tones. I know they use pedals so don't tell me all about the pedal board setup or the amps they use, I know all the gear involved, I just want opinions on pickups....Go!

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I can't say for the specific songs you're thinking of, but the Fralins I've tried have been much more my thing than Lace Sensors. They had more punch, clarity and just plain sounded better to me. I've got Kinman Woodstocks in my Strat now and like them even better than the Fralins.

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Never tried Fralin's but I've always been a big fan of Lace Sensor's... they might not be 100% traditional sounding but the clarity and sweetness of the tone they deliver more than compensates in my opinion.

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Never tried Fralin's but I've always been a big fan of Lace Sensor's... they might not be 100% traditional sounding but the clarity and sweetness of the tone they deliver more than compensates in my opinion.



You haven't lived until you have tried a set of Fralin single coils.

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Hmmmm, the stock 57/62s in that AVRI should do just about anything a Strta needs to do.


The first thing I'd do is to play with the respective heights.


You won't notice much between a good set of Fender wound pickups and a set of expensive Fralins.......in my experience and opinion.


Fender do have a long history of making Strat pickups;)

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I have extensively played a guitar with the Vintage Hots and have a set of them (though I haven't installed them yet) and I've extensively played a guitar with the Hot Golds though I replaced them .


They do each have thief strengths but man... For cleans or edge of breakup tones, I'd say the Fralins are about 50 times better to my ears.


Having said that, if you want to play with appreciable gain, I can see going with a set of Laces. PM me if you're interested in the set of Laces. I haven't listed them but I'd sell 'em.

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Hmmmm, the stock 57/62s in that AVRI should do just about anything a Strta needs to do.

The first thing I'd do is to play with the respective heights.

You won't notice much between a good set of Fender wound pickups and a set of expensive Fralins.......in my experience and opinion.

Fender do have a long history of making Strat pickups;)

I know the good Strat pups must be out there, but every swap to Fralins that I've done or heard has been a big improvement. Fralin are purely a pickup manufacturer and I've never even heard of a Fralin that wasn't a great pickup. Fender is a corporation that wants to ensure that their Squier, Mexico, and entry-level USA models don't upstage their high margin elite models.

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