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So, a house across the street from my parents was the target of a home invasion


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I found out by reading the newspaper!! I went to the Ministry of Transport office to take a road test, and while I was waiting I was reading the Toronto Star when I found a blurb about a home invasion the night before which went as far as to mention my street. I got home and called my mom up to ask what happened and she said all she saw was three police cruisers park outside of their house into the early hours of the morning, with someone running back and forth between them.




According to the paper, six guys from 14 to 20 were in on it, with four of them actually going inside.


I am so {censored}ing pissed. I hate these people. My parents have a nice house in a nice neighbourhood and most of the people on their street are pretty nice or just indifferent and mind their own business. These people are a regular circus sideshow though and I can't begin to describe how much they annoy me. They leave all their toys and other miscellaneous junk all over their lawn or in the street sometimes, and I think they have some kind of business selling used cars somewhere. Not really sure, but there's always a different rusty clunker leaking oil on their driveway or parked on the street. They have this annoying ass dog that they allow to run around the whole neighbourhood without a leash, even when they aren't home. The dog just barks at everything and {censored}s on random people's lawns/driveways. No amount of complaining ever did anything, so my neighbour called the SPCA on their ass. Nobody saw the dog for a while, but he made a comeback, and he still runs around leashless.


I get the impression that suddenly they came into a lot of money(inheritance? lottery? maybe even just hard work), bought a big house and a bunch of cars. They spend it on a lot of crap. When they moved in which was not long after us(new neighbourhood with houses under construction), I watched for the whole summer as every other day they received a delivery from various high end furniture and home decor boutiques across Toronto. 3 months of constant deliveries of overpriced {censored}, not a single plant outside their house, although they have lots of junk strewn around their yard which occasionally gets cleaned up. Whatever, landscaping is not everyone's forte.


The thing is they dump buckets of cash on their kids, in particular this one 17 or 18 year old douchebag, and they also do nothing to rein them in. From what I've heard the family is unfortunately a little dysfunctional. A few years ago they bought four gas powered scooters for their kids and these other douchebag kids(like 10-15 years old max) also on my street, to ride up and down the street. Problem is they didn't wear helmets and didn't bother to get out of the way when there were cars driving, so they caused a lot of grief for drivers. All day, every day of the summer they rode the scooters the length of the street, up their driveway, down their lawn, and then to the other kids' house, up their driveway, down their lawn....lather, rinse, repeat until they ran out of gas.


This 17 year old kid thinks he lives in a rap video. He is blinged out to the max, walks like you would expect someone with their pants falling off would, and tries his hardest to fit the image of a stereotype "latino gangster", and he even wear a do-rag to check the mailbox down the street. He stands in his garage and blares gangsta rap loud enough to be heard streets over, for which they've had noise complaints before. They've got three Cadillacs...an Escalade, a late 90's Deville, and a clunky mid 80's Fleetwood that recently was converted into.... his personal {censored}ing lowrider. Now it has a metallic teal paint job with pinstripes and flames, and a hydraulic setup. He stands in front of his house just bouncing the car, or driving around bouncing it, or hanging out in front of a nearby convenience store bouncing his car some more while blasting Ja Rule. I'm not even kidding. Ja {censored}ing Rule. Most of the time when he's not driving it, it leaks a river of oil and is often up on jacks. I mean one time I was buying popsicles for my nieces from an ice cream truck that comes by my house, and this dude was talking to the ice cream guy about buying Rolexes off of him. Where the {censored} does this douchenozzle monkey get the cash to buy a Rolex?


Obviously Mr. Gangsta Wannabe pissed off some other gangsta wannabes who decided they would "roll up" on him. I hope he gets his face beat, and that they pack up and ship their {censored} to someplace else.

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I have a switchblade, a baseball bat and brass knuckles in my room. I remember reading that if a guy has a gun and you have a knife or bat or something and you within like 10 feet of each other, you can hit/stab him before he can react and pull the trigger.

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That post makes me laugh.


If they're as bad as they sound, they either talked {censored} to someone, or ran their mouths bragging too much... Either way, they certainly caught someones attention :D

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if a guy has a gun and you have a knife or bat or something and you within like 10 feet of each other, you can hit/stab him before he can react and pull the trigger.

Oh yeah this works fine. In movies.

