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OT: for you married folks...


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Three weeks?! That would scare the {censored} out of me. Though I had an eight year relationship end in ashes which was longer that my sister's first wedding.

Then again - right now - I'm just for enjoying the wonderful company of the one I've found

I just ended an eight year relationship......

by marrying her. we could not be any more happy.....:love:

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The five love languages have a lot more purpose than just between a man and a woman. It can also provide insight into other family members, the least of which being children and the love language best suited to address them with. There are other books out there that are pretty good, including men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti, although if one is agnostic or an atheist they may want to gloss over the religious points made. It also provides some decent analysis into the different ways of thinking between males and the ability to compartmentalize areas of life and females, who intertwine most areas together.

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That's both
at the same time....

I personally think it's absolutely ridiculous for anyone to be married after such a short period, but I am envious that I've never met anyone I've felt so absolutely sure about.

It blew me away too. I'm usually not that impulsive. And in fact I was 26 when we met. Up to that point I was positive--my entire life--that I would never marry or have kids.

But I met her, and after our second night together it was pretty evident it was a good thing. I thought, yep...I could definitely wake up with this woman every day forever. In fact, I didn't want to imagine not being with her.

Still feelin' it.

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Almost a year ago, I ended an 18 year marriage. I may check the book out for my new relationship.


In Texas I met a girl I dated for a few years, was in love with, etc. :blah: :blah: :blah:


Anyways, we had a horrible breakup and it left me questioning a lot of things. I picked up a few books on healthy relationship practices, communication, etc., and they really opened my eyes. Every relationship I've had since has been MUUUUUCH easier after reading about some of the things both she and I were doing and how to deal with them.


This book was my absolute favorite, and the best part is it works for every facet of your life. Friends, family, work, SO's, etc. It discusses every type of conversational nuance you can imagine, how to deal with it, what it really means, what you're saying with certain things, etc.



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