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Originally posted by Fran da Man

Pick the seeds out of it, and dig away the hard surrounding.



What do you mean by "pick the seeds"?



I had one on my finger... just got rid of it. First I kept cutting it off, but it would always grow back. This last time I cut it down to below the level of the surrounding skin then let it heal just to the point where it was no longer an open wound. As soon as I did that I started using that acid wart remover you can buy over the counter. Three weeks of that and a lot of skin peeling followed, but now it seems to be gone.

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Originally posted by J.

What do you mean by "pick the seeds"?

I had one on my finger... just got rid of it. First I kept cutting it off, but it would always grow back. This last time I cut it down to below the level of the surrounding skin then let it heal just to the point where it was no longer an open wound. As soon as I did that I started using that acid wart remover you can buy over the counter. Three weeks of that and a lot of skin peeling followed, but now it seems to be gone.




Re: "seeds" - I think he's probably referring to "cauliflower" warts, where there's a segmented section in the middle packed with little "fronds" of wart tissue, surrounded by a solid wall of wart tissue. I had one of these when I was a kid, I pulled out everything from the center until they stopped coming back, then tore the edge off. After several repetitions, it stopped coming back. Painful way to deal with it, but I was young and stubborn. Now, I'd just have it frozen off with liquid nitrogen.

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I had a nasty one that was halfway under the nail of my thumb. Big, too.


Go to the doctor and ask about Tagament (the ulcer medicine) huge doeses of the stuff will make u immune to warts. Worked wonderfully for me! You have to go to the doc's, though cuz the doeses are like, 4 times standard dose.

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I had one on my elbow that I tried cutting, pulling, pinching, pushing and stabbing with a pencil until it looked like hamburger meat when I was bored in WWII class but it always came back.


Dr. Scholl's sells some over the counter Freeze Off stuff that took mine right off. Hasn't been back since.

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By seed, if you look, there is sometimes a small black bit in the center of the wart, the "seed", like a poppy seed. Many folks believe that if you can dig that out, the wart will go away. I used to have a few on my hands, but they all went away on their own, but it took years. I'd say get a doctor on the case, since it's a finger tip.


We're trying the duct tape on one on my 13 year-old's foot. It's not painful, so we haven't gone for the doctor, yet.

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I had a plantar wart on my foot. I used prescription DUOFILM to treat it and used toenail clippers to dig down to the core a little at a time. I don't think the DR. told me toenail clipperd, but to use a sharp object, and I couldn't think of anything else....

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