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I found out by reading the newspaper!! I went to the Ministry of Transport office to take a road test, and while I was waiting I was reading the Toronto Star when I found a blurb about a home invasion the night before which went as far as to mention my street. I got home and called my mom up to ask what happened and she said all she saw was three police cruisers park outside of their house into the early hours of the morning, with someone running back and forth between them.


According to the paper, six guys from 14 to 20 were in on it, with four of them actually going inside.

I am so {censored}ing pissed. I hate these people.

Obviously Mr. Gangsta Wannabe pissed off some other gangsta wannabes who decided they would "roll up" on him. I hope he gets his face beat, and that they pack up and ship their {censored} to someplace else.


Just what do you mean by 'these people' ?


Word must have got out about someone coming into some money.


You know how 'those people' are. You have some money and they believe they are entitled to all of it and you're screwed if you use a firearm to defend your property.


And no one has seen a thing.


And the beat goes on.

Yeah, the beat goes on.


Drums keep pounding a rhythm to the brain.

La day dah day dee

La day dah day dah. :rolleyes:

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Just what do you mean by 'these people' ?



The family who lives there. I don't know what the rest of your post means.


If they came into money as my conjecture suggests, it was before they bought the house(~6 years ago), not just recently.

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The family who lives there. I don't know what the rest of your post means.

If they came into money as my conjecture suggests, it was before they bought the house(~6 years ago), not just recently.



The rest means that's life in the big city.


The have nots going after the haves.


It's not only a problem in the US.

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drugs my guess , fake watches and white trash , sure you're not in Cali :poke:

It's the suburb of Toronto most known for wishing it was Cali. I hate the place. Full of useless, superficial people completely devoid of personality or individuality, no places to hang out with my friends, next to no places to get gigs(and a very limited audience to boot) and just nothing interesting at all. Just shopping and bakeries.

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Ugh. Is there anything as utterly worthless than "gangsta" culture? Absolutely nothing good ever comes from it.

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I have a switchblade, a baseball bat and brass knuckles in my room. I remember reading that if a guy has a gun and you have a knife or bat or something and you within like 10 feet of each other, you can hit/stab him before he can react and pull the trigger.



Massad Ayoob (cop and self defense instructor) teaches cops that the danger zone is up to 20 feet. Still, once someone has the drop on you and you are pretty sure that he only wants your stuff, it's best to just give it up. Now if you think he's gunna kill you anyway, then yeah rush the scumbag and make him leak.

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They have this annoying ass dog that they allow to run around the whole neighbourhood without a leash, even when they aren't home. The dog just barks at everything and {censored}s on random people's lawns/driveways. No amount of complaining ever did anything, so my neighbour called the SPCA on their ass. Nobody saw the dog for a while, but he made a comeback, and he still runs around leashless.




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He's a little fluffy white toy poodly type thing, barely bigger than my cats. I think what I'll do is dye the dog's fur in random psychedelic colours, then send him home.

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I think what I'll do is dye the dog's fur in random psychedelic colours, then send him home.



Actually that's a damned good idea. But give it a mohawk first. :thu:

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I have a switchblade, a baseball bat and brass knuckles in my room. I remember reading that if a guy has a gun and you have a knife or bat or something and you within like 10 feet of each other, you can hit/stab him before he can react and pull the trigger.



Maybe if the gun's still in his pocket. Otherwise, you're dead. Don't try this at home, kids.

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I have a switchblade, a baseball bat and brass knuckles in my room. I remember reading that if a guy has a gun and you have a knife or bat or something and you within like 10 feet of each other, you can hit/stab him before he can react and pull the trigger.




those items would probably get you in more trouble than a gun....


you are in Florida your castle laws are very pro home owner you should think about that

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I'm confused. Is the family you're talking about the one that got robbed, or the one that did the robbing?



I meant the family. They are a bunch of trashbags who are disruptive to the neighbourhood by leaving their crap all over the place, blocking the street, letting their dog run all over the place, a whole bunch of other crap and now this dumbass kid went and pissed some other dumbasses off enough to have them breaking and entering, and threatening people with knives right across the street from me. He's bringing his crap to a place where it previously wasn't. Who the hell knows what else they'll do and when they'll come back? Maybe with more homies? He's not about to magically change either so I'm pretty sure I can count on more dumb crap involving him and his homeboys happening. The parents caused this by giving the kid, shall we say all cheques and no balances. They are constantly loading him up with cash to go do stupid {censored} and live out his rap video dreams, and the chickens are coming home to roost now.


I hope the kid gets some sense beaten into him...by his parents or otherwise.


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