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What is the most beer you ever drank?

SA Rios

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The most beer I've had in one consecutive rally is 16 Coronas. We were at Red Rocks for a Steve Miller Band show, and we started drinking in the parking lot at 2pm. I finished the last of my beer right before they patted me down and took my ticket at the gate. I then took about 10 steps past the gaggle of cops standing around, and threw up all over the stairs and handrail, then again about 10 steps up.
Feeling much better, I drank 4 more Killian's when we got inside. I spent most of Steve Miller's set flat on my back.
We had 8th row seats, too.:freak:

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Maybe 6 beers. And it doesn't do a whole lot for me. It's not the taste or the alcohol, it's the sheer volume of liquid. I hate breaking the seal after drinkin' beer all night. End up pissing like a race horse every 5 minutes after that. Annoying as hell.


I can drink my bourbon and only have to take -maybe- two pisses before i pass out.


For those curious, the average human bladder can hold between 500-700ml of fluid depending on the person. That's in the neighborhood of 18oz give-or-take a few. THE URGE to piss happens at only about 7oz. 7!!


I go to the Lucky Lab, grab three imperial pints (at 568ml each) of Reggie Red ale, and that's about 60 oz.


Do the math.. that's nearly 5 pisses if painfully held-in. SO {censored}ing obnoxious.


Gimme the bourbon.

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Maybe 6 beers. And it doesn't do a whole lot for me. It's not the taste or the alcohol, it's the sheer volume of liquid. I hate breaking the seal after drinkin' beer all night. End up pissing like a race horse every 5 minutes after that. Annoying as hell.

I can drink my bourbon and only have to take -maybe- two pisses before i pass out.

For those curious, the average human bladder can hold between 500-700ml of fluid depending on the person. That's in the neighborhood of 18oz give-or-take a few. THE URGE to piss happens at only about 7oz. 7!!

I go to the Lucky Lab, grab three imperial pints (at 568ml each) of Reggie Red ale, and that's about 60 oz.

Do the math.. that's nearly 5 pisses if painfully held-in. SO {censored}ing obnoxious.

Gimme the bourbon.

Yo I like to piss. Any reason to handle my weiner in public is good enough for me.:thu:

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Yo I like to piss. Any reason to handle my weiner in public is good enough for me.


I hate the pressure feeling of having to piss. I hate having to harsh my relaxation by stumbling into the bathroom and pissing in the bathtub because I'm too drunk to aim for the toilet.



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And pee like a girl! NEVER! Real men don't tuck unless {censored}tin'!

or something. But still.. i hate makin' a dozen trips in one night.

That's when you spend the whole evening just sitting on the toilet. That way you'll only have to make one trip! :D

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That's when you spend the whole evening just sitting on the toilet. That way you'll only have to make one trip!


I can just see it now.


"How'd you spend your Friday night?"


"Sitting naked wearing only a life preserver in the bathtub. A cooler full of beer next to the tub. I drank and pissed and drank and pissed until I passed out."


"Damn, and all I did was go to Applebees."

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Mrs. Thumper is a caterer. Some years back she catered a gig where she provided a half-keg of Portland Brewing Co. MacTarnahan's Ale. The guests hardly touched it. She brought it back Friday night, and asked me to make sure it got back to the brewery by Monday evening so she wouldn't forfeit the deposit. She then took off for a Chick Weekend at the Oregon Coast.

So I was stuck at home for a weekend with a nearly full keg of Mac's Ale. It was hard going, but with some help from the neighborhood guys, we got 'er done. :D

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I'd say the most beer I've ever drank in one session was 15-18. The most liquor I'd say a liter (5th and a half I think) of cheap vodka.

I used to drink a 5th of cheap vodka almost everyday. It's like I couldn't function without it. I'm glad those days are way behind me.

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our general rule when shopping for the reading festival mayhem is a case of 24 500ml cans a day (3), and a bottle of hardtack a day (jameson por moi).

it usually gets completed, but we do also have other 'things' in the arsenal of inebriants that make completing the alcohol that little bit easier.

one year we were camper vanning through europe and returned through andorra on the way to england and reading... we only bought 2 bottles of hardtack... a 10 litre bottle of smirnoff, and a 15 litre bottle of jim beam, both with pump-action shot delivery sytem... :D


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