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Single pedal vs Double pedal vs Double bass drum


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Matt, I'm playin' a double pedal this time around. I played single for years. I still rely on my right foot considerably, especially when I'm doing doubles and triplets with my Hi-Hat. Having said that though, I'm hell bent for leather on learning to play the double tastefully and fairly fast:evil:, I happy to say I'm gettin' there slowly but surely. Later, Marko

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I am thinking about getting a triple pedal for recording use. Does anybody use them?


what are you doing to do? play the third pedal with yo big ass dick? (that's what i do, you probably don't have a big ass dick like i do)


i use a double pedal rather than 2 bass drums because when you have two bass drums you have to carry two bass drums to and from shows and that sucks and also you look like a wanker on stage, no matter what. unless you're in judas priest or something. :blah:

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what are you doing to do? play the third pedal with yo big ass dick? (that's what i do, you probably don't have a big ass dick like i do)

i use a double pedal rather than 2 bass drums because when you have two bass drums you have to carry two bass drums to and from shows and that sucks and also you look like a wanker on stage, no matter what. unless you're in judas priest or something.


The bass drums don't make me look like a wanker!!! My playing makes me look like a wanker!!! :mad:

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Until recently I was using 4 basses, single pedals on the primary two and a lefty and righty double pedal slaving out to the outer basses. Looked cool, I pretended like I really needed them by having different sounds etc., but they were awful to have to carry around (even though I had cut them both down to 8 inches deep). Found I could do most of what I needed to do with one double pedal and saved 10-15 minutes of set up time, let alone carrying and packing time.

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I used to be a double pedal player, but I started to become dependent on the double a lot and my hi hat work greatly suffered, so I switched back to single and learned heal toe (although I'm still getting better at it) I think it's definitely more fun using heal toe 'cause it's quite challenging and keeps me going at the drums for hours on end trying to perfect it.


The less limbs you have to use means more free limbs to play whatever you want! That's why Jojo Mayer plays like he has three hands and three feet.

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Until recently I was using 4 basses, single pedals on the primary two and a lefty and righty double pedal slaving out to the outer basses. Looked cool, I pretended like I really needed them by having different sounds etc., but they were awful to have to carry around (even though I had cut them both down to 8 inches deep). Found I could do most of what I needed to do with one double pedal and saved 10-15 minutes of set up time, let alone carrying and packing time.



Yeah but you actually could use all 4 basses, I love your music it's amazingly unique.

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Thanks a lot Dan, I just wish I could get more people to listen to it! LOL

Really though, the outside basses were unnecessary right now. Personally I feel that if I could get by with a single pedal I would, but there is such a demand for fancy bass work right now.

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Double pedal. i didn't have the room in my studio for a second bass drum, and I couldn't find cheaply enough. I'll probably go double bass drum eventually when I have more space. Having a bit of trouble with the hi-hat, will have to look at a two leg stand. No idea how double drum guys cope.

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Double pedal. i didn't have the room in my studio for a second bass drum, and I couldn't find cheaply enough. I'll probably go double bass drum eventually when I have more space. Having a bit of trouble with the hi-hat, will have to look at a two leg stand. No idea how double drum guys cope.


Hi-hat to bass drum attachment.


It hooks my hi hat stand to the rim of my second bass drum to I can keep the legs retracted and have it sitting right next to my second pedal. :thu:

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