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Is Ron Paul still running?


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Who needs Ron Paul? Now we've got another Libertarian presidential candidate to choose - Mike Gravel. Yep, he jumped shipped and joined the Lib Party.

Wonder what all the Dem/liberal hating Libertarians think of that? How many of you are going to put that in your pipe and smoke it?

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Who needs Ron Paul? Now we've got another Libertarian presidential candidate to choose - Mike Gravel. Yep, he jumped shipped and joined the Lib Party.

Wonder what all the Dem/liberal hating Libertarians think of that? How many of you are going to put that in your pipe and smoke it?



After reading is stances on the issues, I'm wondering how he considers himself a libertarian.

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Paul is the only one I trust at all (I don't know anything about the Libertarian guy). He's too much into individual rights and minimal government for the media to give him any press, so who know's what will happen. But I hope he gets back in.

I expect that the only thing a president such as Paul could really accomplish would be to inform the people about how much they've been {censored}ed by the government, and what they need to do to get the government to piss off. That would be an excellent start. (And maybe rescind all of the unconstitutional executive orders that his predecessors have signed.)

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Who needs Ron Paul? Now we've got another Libertarian presidential candidate to choose - Mike Gravel. Yep, he jumped shipped and joined the Lib Party.

Wonder what all the Dem/liberal hating Libertarians think of that? How many of you are going to put that in your pipe and smoke it?



While I was smoking it, I realized, he must have jumped ship because he realized his party was full of douchebag Socialists and had been hi-jacked by The Clintons, Nancy "dump fat loads in all my holes" Pelosi, and Harry Reid. He realized that with the abomination that is the power structure of the Democrat party, he either wasn't wacko enough, or wasn't blacko enough, to stand a chance at getting a nomination.


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Why does it matter? He won something like 12 delegates.

Clearly, almost no-one cared enough to vote for him.



Because he is running. I believe that Ron Paul felt he never had a chance. But, he def. had an impact on the election. His viral campaigning of the internet was significant and people, whether they liked him or not, now know that there is a such thing as libertarians and some might be inclined to make a move. I think it is a beautiful thing for the American voting public to realize there are more alternatives than the two parties-system.

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While I was smoking it, I realized, he must have jumped ship because he realized his party was full of douchebag Socialists and had been hi-jacked by The Clintons, Nancy "dump fat loads in all my holes" Pelosi, and Harry Reid. He realized that with the abomination that is the power structure of the Democrat party, he either wasn't wacko enough, or wasn't blacko enough, to stand a chance at getting a nomination.




Is the Republican party much better though? I can't decide which is more corrupt and morally bankrupt.

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Is the Republican party much better though? I can't decide which is more corrupt and morally bankrupt.

I could tell you which one is mentally bankrupt, but I won't.:evil:


I heard a Representative on the radio the other day (I didn't catch his name) and he was talking about earmarks and who got how much for their district/state. Sen. McCain is against these funds (pork) and last election cycle, there were only 2 US Reps who pledged no earmarks. This Congress there are 32 on board. McCain himself has said, if President, he will veto anything coming across his desk, even if it contains only one earmark.

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While I was smoking it, I realized, he must have jumped ship because he realized his party was full of douchebag Socialists and had been hi-jacked by The Clintons, Nancy "dump fat loads in all my holes" Pelosi, and Harry Reid. He realized that with the abomination that is the power structure of the Democrat party, he either wasn't wacko enough, or wasn't blacko enough, to stand a chance at getting a nomination.





I like Mike Gravel. He seems outraged in any interview I've ever seen him in, and no wonder. The media didn't give him a fair shake at all... too much of a rabblerouser to be included.


As for Ron Paul, if anything, he got people fired up, and hopefully those that did will continue to expand their awareness of the Fed, etc. If it weren't for the internet, I think Paul would be a complete unknown. His campaign seems to have flattened out, like a tire with a slow leak.

Let's see what happens with the Wash DC march on Memorial Day.

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Direction and Magnitude people.

The pendulum swung too far to the left and stayed there far too long.

Don't think for a second that all of a Presidential candidate's positions will ever get turned into law. Not even close.

Is government spending at ALL levels in the USA completely out of control?
YES, without question.

Is government control over the general population increasing day by day?
YES, without question.

Are we continuing to send Billions of dollars in aid to countries that hate us and would cut our throats given the slightest chance?
YES, with no end in sight.

Are we continuing to bail out greedy and despicable fat cats with the taxpayer's money?
YES, with no end in sight.

Has this improved the quality of life for those of us paying the bills?
NO, it has made us, our children, and our grandchildren poorer.
And all of those taking a free ride will soon suffer too.

I don't agree with all of Ron Paul's positions, but I agree with him far more than with any other candidate.

The absolutely worst candidates to vote for are the ones that promise you the world (on somebody else's dime).

There is no free ride.

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