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I love my band and my bandmates


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I'm jealous. Would you consider loaning/renting them out to those of us who are less fortunate?




Actually, my mates are mostly cool. In one band, I get along great with them - they're good folks - but I have more love/respect for them as people/friends than I do as musicians. Not that they are particularly bad, it's just that they aren't especially great either (but neither am I so I can't complain can I?). In the second band, the drummer and I get along swell, but the guitar guys are just kinda......well, they're just such guitar players, ya know?


I have had the good fortune to be in bands with mates that I loved, playing music that we were inspired by and excited to play, and doing it really well - but that was many moons ago. I sometimes find myself pining for how it was "back in the day".


Still, I'm thankful to be playing at all, and it's mostly fun while bringing in a bit of extra income, so it's cool. I just wish I felt as inspired as you all (Tbroom, Sugarskull, Collinwho) do.

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That is all.




That's a great place to be - I'm happy for you...


I'm pretty happy with the lineup in both of my current projects - it's really refreshing to look forward to rehearsals, because your bandmates are great to work with - and not to have any worries going into a gig...




- georgestrings

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Guess I'll join the band member love-fest...


My band mates are pretty good guys. They'd have to be for me to stick around for almost 7 years, now. All family dudes. Great musicians and people who are respectful of each other. Receptive to each other's ideas about lyrics, song structure, etc.


Cool people all around. :cool:

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They're going to let me rock the mic on Saturday night. This is a first for me. I don't have a great voice, but they're supportive nonetheless. I'm so freakin' nervous, and it's only Tuesday.

I think you'll do great. Which song did you settle on, T Broom?

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I like both of my bands.


My original act happens to be one of my best friends, his younger brother I've known almost as long, and a badass, laid back drummer.


My cover act are some seriously cool cats. I'm looking forward to gigging with them. :cool:

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I've been playing bass and singing for about as long as many of the members have been alive. In the beginning, we are all nervous. Heck, I still get cold feet when I get behind the mic, but I have some water, splash a little on my face, and do my thing. I just remember that I'm not playing to 10,000 people for $50,000, I'm playing my music for the love of seeing people react positively to it. I get paid to drive there, set up, break down, and drive home. The rest is gravy.


When you get behind that mic, just do your best, I'm sure that you'll do fine.

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