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Rickenbacker 'score'

greystoke 2

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Hi all....Seems that I only use this excellent site when I need assistance. Recently scored a early '70s Mod.4001 bass as well as a Sunn Concert Bass head w/ a 200S matching cab. that contains 2- 15" JBL's all for the piddlely sum of $500.00.....Canadian!!! The inst. is mint and the cab. is too except for the usual scratches - 1 handle??!! Head is mint. Looking the "gift horse' in the mouth, I noticed some discrepancies - namely....while it has the neck thru body, triangle inlaid rosewood fretboard, chrome covered brdge p-up and nat. maple fin. - The ric-o-sound jack plate is sans a serial# and the body, as well as the neck, is white bound instead of the checkered body binding most sources say is proper. It has 2 trussrods that were outa wack that my friend Dave at Ray's Music here in Kimberley remedied to produce a lot better action than it came with. I really do prefer my Jap. Fender Jazz Bass to play cause the Ric just seems too damn small[except for neck]. I was wondering if anybody could help me nail the age of this sucker down with advice/pics or experience, 'cause I think I'm into selling it [At a HUGE profit of course!] Kidding [A bit]. Anybody 1/2 way interested in my problem can contact me at:greystoke144@shaw.ca

Your's, R. Perry from Kimberley B.C.:thu:

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:rolleyes: The Dude who sold it to me said he had it since the early '70s & since he's 'round 65 or so and bought a house in a small community where you fart and they smell it on the other side of town in under 15 min.s...AND the Mounties might

as well move in with you - they're so on the ball....AND, well...it just would'nt 'do' to have a Guitar Gangster in these parts-[somebody just might invite him

hunting or fishing don't you know!] It's a Ric allright and if somebody would explain how to post a pic on this site, I'll definitely do that. High gain? - Dunno. A simple answer to plate is perhaps it was replaced or turned around. I believe it was'nt 'ground off - [#], cause it still shows the chrome without any tool markings. I'd own up to a suspicious Ric as soon as all the Dudes who believe they have stock neck plates on their assorted Fenders who don't - Do. I did go to Ric site and only had one response that advised me that the amp and cab. were the real "steals"....Comments?

Your's, greystoke 2

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, cause it still shows the chrome without any tool markings. I'd own up to a suspicious Ric as soon as all the Dudes who believe they have stock neck plates on their assorted Fenders who don't - Do. I did go to Ric site and only had one response that advised me that the amp and cab. were the real "steals"....Comments?

Your's, greystoke 2



Man, hope you're right about that. If not, you're not out too much $$ I suppose. I've never seen serial numbers get rubbed to nothing, even on my friend's 61 Precision. The strange thing is someone who'd own a Ric that long would know the value of this bass if it were in fact somewhat a collector's item and try to make a little more $$, for sentimental reasons at the very least. Well, anyway, good luck!!:thu:



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I don't doubt it's a real ric...who else would duplicate the dual rod? ;)


Serial numbers don't disappear. I don't doubt he's had it for a long time and probably had no knowledge of the full chain of ownership. Hell, I never looked for a serial number on my SVT head when I bought it 23 years ago (from a friend of a friend who made guitars), and when a couple years later I went to insure it - lo and behold, no serial no. :rolleyes:


By the time I'd realized it, the fellow I got it from had moved somewhere out of state and I couldn't track him down to ask him about it ...and I knew the guy well enough to doubt that he was thief anyway.


At any rate - you've got a bomb rig at this point. ;) The higain neck pickup has little poles under the strings - the toaster is smooth and looks like, well, a toaster.

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, cause it still shows the chrome without any tool markings. I'd own up to a suspicious Ric as soon as all the Dudes who believe they have stock neck plates on their assorted Fenders who don't - Do. I did go to Ric site and only had one response that advised me that the amp and cab. were the real "steals"....Comments?

Your's, greystoke 2


If there's no serial number on the jackplate, then it's a suspicious Ric.

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Agree this is suspicious...3 normal locations (neck plate, bridge, jackplate) for Rick serials are at:




If you are screwdriver minded check the post codes ..see amp codes links top of this page...http://www.jedistar.com/jedistar%20amp%20dating.htm


Nb. the guitar can be older than the pots..but it will be a good feeling to know that the codes are in the ball park of the suspect age....

