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Good vibes needed...


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He's a cat that belongs to one of my friends, and has been in shaky health since losing the majority of his teeth some time ago. Apparently he's taken a turn for the worse, and I'm really hoping that he pulls through, but it doesn't look good.:(


Hang in there, little guy.

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I recently had my Parents dog put to sleep. She was a 14 year old Jack Russell who was blind, deaf, missing teath and had panic attacks. My parents didn't have the heart to do it, I think it was the humane thing to do.


In anycase, it's sad when an animal suffers so I'll toss on some Beach Boys for 'em

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He had some sort of serious tooth decay that necessitated the removal of some of his teeth some time ago, which had inhibited his eating to some degree. That's not the current problem, though.


The vet's put him on antibiotics and taken some blood to run tests; we'll see tomorrow.


Thanks, guys!

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He's not gonna make it. :cry:


He's been suffering from FIV for some period, and it's sent his liver and kidneys into shutdown. He's not eating, and there's nothing the vet can do except delay the inevitable. They're putting him down tomorrow morning.


It's a pity, because he was one of the most affectionate cats I know.


Thanks for the support.

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i feel your pain.. after lost my partner's two cats, we have entombed them in the garden, and seeds a little shrub on each of them. Shrubs are still here and sometimes, looking Shrubs flowers, we have a tought for them and good moments we had with them....


Peace for kitty :(

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He's not gonna make it.

He's been suffering from FIV for some period, and it's sent his liver and kidneys into shutdown. He's not eating, and there's nothing the vet can do except delay the inevitable. They're putting him down tomorrow morning.

It's a pity, because he was one of the most affectionate cats I know.

Thanks for the support.


Poor thing. I am so sorry. FIV is a nasty disease. Very similar to HIV in humans. Just think the suffering will be over....he is in kitty heaven.

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