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Everything posted by JTEES4

  1. Gloss Black...nickel or chrome hardware.
  2. Generally speaking, it's because most people are AHoles.
  3. I have not had any issues with them over the years, my only issue is the shipping is never free, and seems a bit expensive at times.
  4. Vince Gill...in...uhhh....Vince Gill. The guy can tear it up, but he usually showcases his vocals more than the guitar.
  5. You have to pay shipping. It's no different than buying from a store...if you buy from a store, do you expect to be reimbursed for gas and tolls? As far as shipping price....you got to shop around, can be done online....but always stay away from shipping "stores".
  6. Pedals. All of them. You've got a point there. Every $40 pedal is now $125-$200. Why? Because people are willing to pay it. Ridiculous.
  7. I am not and never have been a EVH fan....but to say he is not in the top 50 is ludicrous. When he did his thing, at that moment it was amazing.....regardless of how pedestrian it seems today. As with anyone....you have to put it into context at that exact time. Same with the Beatles. Some sounds like just OK...then you dig deeper and realize some of the amazing stuff that was done with 4 tracks. Amazing.
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