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We called it quits with our singer


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Some of you may remember some earlier rant threads about my singer, and arguing about miscellaneous bull{censored}. He always said we HAD to do things to be professional, that we didn;t agree with. We got stuck with the work and the tab. He never could drive himself anywhere. He sang lyrics that portrayed women as whore ass bitches that weren't worth two dimes and blatantly disrespected them(women are priceless, and I was taught to respect them, and my mother and stepmother have both earned it)We did have those talks.


After one talk, two days later he was laying stipulations on the PA he didn't pay for. Well, I figured I'd have to deal with it, even though it was horse{censored}. So then I gotta cover his $50 of the practice space again because he got fired from his job.


So he says we need to hang out and be friends, him and my drummer hang out, which consists of him telling my drummer to drive him around to all his friends houses and bars, etc, and not saying much to the drummer when we got there.


Here's where it gets {censored}ed up. My drummer saw him buy $50 worth of cocaine, and snort it, saying that "the other guys in the band aren't cool with this, they don't understand" He owes me about $400. Two days later we play a show, I keep quiet about it. Then he hands me the money from the show, a 50/50 split with the other band, and I find that they have 20 more than us. I ask him if he took it, and he denies it.


We confront him about it the next saturday, before battle of the bands. Huge argument, I left band. I get talked back in by guitar player because the drummer was about to leave. Singer comes clean about the things we already know about. I say that I'll come back, but I am not driving the singer anywhere or doing anything for him, he needs to carry his own load.


We advance in Battle, we get beaten by a band that I consider to be crap. Although their songs were run of the mill commercial crap, they had choruses. Our chorus vocals have always sucked, except for the ones I sing backup on and attempt to do what is necessary to keep them in people's heads, and those still aren't that good.


Anyways he books a show during our guitarist's vacation (he knew about it ahead of time but forgot), and so I have to cancel and apologize and kiss ass for him screwing up. All this time he is bitching about our guitarist taking vacation. Did I mention that he moved an hour out of town with his mom, and has no way to practice.


My stance was that since we got the bitching out of the way and apologized, that now it was time to talk about what we were going to do to move forward with this. He keeps on saying (in turbo talk so he might be high) he is going to book all these shows, and I say we don't need to book shows, we need to fix our songs, etc. He says umm-hmmmm, mmhmmm, but we need to keep the machine rolling. So after all this I ask if he is going to make it to practice, and he says, "only if i can get a ride, i'm trying to get a ride" None of us will give him a ride.


SO we go a month without seeing him or practicing. Then he shows up for the show. And he plays like complete crap. He forgets a bunch of his lyrics, repeats one line of a 4 line chorus 3 times, and is silent for one line.


That was it.

1. He borrowed money fom me because he had a drug habit that he lied about.

2. He stole money from us and lied about it.

3. He can't get his {censored} straight and expects us to fix it, and insults us for doing something for ourselves.

4. His lyrics and choruses suck. Really bad.


All this for a guy with a good voice but limited range. It feels really good. We auditioned a better singer the day after the show.

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Originally posted by ToeJamFootball

you sure that wasnt LSD he bought???

thats good for you man, he sounds like a real wanker that really needs to get his {censored} together before he turns out like Layne,RIP:(




I'll bet it really was coke. He already has LSD (Lead Singer Disease).

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Drugs are not the problem here, in my band everybody does some kind of drug and no problem at all,

but here we got responsibility issue, this man just didnt cared about his band.

Singers are arogant motha{censored}ers, thats why we dont have any...






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I've delt with a lot of {censored} from fellow musicians over the years. One thing that I would never put up with is anyone who does drugs or drinks at practice or gets drunk on stage. Big no no in my book.

I hate dealing with the majority of rock singers. I even took vocal lessons a few years ago so we didn't have to look for one and deal with their crap

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Yeah, thats rough when band members dont pan out. Going through the process of getting a replacement seems daunting but its always worth it in the end.


Chin up. Y'all did well and made a good move.


Hope the singer can get his life on track before he screws it up even more.

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Well I almost quit a few times. I'd call him out on something, we'd have a huge blow-up, then he'd agree to change. Thing is, two days later, he was back up to his old shenanigans. I had already had 3 huge blowups with the dude, So on the fourth, I walked out and quit. My drummer said that if I left, he'd leave too, so then my guitarist talked me out of it.


At that point, it was pretty much known that I was not going to do {censored} for the dude anymore. So he started leeching off my other bandmates. They had a much lower tolerance for it than I did, and they ended up making the decision.


WIth my other bandmates, it was always "we're on a roll, let's not stop now, we got a great show coming up, etc..."


I didn't care, because I really didn't enjoy playing our shows anymore.

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Originally posted by bonscottvocals

Hey, I'm a lead singer (and bass player).

Sounds like the guy was a stinkbomb of a human being, regardless of his position in the band. You guys did more than you should have, and you should remain clear of him.

yup... you put up with way too much before y'all tossed this pile of {censored}.

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