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What is the most beer you ever drank?

SA Rios

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I imagine it was back in my late teems early 20's when I could put down 20 beers in a night:freak: I couldn't and wouldn't want to to try that now.



+1. I think I'd die if I tried that now. I shudder to think of the pain the next day would bring.

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I can't really think of the time I drank the most beer. Vodka? Yes. I remember that. I didn't even puke! It was about 5/8 of a 1.75 bottle of Svedka.

I do remember when we saw Umphrey's and I drank all that nasty Berghoff. I never in my life had a worse hangover than that. :freak:

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American beer cans are tiny compared to European ones.


Yeah they are, when I used to work at a hotel I spoke to this American woman who said she struggled to drink a pint, which is about 1/25th of the average nightly consumption of a student scrum-half :)


Most I've had is probably ~15 pints in a session.


The record is undoubtably held by this guy, with 106



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on my 20th birthday I drank about 14 pints of guinness and about 8 double JDs and cokes. I was HAMMERED. Not sure it's the most I've ever drunk, but it is definately in the top 5 for one night's consumption...



14 pints of guinness? I find that impressive. I wouldn't be hungry anymore after I'd drunk 2 of them...

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I didn't say it did, Ameican beer cans are just really small to me. Infact I'd probably drink more if the cans were amall here cos a coke can sized drink can be polished off in a couple of mouthfuls

when I first started drinking I had a hard time drinking beer out of a can because I was having a hard time not thinking of it as a soda. I am well over it by now though :thu:

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Oh man, a few years back I went on my first trip to New Orleans, and drank for 12 hours straight! And I mean constantly drank too. The other pilot I was hanging with was a Marine Col. and couldn't believe I'd never been to NO before, and the orders were that we were going to drink a beer or two at EVERY bar on Bourbon St., and we did, followed up with hurricanes at Pat O'Brians. I still cannot believe I actually walked out of there, and was sick as hell the whole next day. I have never before or since drank that much, and still have no idea how I made it out of there alive!:eek:

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