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johnny nobody

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I have been censored by the establishment. Although I am an individual who has invented and built the best drums in the world, Im not allowed to talk about them on this forum. So I'm looking for a good drum site that dosnt censor my right to talk about MY drums. Where I can answer questions about MY drums. If anyone knows a good place please let me know.



Spamming your wares is not aloud on these forums. Answering question about your product and generally contributing to the forum is. The Amp Forum has many amp builders that participate in discussions and add quite a bit to the forum, but they don't push their amps on anyone.

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Try drumchat.com. They've got some naive people over there.

Dude, you agreed to a set of rules when you signed up here. You broke the rules. The admin is being cool with you but has let you know that if you continue to break the rules, you're gone. These are not difficult concepts...but then again.....

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First, you did not "move my post" you discarded it. WHY? You moved the second post. Instead you tossed evidence of innocence into where ever.

Second my first post was not spam. I made a statement about my personal kit as an individual drummer. Others ask questions and I answered. If im not allowed to answer a price question thats all you had to say.

Now I am being threatened with termination if I dont go away.

I dont feel like a participating member.

Johnny Nobody



Funny, ... people read and interpret what THEY want to read and interpret!

Your first thread is in a location called the "THREAD JAIL". I just revisited the thread and NO ONE asked you a question about your kit. You simply came on and spammed us (a blatant violation of the Terms of Use) and I ended the thread to the Thread Jail to avoid any more embarrassment to you due to the amount of harassment you were getting. (sorta doing you a favor, ... if you will).

When you persisted, I moved the thread to the Spam sub-folder and sent you a warning.

I threatened you with termination if you do not participate by the rules and continued to do as you did ... which was to say that we were censoring you. (which is not what was happening, but we do have that right as a private forum, ... should we deem that necessary).

I never threatened you with a ban if you participated. Folks participate on these boards all day long and never tout their wares.

We do have a place for that, and the regular forum is NOT that place.


Just thought I would clarify that point for you, since you seemed to be interpreting it to your favor.



Dendy Jarrett (no Mr. Jarrett necessary)

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I politely moved your post to the drum spam sub forum. If that is not good enough for you, I can certainly terminate your membership.



Several people did ask questions, one was about the price for a snare. I am not in the least embarrassed for what others have posted on that thread. So if you would put that post#1 on the SPAM thread uncensored it would be GREATLY appreciated. Or is it the others that you protect? BAIL ME OUT!

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Several people did ask questions, one was about the price for a snare. I am not in the least embarrassed for what others have posted on that thread. So if you would put that post#1 on the SPAM thread uncensored it would be GREATLY appreciated. Or is it the others that you protect? BAIL ME OUT



Why don't you threaten violence if he doesn't? That could work!

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Several people did ask questions, one was about the price for a snare. I am not in the least embarrassed for what others have posted on that thread. So if you would put that post#1 on the SPAM thread uncensored it would be GREATLY appreciated. Or is it the others that you protect? BAIL ME OUT!



i think its time someone wiped the sand out of their vag.

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Ok, you asked for it, I combined the two other threads (the original thread and the secondary thread) into one thread on the Spam Sub Forum.

Good Luck With That!




Several people did ask questions, one was about the price for a snare. I am not in the least embarrassed for what others have posted on that thread. So if you would put that post#1 on the SPAM thread uncensored it would be GREATLY appreciated. Or is it the others that you protect? BAIL ME OUT!


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Biggest Douche in the Universe.......Johnny Nobody or John Edwards.....hmmm



I think it's a tie. Wait.... no.... hang on..... the biggest douche in the universe is the one who gets told by John Edwards that their dead relative wants them to buy ELECTRIC DRUMS, and actually does it.

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