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Your least favorite thing about being in a band.


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Humping (lifting not sexually) B3's, Leslie tone Cabinets, SVTs, Yamaha Grand pianos, Fender Rhodes suitcase models, up steps with no elevators!
Oh...and the festival sized PAs we used to schlep and stack to the ceiling...
Thank God for truck liftgates...

Dussen nobahdy sey schlepp no more?

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OMFG I was listening to that song today. Awesome band..hard to drum

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Practice. I'd rather just play live all the time :)


But unless you want to get stale, gotta practice new stuff. And I agree with whomever said members who don't practice their parts at home. Practice is sooo much more efficient when everyone shows up knowing their part and all you have to do is polish a few parts and discuss arrangment.


As for hauling the junk, I've been known to mutter "I should've been a harp player" on many occasions.

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OMFG I was listening to that song today. Awesome band..hard to drum



yep especially when the band breaks down and Danny is playing 5/8 and everybody else is in 6/8 and Danny moves his kick around....difficult but damn fun when you nail it.

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Having to compromise. I want to do everything my own way and listen to no one. That's why I've been recording alone since the early 80's. I have a wife and family. I don't want to deal with anyone else anymore.

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Been there, done that!

She was "the queen" and wouldn't even set up her own mic stand - but would get pissy if it wasn't adjusted to the correct height for her.


Bull{censored}. I'd be sitting there saying... you know, we start playing in five minutes. That's just about enough time for you to set up that mic.

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Or that drunk guy at the end of the night that comes over and says (repeatedly) "you guys rule". And as he's spitting all over you and stumbling around, he wants to help you with your equipment.



That's when I say "sure you can help, grab that over there" and point to the guitar cabinet. He's too drunk to know that it's not part of the kit. It keeps a fan and humbles the guitarist at the same time when he sees his cabinet in 17 pieces at the bottom of some staircase.


Why do something to the guitarist when someone else can take the fall?

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Amen to all that has been said.
All those "I had a drumset that was bigger" and " We had a band that was killer" wannabes.....okay, so why aren't you playing?!

The hauling and schelping, setting up, trying to get the best sound in the worst rooms or rooms that need a day of retuning or rearranging to sound good and you have 30 mins. THe other members that "act" busy setting up while they talk to their girlfriends or wife, while you're setting up your set AND the PA and they gladly act like they're doing a big favor by just saying "Check one, two, check check" into the mic. :evil:

ANd yes all the Hollywood types, where you play a gig where you just have fun and maybe make $20-50 appiece and the others are like "yeah, next time we can all chip in and get some big stage lights and have a spotlight.." You and what mouse do you have in your pocket?:lol:

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I hate it when a band member stops taking his meds.

I had it out with that keyboard player yesterday. He had told the guitar player that everything was cool... but he just took everything I said with a grain of salt. The guitar player emailed me this and he was like, what the {censored} is he talking about? I said I had no clue. So I asked him.

It turns out, that I belittled his playing because during a point in a song where there is an organ solo [Hush], I said to him that it's his turn to shine and that he could play it as long as he wanted and to just give us a cue to make the change. Apparently, that's an insult. The other insult I made was about a song that we played only one time. He asked me what I thought of it, and I replied... it needs a lot of work. Now, I was thinking musically. It sucked musically. Anybody would have said the same. But what he was referring to when he asked me what I thought of the song, was what I thought of his harmonizing. So I apparently insulted his singing.

Then, he played me a sorta hip-hoppy version of an old tune we are covering. Then asked me what I thought of it. I said honestly, I prefer the old version. That was ALL I said. I didn't say I had to sing the old tune the way I was, I didn't say I wouldn't sing it this way, and I didn't say I wouldn't split the song with the other singer like this one did. But apparently I'm not a team player anymore because I like the old version of the song.

I read all of this and simply said he needed a reality check. I never said any of the things he accused me of saying. Of course the reply was that I was all kinds of {censored}ers and never email him again.

No problem, there. We agree on something.

So the guitar player and I decided we never wanted anything to do with this crazy {censored} again.

That's the {censored} I hate.

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Band members that aren't as serious as you

Band members that can't show up on time

Band members that think that they don't need to learn their parts

Band members that think they're more important because of the instrument they play

Band members that want to cover a song that nobody has ever heard (what's the funking point of playing a "cover" then?)

Band members that wank off in a song because their "simple" yet appropriate part is boring them

Band members that think their only contribution to the band is showing up and lending their talent- excluding money contribution, promotion, equipment transport etc...

Band members that worry more about their clothing than their playing

Band members that show up to a gig or practice without proper hardware (no extra strings, forgot stick bag, can't play without my pedals, etc...)

Band members that generally drink too much

Band members that need to smoke while practicing in a small room where no one else smokes

Band members that like to noodle when others members are trying to talk

Band members who don't have another job- this translates to general immaturity and lack of drive

Basically I just don't like guitar players!

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Back stabbers. I hate them...

some one who quites due to thier job ( owns name and songs) and leaves rythm section out too hang- then a month later has a new rythm section.. this is after doing a 5 song demo 2 live shows ( 1st went over awesome) and a live tv show! oh yeah... and keeps the taping of the live show and wont return emails- since I cant call her due too she had her phone # changed RFLMFO-

Diva Ex opera singers who thinks her {censored} dont stink- and all they want to do is record- but if we play out...it will only be nice places .. since she has class- WTF????

Back to a simple 3 piece... no Females involved! heaven...

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when you play in a band with dudes you see like 10 times more man dick than you see {censored}


oh, and I-95. I-95 and man dick


every time we play an out of town show there's some kind of major traffic catastrophe and we end up late as hell. like one time a newport cigarette truck flipped over, blocked the whole highway, there was mass looting of the cigarettes, etc. of course traffic was diverted to the side roads and they were all gridlocked, etc. but there's something every time. last weekend it was only a tire blowout (someone else) and they hit the wall and blocked a lane or two


and people complaining about my erratic driving. sure it's a 1986 15 passenger van with some day care company painted on the side, but i gotta bob and weave through traffic like a runningback, i hate being late to {censored}. walk in the door "you're on dudes" i love setting my drums up in 20 seconds, everything all maladjusted and {censored}ed.


i keep thinking of stuff. soundmen who stuff {censored} in my bass drum. if i wanted a sweater in there i'd have brought one dickhole.


ah, i remember this one show where the sound man was checking levels on guitars. he's in the back on the soundboard and he asks the guitar player to turn his amp down a bit and the guitar player just gives him this defiant rambo look and steve mcqueen style says "no" never heard anything put so bluntly, soundman left it at that! funny as hell. wish i could remember what band it was!

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"Band members that like to noodle when others members are trying to talk"




I get accused of this fairly frequently. If I sit down to check levels, make sure crap is positioned correctly, etc, and someone starts up a conversation or decides that is the exact moment they need to tune their guitar, I don't see how that is my problem. Gotta play the kit before I REALLY need to play the kit. I don't bitch when the lead plugs his guitar in and shreds for a few minutes to make sure his {censored} is set up right.

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