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Gotta agree - Replcmt. Jack PLATE. - Why?....'Cause 'Hot' is'nt logical because of aforementioned acquisition of accompanying Sunn head & cab., that really appears to date from same era. Let's look at this way - Either it's legit OR the 'alluded to theft' had to have been accomplished by a thief with 'Balls' of steel [no pun intended] & the strength of a giant squid [with a musical bent]; - Never mind the logistics of concealing & conveying a rather large mass without discovery. And people, Let's not forget, I was'nt about to hang arround and 'quibble' over details when I bought the items - I gave the asked for price and split - Mainly,[and tell me it has'nt happened to 1 or 10 of you]...I've been burned before, when the seller's without honor have gotten a call offering more in the midst of OUR deal AND [God rot their souls] turning around and saying to me : "Well? - I DID SAY OBO"! - That's actually happened to me more than once!

So...Maybe a poll - How many of you would have turned down the deal as presented or conversely - Acted exactly as I?

I should add that 4 or 5 people related the story of the being too late & bitching 'bout the deal to my guitar tech., that he perversely related back

[with relish!]: "Yeah, I know the guy, he's always doing that - horseshoes!"

Greystoke....P.S. Will attach pics, but unsure 'bout reqs. [Have iMac].:blah:

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Okay. It's a replacement jackplate. This doesn't mean the bass is hot. It could either be hot, or it could mean the original was stolen.


Does the trussrod cover say, "Model 4001" or "Made in USA"?


If I remember the details correctly, Rickenbacker's policy regarding jackplates is that they will replace them if the original part is returned to them. If you don't have the original jackplate, you get a blank part. Trussrod covers are handled more severely; if you don't have the original part to return, they won't sell you a replacement. This is to discourage attempts to 'legitimize' fakes with original parts, which was pretty popular in the 'lawsuit' Ric copy days.


In any case, the value of your instrument is severely compromised, as anyone familiar with Rics will know a missing serial number spells some sort of trouble.

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It's a replacement jackplate. 'Why?' do you ask? Simple, my dear Watson. You have a fake Ric and a real Ric. You want to represent them both as real. Swap the jackplate. The faker has a real serial number and the real Ric stands on it's own.


I'm not saying your contact is the culprit, but the bass has a long history and while he thinks he may have bought it new, I assure you, it wasn't.

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1rstly - Thanx Jedistar for what I should have figured out - vis-a-vis the pot #s! [Although there are a god-almighty lotta screws!]

2condly - the truss rod cover says Mde in USA & Mod. 4001.

And finally, I've never experienced so many pessimistic replies to a topic in my life concerning the legitimacy [or not] for what seemed to me a innocent topic. That last post takes all the marbles for implying someone could produce TWO Rics outa one-[would'nt the stolen plate still make the one it was transferred to......?] Gotta think a simple careful stamping with #ed dies would be a thief's recourse. And....Has anyone noticed that a left-handed Ric has the truss rod cover reversed with the lettering running the opposite way for legible reading? Gotta be the only make I'm aware of that does that!

Yours, Rick P.

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  • 9 months later...
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Well people...While I'm very aware now that the missing jk. plte s.n. is a bone of contention - [born out by a local buyer who nixed the deal on that flaw], I'm still gonna sell it - with the caveat: I've got nothing to hide - I'M honest and will back the inst. up with my reputation. Because of the described condition, I don't think it has had a suspicious or infamous past. I've gotten 1 nibble from the Harmony classifieds and since I'm not figuring to make a "killing" on price AND even though similar 4001's are offered on eBay [in far worse condition] for far more $'s, I'm taking into consideration the nature of a 'sans s.n.' Rick and basically being fair in my asking price. The conundrum of WHY a missing S.N. on the easily modified hardware [compared with other inst.s] is moot in my book. It is what it is. If I don't sell in next couple of wks. - I will attempt to upload pics of the bastard and let the kibitzers free rein.


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It may just be me, but your posts are almost impossibly hard to read. Add some spaces and returns and lay off the abbreviations.


Just me $.02 - hope you like your bass.






is moot in my book. It is what it is. If I don't sell in next couple of wks. - I will attempt to upload pics of the bastard and let the kibitzers free rein.



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